As i told earlier i used partially cooked wheat grains for making this salad, which i cooked completely as we cook the pastas, this salad goes for simple,quick and easy breezy ingredients..Yep this salad need some lettuce leaves, black raisins, cooked wheat,grated carrots and some thinly grated sour green apples...Just serve this salad with yogurt dressing before ur lunch or for dinner with toasted bread slices, this salad is quite healthy,filling also at the same time refreshing..The sourness of green apple will be completely masked by the grated carrot and raisins..Enjoy this salad which tastes marvellous with mild sweetness and sourness together anytime of the day..Sending this salad to Pia's
Innovative Salad -Apple,Strawberry or Pineapple and to my own event
CWS-Wheat guest hosted by Suma & to Priya Mahadevan's
Fast Food but Not Fat Food..
Few lettuce leaves
1no Green apple (sliced or grated thinly)
1/4cup Grated carrots
1cup Cooked wheat
Raisins as per need
Take the lettuce leaves, sliced or grated green apples, grated carrots,cooked wheat and raisins in a bowl,add the yogurt dressing,mix well and serve immediately..
lovely salad..yumm
a very power packed delight indeed. looks so refreshing.
Healthy and Colorful Salad. Nice Clicks.
quiet fast and healthy :)
Healthy and tasty Salad,love it.
Yummy, colour n healthy...wht else one can ask ?
looks so colourful...
very colorful n yumm n healthy one..
Easy and healthy salad... A perfect idea for dinner :-)
very fresh and healthy salad !
Priya this looks and sounds delicious! Perfect for a hot summer day!
This is so interesting- I've never cooked with whole wheat berries but this salad is very inviting.
Great combination ...great colours..Loved it:-)
very healthy salad...
What a healthy and a colourful salad Priya. I can only imagine how it would have tasted :)
healthy salad..
I could eat two plates of this!
Yum! Healthy and crunchy! A great salad to celebrate the first day of spring :-)
Healthy and yummy salad...Colourful too..
Looks so delicious, love the combination of colors.
So healthy and colorful salad
Refreshing n healthy..a nice welcome change from regular salads..
US Masala
healthy delicious and colorful salad
Very healthy and yummy looking salad.
Hamaree Rasoi
What a fresh and healthy salad! yumm!
Wow...looks very nice.
So healthy and yum!!!
simply delicious salad colourful
my kind of salad, looks nice
wow such delicious and healthy meal...
Healthy and colorful salad.
Very inviting and delicious salad !!!
looks very the addition of whole wheat!...
Smitha's Spicy Flavors
சூப்பர்ர் சாலட்!!
போட்டி, அண்ணா வாங்கி வந்து கொடுத்தாங்க..La Couneuve தமிழ் கடையில் வாங்கினதாக சொன்னாங்க..
Healthy salad... and looks so yummm...
Perfect, healthy, filling salad!
What a yummy salad! colorful too :)
Unga salad paarkum podhe saapida thonudhu Priya
wow...looks too good..yummy recipe Priya..
Tasty appetite
Thts a colourful and healthy bowl of salad:)
wow looks great!!
interesting salad.. love the crunch and colors in it...
What a lovely salad, Priya. It looks delicious and can't help but be healthy. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary
Truly a colorful and filling one... Love the interesting flavor combo of wheat grains and apple...
Herbs & Flowers in my Platter - Coriander/Cilantro
Healthy and refreshing salad! Very innovative.
A healthy & refreshing salad!! Love d way how u mix totally new combi & create a mouthwatering dish!!
Prathima Rao
Prats Corner
Colorful and nutritious salad with the tartness of apples!! Really tasty:)
Colorful and healthy!
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