Friday, October 31, 2014

Damper - Australian Bread/ Damper - Le Pain Australien/Aborigéne

Damper, this Australian bread can be prepared with less ingredients and no yeast is needed for making this quick bread. Actually this Damper is one of the easiest bread one can prepare easily without any hassle. A prefect bread for beginners who want to bake their own bread at home.This is a traditional Soda Bread prepared usually by the travellers. Do you know that Damper is an Iconic Australian dish which is also made in New Zealand from many decades. The basic ingredients for making Damper is flour, water and milk,baking soda or baking powder. Damper was cooked in the ashes of the camp fire, as this bread was originally developed by Stockmen who travelled in remote areas for weeks or for months.

Damper, Le Pain Australien, Australien Bread

Damper can be eaten with dried or cooked meat or simply with golden syrup, but i loved mine with butter and jam while kids loved this bread with nutella spread. Now many variations and recipes exist for making this damper bread. But i went for the simple version which goes for basic ingredients. This month's International Food Challenge ,a monthly event started by  wonderful food blogger Sara,we are landing towards Austrailan Cuisine. She gave us delicious Australian Damper, Anzac biscuits, Lamingtons . Since i want to try Damper, immediately i prepared this soda bread. This bread is a prefect bread to make easily at home.

Recipe Source:
3cups Self Raising flour
a Pinch Salt
80grms Butter (chilled)
3/4cup Water

Preheat the oven to 350F.

Take the flour, salt in a bowl, add in the butter and rub with your fingers until the mixture resembles like a fine bread crumbs.

Add slowly the water to the flour mixture and mix everything with a spatula until the mixture comes together.

Use your hands to bring the mixture together.

Turn the dough to a flour dusted surface and knead for 2minutes until the dough turns smooth.

Shape it as 18cm disc and place on the baking tray lined with a baking sheet.

With a sharp knife, make 8wedges on the top, dust the damper with little flour.

Bake in preheated oven for 30minutes or until the damper is cooked.

Transfer to a wire rack and let it cool slightly.

Serve warm.

Damper/Le Pain Australien..

Damper, Le Pain Australien, Australien Bread

3tasses Farine de blé
2c à café Levure Chimique
une pincée de sel
80grms beurre (réfrigérés )
3/4tasse Eau

Préchauffer le four à 350F/180°C.

Prenez la farine,levure chimique, le sel dans un bol , ajouter le beurre et frottez avec vos doigts jusqu'à ce que le mélange ressemble à une fine chapelure .

Ajouter lentement l'eau  et mélanger le tout avec une spatule.

Utilisez vos mains pour amener le mélange ensemble.

Tournez la pâte sur une surface saupoudrée de farine et pétrir pendant 2 minutes jusqu'à ce que la pâte se lisse .

Formez un disque de 18 cm et le déposer sur une plaque  recouverte d'une feuille de cuisson .

Avec un couteau bien aiguisé , couper en 8 parts sur le dessus,saupoudrez avec un peu de farine .

Cuire au four préchauffé pendant 30 minutes ou jusqu'à ce que le pain est cuit .

Transferez sur une grille et laisser refroidir légèrement .

Servir chaud .


Joanne T Ferguson said... Reply To This Comment

G'day! Your Aussie damper looks great Priya! Damper was traditionally made on an open campfire by the stockman who were away from home with very limited supplies for months.
Thanks for hosting this month's IFC challenge - Australia.
Cheers! Joanne @ What's On The List

Rumana Rawat said... Reply To This Comment

I love the shape of the bread..

Poornima Hegde said... Reply To This Comment

Such a simple recipe yet the bread looks beautiful..

Niru said... Reply To This Comment

fabulous....never heard of it but looks stunning...looks puffy and delicious...

Hema said... Reply To This Comment

An easy and delicious bread, would love to try this one, looks perfect..

Priya said... Reply To This Comment

Seems to be a easy one

Shanthi said... Reply To This Comment

very beautiful...feel like eating...

Menaga Sathia said... Reply To This Comment

Cute lookng bread,so soft n tasty !!

Mayuri Patel said... Reply To This Comment

damper looks really good. Its interesting to learn new cuisine from all over the world through your blog.

Lifewithspices said... Reply To This Comment

looks so cute aks..bfully prepared.. u r a rockstar

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

beautiful, love all ur bakes dear

Gloria Fernandes said... Reply To This Comment

beautiful bread..looks so good

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Beautiful bread Priya...I love your all bakes..

Sona said... Reply To This Comment

Beautifully baked bread..

Angie's Recipes said... Reply To This Comment

Your damper looks fantastic! I would love to have them with a bowl of steaming hot soup.

danish said... Reply To This Comment

Wow.. Looking delicious.. like to try at home .......!!

atlanta cooking school

Saraswathi Ganeshan said... Reply To This Comment

Delicious Damper and you nailed out very well :)

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