Sprouting is a practice of soaking and draining and then rinsing seeds at regular intervaks until the sprouts comes out or either by using jars for making fresh sprouts, i usually make sprouts twice a month with fenugreek seeds, chickpeas, lentils etc and i'll use them often in my cooking...Seeds are packed with nutrients, sprouted seeds are even better. As each grows, proteins, enzymes, vitamins and other nutrients increase whilst becoming more bioavailable. At the same time toxins and enzyme inhibitors are reduced, increasing digestibility...Sprouts grown at home and harvested at the dinner table are the freshest food you’ll ever eat. They wont have lost vitamins like shop bought vegetables or have travelled round the world. They will be organically grown, full of life and energy also sprouting is ridiculously cheap...Jars are traditionally used for sprouting, free and easy to find.. Use them for sprouts that don’t need light, avoid overfilling them to counter bad drainage and poor air circulation and for the same reason don’t use a lid, cover the top in a piece of muslin instead and invert jar to drain..This is how i make sprouts and its absolutely easy to makes fresh sprouts at home anytime..This event is to bring out how to make sprouts and sharing with everyone or either cooking with sprouts and adding them quite often in our daily menu..Do cook anything with sprouts and send them..

Wat u need to do:
1)Cook and create dishes with sprouts as anything(vegetarian, vegan or non-vegetarian are accepted)..
2)Many entries per person are allowed..
3)Link back ur entry to this announcement..
4)I'll accept the old entries, if they are linked with this page..
5)Using Logo will be appreciated..
6)Email me to
Priyasuresh09@gmail.com with subject as
Let's Sprout with following details:
Your Name:
Blog's Name:
Recipe Name:
Recipe url:
A photo of 350pixels width
Please take care to send all ur entries before 15th August 2010..
7) If u dont have blog, no problem..pls do send ur entries to the above mail address, i'll include them while doing the roundup..
Do prepare ur dishes with sprouts and send me through mail, really waiting to see all ur healthy entries!!!
Wow! healthy event Priya..count me in:-)
awesome event ,nutritious and healthy...i also try and add sprouted lentils and beans before adding to dishes...
Wonderful event Priya...am sure part of it :)
Healthy event. Happy hosting!
lovely event, happy hosting Priya
I´ll take part of that event is very interesting!
Healthy event,will sure send..
hey thts a cool theme, love sprouts. hopefully should be able to send atleast one entry
Healthy event....
Healthy and a interesting event..Surely I'm in !!!
Nice event priya, i will try to send some dish.
I am getting excited at the thought of trying this technique I am unfamiliar with and that is healthy to boot!
Great event - Count me in
wow what an healthy event ...nice concept ..happy hosting priya
I will surely participate. I have one or two old entries and just sprouted few more things :)
I tried to make sprouts once but it seemed to take too long and I was afraid it was covered in bacteria or something... I'm sure they were fine... I really want to make sprouts!
Promptly Sent my recipe! Infact, I just posted a sprout's recipe. What co incidence
lovely event..happy hosting Priya..
Healthy event..Sure will try to send some recipe..
c'est parfait et très intéressant
bonne soirée
lovely event.. will try to make something.. happy hosting!
Congratz on the event Priya! All the best to the participants....;)
Let me squeeze my brain juice, see if I'm able to come out with one dish. :)
Will definitely try to sprout something Priya:-)
hey darling just to let u knw,theres no thing tht i m coming up with color mania posts..sorry girl...this dish i just made for my potluck color theme party and my color was green...thts it..sorry and excuse me if theres any confusion..but a good theme infact and wil try n do it in my future posts...tc
healthy event.. Shall definitely participate..
Good theme and healthy theme too dear.. All the best.
Healthy event Priya... Every time i wish to participate n events conduct by you but miss it each time . This time will definitely try to involve in this healthy event
Wow, what a wonderful event. It will get me sprouting...
Wonderful event Priya.Sure will send in my entries.
will try to sprout something different this time..
wonderful event priya, will get to know so many healthy recipes from this one...
interesting event priya..will think of something posting
Good Idea .. Sprouts is something which I do atleast once a week.. so it should not be a prob for me now :)
Nice theme Priya!!! Count me in
Hi priya...first time to ur blog...u have a nice collection of wonderful dishes...the event sounds interesting....will send u the recipes for the event soon...
wow. i really liked the event. Do count me in Priya.
Healthy theme for the event priya,Will send my entry:)
Cool Priya, just made a dish with sprouts this evening....and now i saw ur event....will send my entry soon :)
Such a healthy event. I'll send some entries :)
நல்ல ஹெல்தியான ஈவெண்ட்...
Good theme. I always include sprouts in my cooking. Hope to send in some entry your way.
Count me in dear.I am off to prepare sprouts...
Great theme, Priya..We will surely participate in this event, we have already posted some recipes using sprouts..
Great theme Priya .Count me in
What a great theme, I am very much looking forward to see all the delicious and healthy that will come out.
I have one (probably silly) question: do we have to grow the spouts ourselves or can we buy them, when available? Thanks!
Nice event my entry is on the way. If you wish, you can spread it here too. thanks
What a healthy idea! I am in.
Best wishes,
Very Nice event. I will try to participate.
I am a new blogger. I would like to take part in this event. It's a health theme. Please feel free to go through my blog...I am trying to make the most of my summer holidays to work on my new hobby www.isingcakes.wordpress.com
hi priya
sent in my entry now
Very nice event.Will send something soon
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