When Dibs announced an awesome n uinque event for kitchen treasure hunt, i was quite surprised n asking myself with wat i can come up for this unique event..while searching in my kitchen cupboard i came across some tools which are quite old n still in use...just have a look...
Stainless-steel Tiffin Carrier...eventhough nowadays we r heating the foods in microwave oven, people carry their lunch to office with microwave plastic boxes, my husband take always this tiffin carrier for his lunch...This tiffin carrier is quite old n am using more than 11years...
This utensil is used to prepare Rice string hoppers...this is really very old utensil, used by my grandma, then by my mom n now am using them for preparing string hoppers with rice flour,wheat flour n ragi flour...
This is coffee Filter...who will say no to filter coffee??? eventhough we have loads of coffee makers, my mom gave me this coffee filter long back, am still treasuring this one..
This Utensil is called as'Soupiére' in French...this is quite french traditional utensil, every old french family will have atleast one soupiére at home to serve soups for dinner...
Old Beer Mug...My husband bought this beer mug before we got married, he always used to say this mug brings him lots n lots of old memories..my hubby's treasure...
I usually pound some spices to enhance the flavours while preparing gravies, this utensil is quite useful for me to pound, crush else to powder some spices...this is quite old one too...
In Tamil we call this as 'Muram'..this utensil is used to separate the grains from their unwanted brans, grains sometimes the skins of the peanuts etc..
Sending this kitchen treasures to: Kitchen Treasure Hunt Event by Dibs
Good that i read ths post, i too have to send something, and at the moment there is a bit sunshine outside so have to go fast and take some snaps.
I love all your treasures. SOme are really authentic.
wow priya they are real kitchen treasures nice post
hey priya.. super..comment page maathiteenga pola iruku. thanks dear.. ippo fast a load arudhu. gadges look so cute.. wish i had preserved some.. my mil has some kadais gives by her mil.. en kitta edhuvum illa :(
yes priya wonderful treasure....thanks for the informations...
Some of these cooking tools are really becoming rare, good post!
Its so nice to cherish old memories with kitchen gadgets:)
That brought back so many good memories Priya... that big lunch box with so many dishes, and the muram... Oh I so miss those days.
I posted also mine pretty similar. I love the soupiere , my mom has one, may be i should get one from my next trip. Good treasures!
Loved your treasures. The tiffin carrier took me many years back to my memory. Thanks for sharing.
ooh..priya all of them look cute yaar..
Nice treasures Priya. Good, I saw it in time, I would also like to send some to the event.
Oooh, I love all these beautiful things: they bring back so many memories of growing up. I too have a mortar and pestle just like yours and I love grinding spices with it.
I too have similar treasures with me like ur idiyappam press,filter coffee maker...muram made of steel...good entries
woo nice treasures in ur kitchen..good collection..
wow priya.........nice collection.......i too hv posted my tiffen carrier....
Nice Collection, Thanks for posting this treasures.
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