Saturday, September 13, 2008

Soyachunks Fried Rice

Fried rice with soyachunks/soya granules a very good source of proteins..easy to prepare n tasty fried rice ready within few will love this..didnt used MSG (ajinamoto)in this recipe..

2cups Basmati Rice (cooked)
1cup Carrots, French beans n Cabbage (chopped)
1/2cup Soyachunks
1/4cup Tomato ketchup
1/4cup Green chilly sauce
1/4cup Soya sauce (light)
1no Onion (chopped lengthwise)
1/2tsp Pepper powder
1tsp Vinegar
2nos Spring onion

Heat oil in kadai r wok..add the finely chopped onions n stir them for few seconds, dont cook well, add the finely chopped carrots n beans with the onions n stir them to get mixed well..

Cook the soyachunks in hot water with salt until they double their volume..drain them n squeeze out excess of water, keep aside.. now add the green chilly sauce, soya sauce, tomato ketchup, pepper powder, salt, vinegar to the vegetables..cook them for while, try to keep the vegetable crunchy, add now the chopped cabbage n cook for a while..add the already cooked soya chunks to the vegetables n mix well with all sauces..
Close this with a lid for a while, keep the flame in simmer..once the oil get separates from the veggies add the already cooked basmati rice to the vegetables, stir well until the rice gets well mixed, put off the stove.. garnish with finely chopped spring onions..its compeletly optional..

Serve hot with side dish of ur choice..

1 comment:

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Great post. I appreciate the way you have expressed it.
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