Yahooo!!!! two years of blogging, never thought of reaching this milestone and am very excited to annouce that nothing is possible without this blogsphere family..Thanks a ton for being besides with me for celebrating this beautiful day..Join ur hands with me to celebrate this two years of blogging with microwave badam peda..It has been a long i prepared pedas and i really wanted to prepare some pedas using blanched badams since i have a packet of badams in my fridge quite a long, yep its almost time to finish them as something else...Finally my little brain pulled me to try out some pedas using milk powder,grounded badam paste with milk, sugar and ghee...This badam peda takes just 5 minutes to get ready(cooking time depends upon ur microwave oven) and they tastes truly fabulous, a quick sweet to enjoy anytime for any occasions..I got almost 25 tiny badam pedas and to be honest i have just 5pedas that too i kept aside for my hubby,they vanished within few minutes and my little one didnt stop having them..Needless to say we enjoyed having this beautiful cute looking pedas..

1cup Almonds/Badam (blanched)
1/2cup Milk Powder
1/3cup Milk
1tbsp Ghee
1/2cup Sugar
Grind the blanched almonds with milk as fine & thick paste..take this grounded paste, milk powder, sugar in a microwave safe bowl and cook in microwave oven for 5 minutes, take them out and give a stir..Let them get cool, make tiny pedas from the mixture and springle some broken almond flakes over the pedas..
Conserve them in air tightened box and enjoy...
1cup Almonds/Badam (blanched)
1/2cup Milk Powder
1/3cup Milk
1tbsp Ghee
1/2cup Sugar
Grind the blanched almonds with milk as fine & thick paste..take this grounded paste, milk powder, sugar in a microwave safe bowl and cook in microwave oven for 5 minutes, take them out and give a stir..Let them get cool, make tiny pedas from the mixture and springle some broken almond flakes over the pedas..
Conserve them in air tightened box and enjoy...
Wowo congragulatuons priya. I thought you were blogging for more that that as you are so pro in blogging.
Wishing you and the blog many more delicous years together.
Congrats Priya on the milestone..wishing you many mny more to come!!
Each and every dish is so good on your blog , and this one is certainly not an exception..looks so yum
perfect for the ocassion!!
Congrats Priya on the milestone!
Badam peda is a sweet and a delicious way to celebrate this occasion :-)
Congrats dear!! Keep rocking as always!! Pedas look yummy yum!!
Congrats on completing two years of blogging, Priya..Pedas look perfect and delicious!!
Congrats priya Kudos! on your achievement..... May u grow everyday & reach heights..thanks for the Yummy treat :)
Congratulations Priya, as HC said I thought you have been blogging for more than 2 years. You really rock. Looking forward to see more innovative recipes from you.
Congrats Priya on completing 2 yrs of blogging ... Pedas are looking very yummy & delicious .....
Congrats dear on ur milestone...wishing more to come!! this Almond Peda looks soo delicious!!!
Hey Priya Congrats open your milestone !!! I should say Happy Cook stole the words from my mouth. I literally wanted to type the same thing. Great Going !! Badam Peda looks delicious and a wonderful way to celebrate !!
Congralutions Priya. Sounds perfect and looks delicious.
Wow Priya,
Congratulations!What a wonderful milestone of 2yrs with 1202 recipes to share with us.You are an amazing blogger with lot of creativity and enthusiasm.Keep sharing your wonderful,healthy and innovative recipes with us.Wish to see many more such milestones with 1000's of recipes.
Once again Hearty Congratulations!
Congrats dear, just read in the previous comment u have blogged 1202 recipes, now that's something....congrats...peda looks delicious...
congrats priya, that's a great achievement, keep blogging. really happy about you. that's the perfect treat for this beautiful moment. keep it up dear
Congratulations Priya ! Wish you many more years of happy blogging !
Congrats on your wonderful journey. Wishing you all the very best for your future milestones.
Liked the microwave peda as well.
congrats dear...wola.....more than 1000 posts in 2yrs...greatgoing girl...hats off dear...hope to see many more over 100000000000 posts n milestones of ur creative n innovative thoughts...peda looks simply divine...awaiting ur entries for both my wish u can sendt this entry to my BSI-MILK event...
Congarts Priya on your milestone..
Badam peda looks soft and yuumy.
Congrats Priya ! Many More to come !!!
peda looks delicious !
Congrats on completing two years of blogging, Priya..Pedas lookss delicious!!
You are an inspiration to all of us. Keep up the good work dear.The pedas are looking real good. I wish I can have the remaining 5. :)
Congrats..Wishing you many more years of round the clock recipes,
Congrats Priya... :) Peda look delicious and simple recipe too..
Congratulations......the peda looks just awesome....
Congratulations!! Peda looks yummmmmmy!!
félicitation pour tes 2 ans je te souhaite beaucoup de succès et une très bonne continuation
bonne soirée
wow Priya, congrats dear, 2 years, wonderful, that is a long time. No wonder, we have so many delicious delicacies from you. May, many many more such milestones come :)
Mouth watering badam peda :)
Congratulations Priya!! Wish you many many more such blog anniversaries!
Congrats Priya, wish you many more years of blogging with all your innovative recipes coming to us. Pedas looks yummy, a nice treat to celebrate your happiness.
Also I'm glad that you liked my sprouted bread.
Congrats Priya..Enjoy with delicious peda...lov it
Congrats on your successful blogging on your kitchen innovations dear. Also wishing you for many more blog anniversaries and the beda is very lovely.
Congrats Priya! Youave a wealth of healthy recipes and your pedas look the perfect way to celebrate this!
Congratulations Priya. It needs lot of dedication to continue what you are doing. I wish you many more years of successful blogging to come.
YUM! Pedhas are one of the few Indian sweets I love! Congrats Priya on 2 years of blogging!
awesome pedas, will try this for krishna jayanthi tom.Congrats on ur milestone and wish u many more success in future .
Congrats dear! Awesome milestone...
Congrats and a big hug dear :) You are an awesome blogger with so much interest in food. Love your blog and keep it going forever and ever :)
Congrats on your milestone .You are a source of inspiration for many of us. I really appreciate the way you encourage all of us .Wishing you many more success in your future ventures.Pedas look awesome !!
Pedas look so good Priya and as you said, sounds easy too. Will try it for sure...
Happy bloganniversary priya & Congrats priya,within so less time posting 500+ recipes is really an acheivement...keep up the good work and keep going...eager to see many more unique innovative recipes from you....
congratulations,..:-) peda looks yum,.
Congrats Priya! Wish you many many more anniversaries!! Awesome pedas! Easyntasty recipe!!
I love the sound of this recipe. So fast and simple. Will definitely try to make this sometime. Congratulations on the 2 years of blogging! Your blog is such a treasure of recipes!
congrats priya! wish u many more anniversaries and happy blogging...
Congratulations on completing two years of blogging Priya!! This is one of the easiest and fastest peda recipes I have come across. I have never made pedas till date, you have given me the perfect excuse to try some out. These do look real good...
Congrats priya on completing 2 years of blogging :)
Congrats Priya!!! Almond burfi looks yum. If u give me i can finish this in a second.
wow !! congrats dear..wish u many more yrs of blogging ahead..u rock !peda look cute..loved the offwhite colour !
Congrats on your acheivement PRiya.Each dish from you is innovative and has a magical touch.Keep it up
They luk so cute n tempting...
Nd Happy Bday to ur Blog :)
may u have many many more yrs of blogging :)
congrats dear, peda looks very tempting :)
Congratulations to one of the most active and most versatile blogger of this blogosphere on completing 2nd year..peda looks wonderful, few days back I made and blog them in MW with milk powder and condense milk..they are just yumm
congrats priya on ur blogs 2nd birthday ...perfect way of celebrating this beautiful occasion with those cute n tempting peddas
Congratulations Priya.
And as Satya said, perfect way to celebrate this occasion.
Congrats on reaching the milestone priya! Looking forward for more from here,way to go!!
Heartiest congratulations to you for completion of 2 years of your blogging.
Badam peda looks delicious and mouth watering.
Congratulations, Priya! looking forward to thousands of innovative recipes from you...!
easy and delicious pedas!
First of all, Congratulations on your 2 fantastic years of blogging!
Second: my tribute to your skills: these gorgeous sweets in 5 minutes? You are a genius! I will be trying these very soon!
Hey Priya, how lovely to have known you!..happy blog anniversary! and I thought you are sending me this???..:)
congrats finla, i too thought u have been here for quite a long time....loved that peda...cud u please pass me some?
Congratulations dear Priya ! thts awesome ! 2 rocking yrs ....pedas look gorgeous :) m gonna make them soon
Congrats on ur milestone...Priya and good luck for many more years to come.....'cos we r eagerly waiting for ur wonderful recipes............of course...pedas r awesome....
congrats priya!! peda looks delicious...
Congrats Priya and looking fwd for more yum recipes :)
Thanks a lot very excited and happy to see all ur comments, its means a lot to me..
Congratulations and wishing you many more such years Priya...Peda looks so yum
congrats this looks delicious and easy
Congrats Priya!! Wishin you more years of success. Pedha looks perfect n tasty
Congrats Priya, and wish you many more to come.
Congrats Priya. Wishing you many more to come.
Congrats Priya !! Keep up the great work !!mouthwatering and delicious pedas!!
Congrats, badam peda looks yummy and mouthwatering...thanks for the entry !
Congrats Priya..Hope to see more delicious entries from you.. Wow this is so easy and looks great...
Wow congratulations priya... Peda looks delicious!.
Congratssss priya....thats an awesome work !! keep going !! You have fantabulous recipes...keep writing more such ones !! Good wishes for your future years of blogging :)
Happy anniversary, Priya! Thought you were around for much longer, perhaps because you're so frequent and regular in posting. Already 300+ recipes this year. Wow! In four years I have about 160 posts so far! :)
Wishing you many many more years of happy blogging and we'll be right along with you!
Congratulations Priya on two years of blogging. Nothing quite like something swet to celebrate.
Thanks for sending your pedas to SHF: Bite Sized Desserts.
congratulations. this looks so so delicious, awesome , short of adjectives
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