Thursday, October 2, 2014

Recap - Around The World in 30days

My readers and followers might have noticed that during the whole month of September i took you all to the World tour with 26 days-26 Cuisines in alphabetical order. We, the famous group of blogging marathoners finished successfully this whole month of long marathon with different dishes from various countries. Some of my co marathoners picked a theme like baking cookies,bread, salads and soups or making a complete meal from various International cuisine. Seriously hats off to you guys, i cant imagine picking theme under an another theme. As usual i sticked with different dishes from different countries, trust each of us rocked in their own way. Today am doing a recap of all those various dishes i have prepared specially for September month's long blogging marathon, just take a look to all the delicious dishes i have cooked and posted during the whole month of September. Just go on and enjoy virtually my foods from the World cuisine.

Here comes my recap for Around the World in 30 days:

A for Azerbaijani Cuisine - Badimjan Dilchaklari

B for Belgian Cuisine - Gaufre Liegeoise

C for Croatian Cuisine -  Fritule

D for Dominican Cuisine - Harina de Maiz

E for Egyptian Cuisine - Shorba Adas

F for French Cuisine - Fouée de Touraine

G for German Cuisine - Kartoffelpuffer

H for Hungarian Cuisine - Palacsinta

I for Indonesian Cuisine - Pisang Goreng

J for Jordanian Cuisine - Taboon Bread

K for Korean Cuisine - Gochujeon

L for Lebanese Cuisine - Eggless Sesame Cookies

M for Moroccan Cuisine - Baghrir

N for Norwegian Cuisine - Risgrot

O from Omani Cuisine - Baquorah

P for Portuguese Cuisine - Bolo Lêvedo

Q for Qatari Cuisine - Motabel

R for Rwandan Cuisine - Ibiharage

S for Spanish Cuisine - Watermelon Gazpacho

T for Thai Cuisine - Gluoy Bwod Chee

U for Ugandan Cuisine - Rolex

V for Venezuelan Cuisine - Limonada Con Panela

W for Welsh Cuisine - Crempog/Ffroes

X for Xalapan Cuisine, Mexico - Molotes

Y for Yemeni Cuisine - Hawaij

Z for Zimbabwean Cuisine - Mabhanzi

Hope you all enjoyed virtually these beautiful dishes around the world. 


Mayuri Patel said... Reply To This Comment

Priya, yes virtually we enjoyed the dishes but now have to try and make them real in our kitchens.My to try list is getting longer and longer.

Nargis Aara said... Reply To This Comment

hats off to u ladies, i'd been following u, padma and vaishali in this all of u rock, also found so much similarities of indian recipes to other countries too good, I wonder how u ladies keep going on with the marathon :)

Nithu said... Reply To This Comment

Wow !that's a tremendous job.

Menaga Sathia said... Reply To This Comment

Lovely collection...eppadiyo world cuisine la asathiteenga !!

Rafeeda AR said... Reply To This Comment

awesome list...

MySpicyKitchen said... Reply To This Comment

Beautiful pictures and mouthwatering recipes. Yes, everyone rocked the marathon with the variety food each one cooked.

Kannada Cuisine said... Reply To This Comment

You are a rock star Priya! superb effort

Varada's Kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

Loved the variety you presented. And the lovely colorful pictures of all the dishes you showcased. Great job!

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Such a lovely collection, n congrats for completing this challenge

Sarita said... Reply To This Comment

Great are too tempting..Wonderful job! Great to see all in one place.

Harini R said... Reply To This Comment

Lovely collection of the International dishes, Priya.

vaishali sabnani said... Reply To This Comment

Awesome marathon and trust me we all loved what you show cased..carefully selected recipes with beautiful presentation.

Srivalli said... Reply To This Comment

That's a wonderful set of dishes you got done together Priya..your pictures look so classic..

Archana said... Reply To This Comment

Priya I enjoyed this marathon with you. Your choices were so delicious and well thought off.

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