Monday, April 30, 2012

Eggless Butter Tarts

After trying out Eggless Chocolate Cornets for Eggless Baking challenge started by Gayathri of Gayathri's Cooking Spot, this month's challenge is this wonderful looking butter tarts.

I enjoyed thoroughly this wonderful challenge, with plenty of cashew nuts and generous amount of butter and cream obviously my eggless butter tarts turned out absolutely prefect.As per challenge, we have to replace the eggs in this bakes, i went for custard powder and used my mini muffin silicon moulds for making this tarts.

The filling we went for making these cute tarts was super nutty,buttery and absolutely delicious,while the pie crust was super flaky, an incredible yummy tarts to enjoy anytime of the day. Thanks a lot to Gayathri for choosing this incredible butter tarts for this month's challenge.My teddies enjoyed this tarts when they were still warm,they just loved it.

Pie crust:
1+1/4cups All purpose flour
1tbsp Sugar
1/4tsp Salt
1/2cup Cold butter (cut as small cubes)
1/4cup Ice water

For Filling:
1/3cup Butter (softened & unsalted)
3/4cup Light brown sugar
2tbsp Custard powder
1tsp Vanilla essence
1/3cup Low fat cream
3/4cup Cashewnuts (chopped)

Take the all purpose flour,sugar,salt in a large bowl, add the cold butter to the flour,mix well and turn as crumble like texture,slowly add the ice water and turn as a soft dough..Wrap the dough and keep it in fridge for half an hour..

Meanwhile beat together the butter,sugar,cornflour,vanilla essence,low fat cream as smooth paste, slowly fold the chopped cashewnuts,keep aside this filling..Preheat the oven to 350F.

Dust the dough with flour and roll as a round disc, with a round shaped cutter cut the dough as per need, place them in a silicon mould cases, fill each base with the already prepared filling to 3/4th of the base..

Bake for 15-20minutes until the crust turns golden brown..Remove from the oven,let it cool completely..

Enjoy with a cup of coffee or tea..


Gayathri Kumar said... Reply To This Comment

Butter tarts look beautiful, Priya. Loved the idea of adding custard powder...

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

loved the tarts...they look super the looks of the new layout

Pavani said... Reply To This Comment

tarts looks beautiful n tempting.

Renuka said... Reply To This Comment

Looks yummy, must try the custard powder variation sometime

Amarendra said... Reply To This Comment

Awesome tarts.. very tempting.

Jeyashris Kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

Lovely tarts, Nice and new outlook of the blog

lubnakarim06 said... Reply To This Comment

Wow..tarts look flaky and yum...

Raks said... Reply To This Comment

Looks very tempting, sounds great!

Vineetha Sush said... Reply To This Comment

Yummy tarts...looks pretty .

Mythreyi said... Reply To This Comment

These tart look fabulous even with out egg... Priya!!

Yum! Yum! Yum!

Jaleela Kamal said... Reply To This Comment

mouthwatering tarts

Akila said... Reply To This Comment

wow so yummy n wonderful without eggs..
Dish Name Starts With L

Deep Krishna Dubai said... Reply To This Comment

Wow..looks sooo yum!

Prema said... Reply To This Comment

cute tarts,luks yum...

Ramya said... Reply To This Comment

tarts are so cute and looks yum...loved the new look of your blog

Jyoti Babel said... Reply To This Comment

Smart use of custard powder.. I have noticed now. You have changed your blog's name.. Perfect.. Versatile is the word for this space

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Looks delicious and love ur new outlook.

Menaga Sathia said... Reply To This Comment

Beautiful tarts looks very tempting!!

Nammi said... Reply To This Comment

looks cute :),

Faseela said... Reply To This Comment

So tempting n inviting Tart....

Hari Chandana P said... Reply To This Comment

looks too good and tempting.. thanks for sharing !!
Indian Cuisine

Hema said... Reply To This Comment

Lovely tarts dear, even I thought of custard powder, but dropped the idea, thinking it would become very milky..

Sravs said... Reply To This Comment

So cute and appealing tarts !! Perfectly done !!

Ongoing event CC:Spring Seasonal Food

Suja Manoj said... Reply To This Comment

Mouthwatering tarts,looks so yummy

Jayanthi said... Reply To This Comment

The pictures look very cute and its a nice idea to use custard powder. Awesome...I substituted with tofu...must try custard powder sometime.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Tarts look cute and yummy and eggless too..def gonna try this

hotpotcooking said... Reply To This Comment

Cute little tarts with yum filling. The new layout of your blog looks great.

Sobha Shyam said... Reply To This Comment

cute and yummy tarts, nice new look of the blog :)

fimere said... Reply To This Comment

elles doivent être bien succulentes!

Sangeetha M said... Reply To This Comment

wow...eggless tarts looks so cute n tempting...great recipe!
love your blog's new look n templates...Cooooool!!

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Priya!!! thought I'd landed in the wrong place :) New name - Congrats dear - the tarts look too cute!

vrinda said... Reply To This Comment

Gr8 tarts,looks pretty..

Jayanthy Kumaran said... Reply To This Comment

this looks like a fantastic dessert..I am sure this is very delicious
Tasty Appetite

FewMinute Wonders said... Reply To This Comment

Hey Priya, your tart looks good. I like the texture of your tart.Looks crunchy.

SinFoodie said... Reply To This Comment

These look great. Would love to try this eggless version someday.

Rasi said... Reply To This Comment

it must have been delicious.. the tarts was fun & tasty right :)..

Mary Bergfeld said... Reply To This Comment

These really seem wonderful. They looks beautiful and they sound delicious. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Aruna Manikandan said... Reply To This Comment

tarts look wonderful priya :)

Priya Srinivasan - I Camp in My Kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

Wonderful color on the tarts priya!!!!

Priya Srinivasan - I Camp in My Kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

Wonderful Color on the tarts priya!!!!

Shanthi Krishnakumar said... Reply To This Comment

Looks incredible and super tempting..

Lavanya said... Reply To This Comment

Looks awesome. And ur blog is so lovely. I donno how I missed it till now. Glad to follow u. Do visit my blog when you get time.

Kitchen Boffin said... Reply To This Comment

mmm.. yummy!!a must try..

Gayathri NG said... Reply To This Comment

Yummy tarts, looks nice...

Cathleen said... Reply To This Comment

Oh my goodness! I just made butter tarts, and no one knew what they were! Mine had an egg in it, but this one looks so tasty, I should make them again with this recipe :)

Suma Gandlur said... Reply To This Comment

They must have tasted wonderful with cashewnut filling.

Nupur said... Reply To This Comment

Loved baking them , yours have come amazing.. I used Cornstarch for binding, it was a fun challenge :)

Deeps @ Naughty Curry said... Reply To This Comment

wow, these tarts look awesome... love that custard-nut filling

Myvegfare said... Reply To This Comment

Lovely ones priya, they look so gorgeous, I had thought of using custard powder or silken Tofu, the tarts looks so crispy, It's so wonderful to see you back, I always missed you.., will check out all your old posts too.., The new outlooks so wonderful..., lovely clicks too

Nitz's Yummylicious said... Reply To This Comment

I tried the butter tarts... they tasted yum.... but the only issue i faced was that the filling had sunk from the middle.... i didnt use cashews as no one prefers them at my home....
kindle let me know why could have this happened...