Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fresh Bittergourd Juice

Fresh juice prepared from freshly chopped bittergourd suits prefectly for diabetic peoples, its adviced to drink this fresh bittergourd juice atleast twice a week for everyone apart from kids, its a healthy drink which helps to deduce the sugar level.. Bitter gourd juice is also a powerful natural diuretic and helps in decreasing weight naturally. It is interesting to note that bitter melon contains two times the beta-carotene of broccoli, two times the calcium of spinach, and two times the potassium of bananas. This juice contains vitamins B1, vitamin B3, vitamin C, phosphorus, and is rich in dietary fiber and therefore has been recommended as a natural herbal supplement.So needless to say more about this green catchy juice eventhough its hard to drink...Sending this juice to Vegetable Marathon - Bittergourd guest hosted by Nithu, event by Anita..

Bittergourd juice

1cup Bittergourd (chopped finely)
1tsp Ginger (grated)
1tsp Lemon juice
2pinches of chaat masala
Pinch of pepper powder

Blend the chopped bittergourd, ginger and salt with enough water, strain this juice and add the lemon juice per need..Serve this juice topped with chaat masala and pepper powder..

Enjoy this bitter juice for better health..


Swathi said... Reply To This Comment

Bitter gourd juice looks really nice. Priya. Healthy one.

Amritha Kalyani said... Reply To This Comment

bittergourd juice so healthy.. adding ginger and lemon juice would enhance more taste and flavor..

Nandita SS said... Reply To This Comment

You've made the bitter gourd juice look irresistible. Can't wait to try it :)

GEETHA ACHAL said... Reply To This Comment

மிகவும் கலர்புல்லாக இருக்கு...செய்து பார்க்க வேண்டும் என்று பல நாள் நினைத்து இன்னும் செய்தபாடில்லை...

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Looks nice Priya... I know it's good for u but I am very finicky when it comes to bitter gourd... Mayb should try with lemon and Ginger as someone suggested!! :)) good recipe!

swapna said... Reply To This Comment

healthy and refreshing drink...looks good!!

aipi said... Reply To This Comment

I was aware of the benefits but thanks for providing more detail... I would normally be apprehensive due to its bitterness but you definitely made me think twice.

US Masala

fimere said... Reply To This Comment

il doit être excellent à siroter et très riche
bonne soirée

Simply Life said... Reply To This Comment

wow, I've never had this! Thanks for sharing!

Vikis Kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

Very healthy juice , looks refreshing.

PreeOccupied said... Reply To This Comment

You made even karela juice look so beautiful!

Padmajha said... Reply To This Comment

Awesome juice Priya.We love bittergourd but never tried it as a juice.Will try ur version.Looks super yum!

Tahemeem said... Reply To This Comment

ooh... lovely way to include bitter gourd in our diet... looks so tangy and yummy :)

Priya Sreeram said... Reply To This Comment

nice recipe priya, will try it out :)

Pappu said... Reply To This Comment

very nice healthy juice for diabetic people. looks so comforting:)

Soumya said... Reply To This Comment

Very healthy juice...adding chaat masala and lemon juice sounds interesting and would have definitely enhanced the flavor.will try this...Thanks Priya...

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Dosent look like bitter gourd the use of chaat masala:)

Taste of Beirut said... Reply To This Comment

I don't see these around very often but now that I know of its benefits I will make it a point to buy some and try!

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

I've never heard of bitter gourd juice. I need to do a little research and then go shopping for this item.

indianspicemagic said... Reply To This Comment

I love bittergourd.But never tried juice.... Nice colour...

AJ said... Reply To This Comment

Wow!! Beautiful looking juice colour!! Love that you added chaat masala!!

Sujana said... Reply To This Comment

Though bitter, your picture makes me want to try it as soon as possible... Good one priya!!!

Abhilash Pillai said... Reply To This Comment

I am not sure whether I will be able to consume this juice. However, the properties and the ingredients are good to read ;)

jayasree said... Reply To This Comment

Lemon and ginger must be masking the bitterness to some extent...

Uma said... Reply To This Comment

that's a healthy drink Priya! looks wonderful.

Gayathri Kumar said... Reply To This Comment

Healthy juice. Love to try..

Rekha shoban said... Reply To This Comment

refreshing and healthy drink!

Jeyashris Kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

juice with bittergourd, looks nice .

kitchen flavours said... Reply To This Comment

Never tried bitter gourd juice before. Should really give this a try. Thanks for sharing!

Nandinis food said... Reply To This Comment

Colourful and healthy juice. Good for health nuts.

chaitrali pathak said... Reply To This Comment

i love this juice.....and this one looks superb...and healthy and delicious

Hari Chandana P said... Reply To This Comment

Looks nice and healthy !!

Menaga Sathia said... Reply To This Comment

கலர்புல்லான நல்ல ஹெல்தியான ஜூஸ்!!

Anonymous said... Reply To This Comment

Juice is good for health so we should always drink it.
Thank You,