Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Rendez Vous With A Foodie-Divya Prakash of Divya's Culinary Journey

Most of my followers knows very well about my new event where am introducing upcoming new budding bloggers twice a month.As i told earlier, the main motto of this event is to showcase the new food bloggers,their passions and their respective blogs.Obviously every 7th and 20th of the month, a newbie blogger will post their guest post in my space and am very happy to introduce them eventhough some of them may be very much familiar to you. However am proud and happy to invite them to my space to post their guest post and i got immense responses from each and every newbies when i send a message through a social network.Thanks guys, am really honoured and blessed to get you all around me.

 As i promised am here again with a beautiful second guest post from a wonderful blogger. She is none other than Divya Prakash who blogs at Divya's Culinary Journey, i have so many sweet memories to share about Divya. She is one among the fabulous,humble, affectionate,caring,down to earth,jovial sisters i have met through this virtual world. With two lil darlings, she is a busy mom eventhough when i asked her a guest post for me she said immediately 'yes'.

Actually we are just fellow bloggers before few months, but the bond between us took an another direction and we are getting very closer now. Her blog is a wonderful space where she shares many Indian style foods, healthy bakes and many more healthy foods with wholegrains.Everytime,while bloghopping she never failed to surprise me, she always come up with eye catchy clicks. She have a magical hands and her clicks speaks a lot.

Shall we go to meet my second guest Divya Prakash of Divya's Culinary Journey..

When Priya Akka came up with the idea of Rendevous with a Foodie, I immediately wanted to be a part of it.  Little did I then know, that will lead to some wonderful friendships which I will cherish throughout my life time. We have bonded so much that our group chat, is full of laughter and fun, it is like the good old college times. Thanks to Priya Akka for all these. 

She is one of the most wonderful person I have come across and a versatile blogger whom I look up with much respect. She has been blogging for five years and have been posting almost every single day. She has approximately 2390 recipes in her space. So it was challenge for me to decide on what I want to make for her that is special and has not been already blogged by her. I wanted to make something sweet and something baked. Finally zeroed on this Raspberry pinwheels and it came out really wonderful. My kids just loved it.

1) Tell us about you and your blog?

My name is Divya. I am from Coimbatore and now in USA for the past 3.5 years. I am a stay at home Mom of two kids. My family loves to eat good food and I love to cook for them. My blog shows my passion for cooking and baking. It has tried and tested recipes from my kitchen.

2)Before and after blogging, tell us how blogging changed your life?

Before blogging I would not experiment much, even if I am trying something new, will stick strictly to the recipe and have not tried any other cuisine except Indian. After I started blogging , I have started  experimenting, trying various cuisines.
Being away from home, I used to feel lonely at times. After I started blogging I have got a lot of good friends who are always there when I need them. Priya Akka is one among them. 
Before, I was not very interested in Photography. But blogging has changed that. I have developed interest in Photography and I am constantly trying to improve my pictures.

3)When and what motivated you to blog about food?

Before I started blogging, I used to click pictures and share in Facebook. I started my blog on January 31, 2012. Though I created my blogger account much before that, that  day I just created a blog, clicked and posted my first recipe.  I thought with blog, I can share both pictures and recipe to my friends and family. I knew very little about blog then. 

My Mom and Dad were and are very supportive. My husband is my first critic. He gives his honest opinion all the time, also when he is free, he proof reads for me and helps me with the clicks. My brother is the one who designed the blog header for me. Though he is a Pilot, he is very good with Photoshop and he is very creative. And you all know about the kids and the help they do for the blog. 

4)There are tons of blogs/pages on food these days what according to you is the speciality of your blog and the food that you cook?

I like to cook very simple and easy recipes. I mostly stay away from complicated process. My blog contains simple and easy recipes for a novice cook/ baker. 

5)When its comes to cooking, who is your inspiration?

My Mom is my inspiration. My Mom is a working woman, still there are times she has cooked each one of us different dish the same time. She has never complained about it. There are some recipes which taste good only when Mom cooks. We call ‘Kaipakkuvam’ in Tamil. It has been 2 years since I had mom’s food.. Waiting to enjoy her love, pampering and cooking.

6) Every newbie blogger faces tons of challenges when it comes to blogging,tell me about one of the challenges you faced and how did you overcome it? please specify with facts and details.

Every day there will be new challenges. With every challenge I learn something new. In that, One is Social Media. Except Facebook I was not familiar with other social Medias like pinterest, twitter or stumble upon. But now I have account in all three, but except Stumble Upon, I am familiar with other two.  

Also other issues like HTML codes, other technical stuffs, when I have such issues, my Hubby will provide the support. These are the convenience of having a husband who is a software person.

7)What is your best recipe and your favourite recipes you have blogged till now?

I like my Oven roasted Broccoli and the other recipes which I  like are Strawberry Jello Pie, Corn FritterChocolate Cake and Blueberry Icecream etc.

8) Few tips about food photography?

I am still a novice photographer..I am still learning every day. 
The few tips I want to share,
Lighting is very important. I prefer daylight for clicking pictures
Composition of the picture is important. 
Do a little styling to the food  before clicking. 

9)What is your budget for the props,do you have any or else do you manage with your household stuffs?

I don’t spend much for the props. I usually use what I use normally at home. But recently I started buying few props, but I still haven’t used them in any. Surprisingly they are not more than 2-3 $ each. 

10) How do you plan your blog post? Do you post rarely,regularly or once a week?

I usually post 3 posts a week. But with change in schedule or if something comes  up, there may be a change in this schedule.

11) Do you have any other passion apart from food blogging or blog you own?

Apart from blogging, I like to paint and also I like to sew. But with an energetic toddler at home, I hardly get time for this.

Recipe Source: Jo Cooks

Butter (Room temperature), 1/3 cup
Cream cheese(Room temperature), 1/3 cup
Sugar, 2/3 cup
Eggs, 1 no.
Vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon
All purpose flour, 2 cups
Baking Powder, 1 teaspoon
Seedless jam, 1/3 cup (approximately)
Chopped pistachios, ¼ cup (approximately)

How to make:
Mix cream cheese and butter together until they are well blended. 
Add Sugar, mix well.
Then beat the eggs and add to the mixture, mix well and add vanilla extract and  mix well.
To this add flour little by little and mix well.
Divide the dough into two, cover it with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 3 hours.
Then roll the dough into the required thickness and using knife, cut the dough in squares of required size.
Then take each square and shape it in to a pinwheel.

Then drop a required amount of jam in the centre of the pinwheel and top it with chopped nuts. 
In a cookie tray, line it with parchment paper. Arrange the prepared cookies in the tray.
Pre heat the oven to 350F and bake the cookies for 8-10 minutes.
Let the cookies cool in cooling rack, then transfer to airtight containers and Enjoy.
It yielded around 48 cookies for me. 

The number of cookies depends on the size of cookies you make. I made 2 inches square.
You can use any seedless jam of your preference. If you use strawberry jam, call them strawberry pinwheels.
You can use any nuts of your choice. 
The timings of the cookies in the oven vary with each oven. Mine got done in 8 minutes. So keep an eye in the oven.

Hope you all enjoyed this guest post by Divya Prakash, dont forget to check who is my next guest on 7th of April  with an another bubbly blogger buddy.


Sharanya palanisshami said... Reply To This Comment

wonderful post , well explained sis........

Akila said... Reply To This Comment

Nice knowing about Divya.. Pinwheel looks superb

Event: Dish name starts with R till April 15th and a giveaway

Rafeeda AR said... Reply To This Comment

glad to know more about divya... her blog is really beautiful... thank you priyaji for letting us know more about her... :) yummy cookies...

Sanoli Ghosh said... Reply To This Comment

Amazing pinwheel cookies. Nice to know about you Divya. Wonderful guest post dearies. Kudos to both, Divya and Priya akka.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Too good to read abt one of my fav bloggers n friend:) pinwheels look fantastic

Divya A said... Reply To This Comment

Wow Divya akka what a beautiful guest post..Kudos!!!!!!!!! Looks so pretty and cute!!! Perfect ones.. This month has had two rocking guest posts Don :) Happy for you :) As you said Divya akka is humble, down to earth and a very lovely person...Am glad she is my friend too..!!

Cheer akkas :)

Love2cook Malaysia said... Reply To This Comment

Awesome post by Divya! I love her space and really glad to know more about her here sis. Kudos to both of you for a wonderful post ;)

virunthu unna vaanga said... Reply To This Comment

very nice write ups... oru line vidama fulla read pannen... Nicely Done both Priya n Divya aks... Am really very proud to have u both akkas in my life... Pinwheels supera iruku... perfect cookies...

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Wow awesome guest post Divya, clicks and cookies look superb. Lovely to know more about Divya, she is a talented person. Priya aks event is rocking waiting for more lovely posts in your space :-). Cheers to both of you. Hugs

Aps Kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

Priya loved divyas's post and it looks so cute :)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Nice guest post Priya and Divya. Absolutely wonderful

saraniskitchen said... Reply To This Comment

lovely guest post dear...well explained and cookies looks awesome...Glad to know more about divya...

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

well explained divya dear.. beautiful post and clicks :) kudos to priya sis for giving us this opportunity :)

divyagcp said... Reply To This Comment

Thank you Akka, for this chance to showcase my recipe here and for all the lovely words. I am so honored and very very happy to have a sister like you.. :)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Wow lovely recipe Divya

Sangeetha M said... Reply To This Comment

Wow..Divya & Priya aks awesome post, loved the writing part by both of u...lovely & true so happy to be ur friend...Divya,Beautiful and perfectly baked Pinwheel cookies da, Stunning pics n presentation..U ROCK!!!

Vanamala Hebbar said... Reply To This Comment

nice bio about divya..

divya said... Reply To This Comment

this looks absolutely gorgeous...

Shama Nagarajan said... Reply To This Comment

awesome and drooling recipe,,,loved reading abt u

Ongoing event:
Celebrate - Easter
in my blog.

Chitz said... Reply To This Comment

Really nice guest post.. Nice to know more about Divya :)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Nice to know about you Priya!!! and the pinwheels looks so good!!
Ongoing Event - HITS - Diabetic Friendly
Ongoing Event + Giveaway - Italian Dishes

Hema said... Reply To This Comment

Lovely post and the raspberry pinwheels look awesome..

Priya Elias said... Reply To This Comment

Good to know more abt Divya. Love the pinwheels - they look so perfect!

Shree said... Reply To This Comment

what a wonderful post ! perfect pinwheels ! thanks to both of you

meena said... Reply To This Comment

i was too eager to know who is the guest blogger.u have made this event very interesting.

it was a lovely chit chat.the pinwheel cookies looks fantastic

Me & More ... said... Reply To This Comment

Nice to know about Divya... lovely Post... Nice cookies too...

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment


Swathi said... Reply To This Comment

Wonderful guest Post Priya. Divya is good blogger.

Priya Satheesh said... Reply To This Comment

Happy to know more about divya..lovely blogger... Sooper tempting cookies:)

radha said... Reply To This Comment

Follow both the blogs and both have great recipes. This one looks lovely and no wonder the kids loved it.

Buret MRj said... Reply To This Comment

love this food, yummy

Julie said... Reply To This Comment

cute & beautiful ones,loving it!!
Liked reading n knowing more about,Divya..nice chit chat,Priya..Yummy post as well!!

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Great event Priya, I seem to have have missed it somehow. I am really impressed at your support to the new bloggers.

Divya - Congratulations on featuring on Priya's Versatile recipes, the pinwheels are adorable.

Sweet'n'Savoury said... Reply To This Comment

Sweet pinwheels

Sona - quick picks/pick quicks said... Reply To This Comment

Gud venture dear and great knowing more sbt divya. Awesome luking snack.

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