Monday, November 3, 2014

Sorakkai Mor Kuzhambu & French Beans Paruppu Usili - No Onion No Garlic

As a foodie,i love to have food with prefect side dish or gravy. I will never fail to take much efforts to serve rice or rotis with prefect a side dish and gravy. If its poori, i cant imagine serving poori just like that, obviously i'll make potato masala to serve with. Indian cuisine is vast, obviously we Indians makes varieties of foods. From South to North, each dish is served properly with a prefect gravy and side dish since ages. Obviously  most of us follow it ritually and traditionally. We cant serve few dishes just like that. Dishes like dosa, idlies are usually served with varieties of side dishes, but some dishes need to be served only with a particular side dish. One among those combination is Mor kuzhambu( a buttermilk curry) and parupu usili(a dal stir fry). My mom makes excellent mor kuzhambu with varieties of vegetables or simply with vadas. If she makes mor kuzhambu obviously she will make paruppu usili, this prefect pair makes a super filling and satisfying lunch when served with rice.

Sorakkai Mor Kuzhambu & French beans paruppu usili, bottlegourd buttermilk curry and Beans dal stir fry

Mor kuzhambu, this curry is prepared with sour buttermilk with a grounded paste, its one of the easiest curry we never forget to make often whenever buttermilk is abundant at home. When its comes to Paruppu usili, this stir fry is usually prepared with beans,carrots and banana blossom often. Both these dishes are easy to make with simple ingredients, also not to forget that my today's mor kuzhambu and paruppu usili goes of no onion and no garlic. Obviously this both dishes suits prefectly for fasting. A comforting food to enjoy thoroughly with hot piping rice.The grounded dal paste used for making paruppu usili can be cooked either by steaming or pan fried. I opted for steaming which makes the life easier. These both dishes are going to this week's blogging marathon as i picked Combo meals, obviously my next two posts are going to be delicious combo meals.Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#46. 

Sorakkai Mor Kuzhambu, Bottlegroud Buttermilk Curry

Sorakkai Mor Kuzhambu:
1cup Yogurt/Thick buttermilk
1/4tsp Turmeric powder
2cups Bottlegourd (cubed)
1tbsp Oil
1tsp Mustard seeds + urad dal
Few curry leaves

for grinding:
1tbsp Coriander seeds
1tsp Cumin seeds
1tsp Ginger (chopped)
2tsp Channadal
1tbsp Raw rice
3nos Green chillies
2tbsp Grated coconut

Soak the spices except coconut in a water for half an hour, drain the water and grind as fine paste with coconut.

Meanwhile take the cubed bottlegourd in a cup of water with turmeric powder, bring boil and cook until the vegetable gets cooked.

Add in the grounded paste, cook for few minutes.

Now add the beaten yogurt,water(adjust the thickness), salt, just bring it to boil and put off the stove.

Heat oil for tempering, let splutters the mistard seeds, urad dal, curry leaves, add the tempered spices to the curry, give a stir.

Serve hot with rice.

French beans paruppu usili, Green beans Dal Stirfry

French Beans Paruppu Usili:
1/4kg French beans (chopped)
1/2tsp Mustard seeds
1/2tsp Urad dal
Few curry leaves
1/4cup Grated coconut
1tbsp Oil

To grind:
1/2cup Toor dal (soaked for an hour)
2nos Dry red chillies
A pinch Asafoetida powder

Grind the soaked toor dal, dry red chillies, asafoetida powder, salt in a mixie jar, blend as bit coarse paste.

Make small balls of the grounded paste and steam cook for 7-8minutes. Remove the cooked dal balls.

Smash them, keep aside.

Heat enough oil in a pan, let splutters the mustard seeds, urad dal, curry leaves.

Add the chopped french beans, salt and cook in simmer until the beans gets half cooked.

Add in the already prepared smashed cooked dal mixture and cook for few minutes.

Finally add the grated coconut and put off the stove.

Serve hot with rice and mor kuzhambu.

Calebasse à la sauce de Yaourt:
2pots de Yaourt
1/4c à café Poudre de curcuma
500grm Calebasse (couper en dés)
1c à soupe d'huile
1c à café Graines de moutarde
1c à café Haricot urid
Quelques feuilles de curry

A broyer:
1 c à soupe Graines de coriandre
1 c à café Graines de cumin
1 c à café Gingembre ( haché )
2 c café Pois chiches
1 c à soupe Riz
3 Piments verts
2 c à soupe Noix de coco (râpée)

Faire tremper les épices sauf la noix de coco dans un bol d' eau pendant une demi-heure ,vider l'eau et broyer les épices avec la noix de coco.

Pendant ce temps prendre la calebasse coupes en dés dans une tasse d'eau avec la poudre de curcuma, porter à ébullition et laisser cuire jusqu'à ce que les légumes soit cuits .

Ajouter la pâte , cuire pendant quelques minutes .

Maintenant, ajoutez le yaourt battu , l'eau, sel , porter à ébullition

Chauffer l'huile, ajouter les graines de moutarde , haricot urid , feuilles de curry .

Ajoutez les épices à la sauce.

Servir chaud avec du riz .


Priya said... Reply To This Comment

That plate is just amazing sis .Just pass me some ,please

Harini R said... Reply To This Comment

Wow! I love the paruppu usli. I never make it at home but I have tasted it and I loved the flavor!

Varada's Kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

Looks like a lovely combo.

MySpicyKitchen said... Reply To This Comment

Nice combo. Both the dishes look delicious !

Jo said... Reply To This Comment

It's a rainfall of colors on your plate Priya. Mor Kozhumbhu and usili sounds very comforting to me. Wish I can have that combo right now. Drooling! :)

The Pumpkin Farm said... Reply To This Comment

learnt 2 things, a dahi kadhi with bottle gourd and 2nd that the french beans side dish is an authentic combination with this ...:)

vaishali sabnani said... Reply To This Comment

Priya bith the recipes are new to me..the curry sounds so interesting. .and a must try..bookmarking. .only I keep forgetting the South Indian names and get confused. Lol.

Rafeeda AR said... Reply To This Comment

It's just morning here and now I feel like having lunch seeing your delicious platter...

Sona said... Reply To This Comment

Mor kuzhambu and usili is a superb combo.. Looks very delicious.

Poornima Hegde said... Reply To This Comment

Love the look of that usli, a must try!

nandoos kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

looks delicious and very healthy..

veena said... Reply To This Comment

A perfect combination. I have not cooked mor kuzhambu with soraikai...must try...looks awesome

Sundari Nathan said... Reply To This Comment

What a combo!! Love it :)

Srividhya said... Reply To This Comment

Love this combo. Will be posting mine next week :-)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Omg such an tempting combo platter :) Kolludhu , pass me the plate now aks amd rolling over here :) Love the addition od sorrakai in the mor kuzhambu and very colorful usli :)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Mouthwatering one of my fav. combination sorakaya with morkozhambu with beans usli yummm Lovely plate priya...

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Mouthwatering one of my fav. combination sorakaya with morkozhambu with beans usli yummm Lovely plate priya...

great-secret-of-life said... Reply To This Comment

my fav combo.. Love to have it anytime!

Pavani said... Reply To This Comment

What a healthy and delicious combo dishes. Both the dishes look so good.

Srivalli said... Reply To This Comment

Your meal looks so inviting Priya..Both the dishes are a great combo and yes I have this picked as well..hehehe...let's hope I get a good one done..

Nisha said... Reply To This Comment

Best combination ever Priya! My go to menu when someone comes unannounced. Looks so good. :)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Such a lovely combo...would love to finish off the whole lot :)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Delicious combo.. I made the same combo & loved the dishes.

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