Friday, October 24, 2014

Ragi Kuzhipaniyaram/Fingermillet Masala Paniyaram

Tea time is the best moment of the day for most of us after an hectic day, obviously tea time snacks are must and they need to be quite filling as well as healthy to enjoy before the dinner. Most of our tea time snacks goes for healthy stuffs but however kids love to have very much some junk foods. Mostly i'll try to keep away those junkies from my kids and feed them with healthy snacks. One of our recent snacks was this nutritious, healthy fingermillet paniyaram. This paniyaram makes an excellent tea time snacks when served with a spicy side dish. A plate of this Indian aebleskiver is quite enough to fill a small tummy and none at home will ask their dinner earlier.This tiny dumplings are simply prepared with ragi batter, which i prepared with whole finger millet grains but not with ragi flour. Yes this paniyaram is not an instant version. A fermented batter is very much needed to make this healthy,nutritious tea time snacks.

I served mine with a simple tangy eggplant kuzhambu which we had for our lunch, however am sure if you serve this cuties with spicy coconut chutney, everyone at home will definitely enjoy thoroughly without any fuss. Am running my last week of blogging marathon today with Healthy tea time snacks as this week's theme,Obviously these delicious kuzhipaniyaram are going to be part of this week's theme. If you want to feed your kids with healthy and protein packed whole grains dont hesitate a second to add wholegrains in their diet. Make your food healthy and feed your kids with healthy stuffs in their meal. I know some kids wont like to have wholegrains but still as a mom we can make many delicious foods with these wholegrains and feed them easily even without their knowledge.I feed mine this way, everytime i'll find a better way to add wholegrains and some foods i have prepared with wholegrains are our favourite now.Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#45. 

Check my Ragi Uthappam for making ragi idli/dosa batter.

3cups Ragi batter

For Masala:
1no Onion (chopped)
1no Green chillies( chopped)
2tbsp Grated coconut
Few Curry leaves (chopped)
1/2tsp Mustard seeds
1/2tsp Urad dal
1/4tsp Asafoetida powder

Heat the oil in a kadai,add the mustard seeds ,urad dal, asafoetida powder and chopped curry leaves and let them splutters.

Add the chopped onion, grated coconut, curry leaves, cook them for a while.

Add this tempering to Ragi batter,mix everything well..

Heat the kuzhi paniyaram pan in medium heat, pour few drops of oil.

Pour a small ladle of the batter, put the flame in simmer,cook slowly.

Turn on both sides until they get well cooked.

Dont cook in high flame...

Serve with side dish.

Ragi Kuzhi Paniyaram, Pancakes des Millet Indien:

Ingrédients: 3tasses  Pâte de Ragi (Millet Indien)

Pour Masala :
1 Oignon ( haché )
1 Piments vert ( haché )
2c à soupe de noix de coco râpée
Quelques feuilles de cari/curry ( haché )
1 / 2 cuillères à café de graines de moutarde
1/2c à café Haricot Urid/Lentilles Noirs
1/4c à café Poudre de Ase-fétide
2c à soupe Huile

Chauffer l'huile dans une poêle , ajouter les graines de moutarde, haricot urid/lentilles noirs , poudre de ase-fétide et faire revenir.

Ajouter l'oignon haché , noix de coco râpée , les feuilles de curry, faire cuire pendant quelques minutes.

Ajouter ce mélange à pâte de millet, mélangez bien le tout..

Chauffer une poêle de Aebleskiver à feu doux, versez quelques gouttes d'huile .

Verser une cuillère à soupe de pâte , cuire en feu doux .

Cuire les deux côtés jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient bien cuits .

Ne pas faire cuire à feu vif.

Servir chaud.


Varada's Kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

They look cute and healthy.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

wow such an healthy and tempting paniyarams looks super soft :) Wud love to have them with tat lip smacking kuzhambu :)

prethika said... Reply To This Comment

healthy traditional recipe...dip for it looks super ..

Srivalli said... Reply To This Comment

I am sure the paniyarams would make a great delicious snack..very nice one priya..

Fullscoops said... Reply To This Comment

Healthy and delicious paniyarams!! Looks yum!

Sona said... Reply To This Comment

Healthy and soft paniyarams..

Niru said... Reply To This Comment

they look cute....healthy and delicious....very nice...

Angie's Recipes said... Reply To This Comment

These little pancakes look scrumptious, Priya.

Shama Nagarajan said... Reply To This Comment

yummy and tempting

vaishali sabnani said... Reply To This Comment

That platter is very inviting. .i like it Priya..its tempting.

Srividhya said... Reply To This Comment

healthy snack. should try it next time

Suma Gandlur said... Reply To This Comment

Love these healthy paniyarams.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Thats a healthy one and what is that side dish Priya looks so yummm...

Harini R said... Reply To This Comment

Excellent idea to use up the ragi flour!

Pavani said... Reply To This Comment

Love the idea of using ragi flour to make paniyaram. They are looking great.

Denny said... Reply To This Comment

paniyarams look great. Just to be clear, they are made with whole ragi right? can you make this with ragi flour as well?

Chef Mireille said... Reply To This Comment

healthy snack

Jayashree said... Reply To This Comment

Do you know if this would work with ragi flour?

Priya Suresh said... Reply To This Comment

@Denny and Jayashree, u can use ragi flour, but go with urad dal batter and ferment it..

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