Monday, September 22, 2008

Wheat Bread Puttu

Bored of usual sandwich as well as bread toast, give a try to this wheat bread puttu, a very good n healthiest snacks for everyone..this dish is prepared with wheat bread n also one of the easiest way of preparing a snack with bread..Kids will surely love this..even adults will like this bread puttu...

8nos Wheat Bread Slices
1/4cup Butter r ghee
10nos Cashew nuts
2tsp Cardamom powder
1/2cup Grated Coconut
1/2cup Sugar

Grind the bread slices in a food processor coarsely n keep aside..heat a kadai, add the butter r ghee n let them melt, break the cashews into small pieces, once the butter r ghee is hot add the cashew pieces n fry them until they turns brownish, now add the grated coconut r dessicated coconut, keep the flame in simmer n fry them for a second, now add the coarsely powdered bread pieces to the ghee n turn them for a while, add the sugar to the bread puttu n stir them for a minute,add cardamom powder to the puttu, stir them for a while n put of the stove...

Serve hot, kids will love for the sure..can prepare them with any sort of bread slices..



Vibaas said... Reply To This Comment

Priya, puttu looks great! bookmarked! :)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Great way to use leftover bread!

Priya Suresh said... Reply To This Comment

Thanks Vibaas n divya for dropping ur comments...

Mahimaa's kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

i just had ur bread puttu and really liked it.. thx dear for the recipe. i will post my pic soon.

Priya Suresh said... Reply To This Comment

Mahi romba nandri for trying one of my recipes...

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