Saturday, December 20, 2008

Baby Shark N Tomato Kurma

Kurma with Babyshark ..quite interesting rite...yea absolutely this kurma tastes awesome, usually these fish pieces r prepared as hash r else gravies with tamarind but here we doesnt need of tamarind paste n this is completely new dish which i tried it out as we were bored of usually gravies..with a handful of spices this kurma goes very well with hot rice as well as side for idlies n dosais..this dish will be enough tangy as we were using tomatoes instead of tamarind paste..Even the bones are soft and these can be easily chewed and considered a delicacy in coastal Tamil Nadu.

10nos Shark pieces
6nos Ripe n juicy tomatoes
1no Onion
3nos Green chillies
2 nos Bay leaves, cloves, cinnamon sticks, green cardamom
Salt n oil as per need

To Grind:
2tsp Fennel seeds
1tsp Cumin seeds
4nos Red chillies
5nos Shallots
3nos Cloves
1no Cinnamon stick big
1no Mace
1/4cup Grated coconut
2tbsp Coriander leaves
1inch Ginger pieces
6nos Garlic pods
1tsp Peppercorns
1tsp Poppy seeds
1/4cup Coriander seeds

Grind coarsely tomatoes into thick paste..keep aside..cook the shark pieces with enough turmeric powder n enough water until they gets cooked well..peel off the skin of the shark pieces..

Now grind finely all the spices(under the list to grind) with enough water into thick paste..Heat the oil in a kadai, once the oil get heated, add the whole spices(bayleaves, cloves, cinnamon sticks, cardamom pieces) n fry them until they turns brown..chop finely the onion pieces n add them to the fried spices, once they turns transculent, add the grounded paste of spices n stir continously until the raw smells goes on, add the ground paste of tomatoes n stir well too..add the slit opened green chillies..add water n salt as per ur need,bring the gravy to boil.

Once they starts boiling add the already cooked fish pieces n cook them well until the gravy is done...add the mint leaves n coriander leaves to the gravy..put off the stove..

Spicy n Tangy Gravy!!!

On the way to Eat Healthy - During Pregnancy by Sangeeth


PG said... Reply To This Comment

I have never tried a fish curry. I ahve been too afraid to do it. I have noted down your recipe, might give it a try. :)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

nice recipe priya looks so intresting

Yasmeen said... Reply To This Comment

Must be a tasty fish,kurma looks very spicy:)

indosungod said... Reply To This Comment

Looks delicious. I have tasted Shark long time ago. I am not sure if we can get those here.

Mahimaa's kitchen said... Reply To This Comment
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Cham said... Reply To This Comment

Sura meen right? We do puttu and tamarind Kuzhambu because of the smell ! I wonder how was the kurma too smelly....

Varsha Vipins said... Reply To This Comment my..Shark is ma fav..miss it now..:((..ur curry looks soo good..:)

Pavani said... Reply To This Comment curry making me hungry here yum yum

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