An another Halloween special owl cookies, actually after trying some owl sugar cookies, i was hunting for an another version of owl cookies as my lil one want to carry some cookies for his Halloween party with his friends. Yes you read it right, a group of his classmates are organising a halloween party tomorrow at one of his friend's place. As he is an American boy, he invited all his best and close friends to the halloween party. Hence my lil one asked me fora box of halloween themed cookies specially for this party. Again i googled for this hoot owl cookies and i found a prefect hoot owl cookies here. The original recipe calls for an egg which i completely skipped and also used Nesquik chocolate powder instead of baking chocolate as the original recipe went for.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Halloween Owl Cookies/Eggless Owl Cookies
Halloween is not very much famous in France before few years, but now its seems to be an another popular celebration especially among kids. My lil one started asking me what am gonna bake for this year's Halloween, since i dont want to miss a chance of baking a Halloween baked goodies i checked as usual google and i landed here. Seriously i fell in love with these cute owl cookies, also the cookie dough i used for making cookies is totally egg free and definitely buttery. Dangerously addictive cookies and this cookies will definitely decorate your halloween table for the sure.

Baking Items,
Potato Ragi Murukku/Potato Fingermillet Murukku/Urulaikizhangu Kezhvaragu Murukku
Diwali, this festival of lights is a very popular among Indians, though we dont live in our own country, we try to keep our tradition by celebrating this famous festival with homemade sweets and savouries. Eventhough we live far away from our country, this festival is very close to my heart.As like every year i do miss celebrating this festival in India. Never mind, i have some plans and this time we are going to celebrate a day before as Diwali falls on tuesday. Its a working day here, and everyone at home will be in school and office. Many of us will be very busy in planning the sweets and savouries and others might have already purchased their diwali new dresses. I have planned few savouries and one among those is this potato ragi murukku aka potato added fingermillet chaklis.

Diwali Recipes,
Tamilnadu cuisine,
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Eggless Irish Bambrack/Speckled Bread - Irish Halloween Fruit Bread
Barmbrack/Speckled Bread/Irish Halloween fruit bread is often served toasted with butter along with a cup of tea in the afternoon. The dough of this bread is sweeter than sandwich bread, but not as rich as cake, and the sultanas and raisins add flavour and texture to the final product. In Ireland it is sometimes called Bairín Breac, from the Irish word bairín - a loaf - and breac - speckled due to the raisins in it, hence it means a speckled loaf.
When i check wikipedia to know more about this bread, i was totally amazed to read the tradition of this halloween bread. Here is wat Wikipedia says about this Halloween Brack , this bread traditionally have various objects baked into the bread and was used as a sort of fortune-telling game. In the barmbrack , there might have a pea, a stick, a piece of cloth, a small coin and a ring. Each item, when received in the slice, was supposed to carry a meaning to the person concerne. If its a pea, the person would not marry that year; the stick, would have an unhappy marriage or continually be in disputes; the cloth or rag, would have bad luck or be poor; the coin, would enjoy good fortune or be rich; and the ring, would be wed within the year. Other articles added to the brack include a medallion, usually of the Virgin Mary to symbolise going into the priesthood or to the Nuns, although this tradition is not widely continued in the present day. Thank god, else imagine the disaster after having this bread.
When i check wikipedia to know more about this bread, i was totally amazed to read the tradition of this halloween bread. Here is wat Wikipedia says about this Halloween Brack , this bread traditionally have various objects baked into the bread and was used as a sort of fortune-telling game. In the barmbrack , there might have a pea, a stick, a piece of cloth, a small coin and a ring. Each item, when received in the slice, was supposed to carry a meaning to the person concerne. If its a pea, the person would not marry that year; the stick, would have an unhappy marriage or continually be in disputes; the cloth or rag, would have bad luck or be poor; the coin, would enjoy good fortune or be rich; and the ring, would be wed within the year. Other articles added to the brack include a medallion, usually of the Virgin Mary to symbolise going into the priesthood or to the Nuns, although this tradition is not widely continued in the present day. Thank god, else imagine the disaster after having this bread.

Baking Items,
We Knead to Bake
Monday, October 26, 2015
Eggless Mocha Mug Cake
Whoever love coffee flavor in their cake will definitely go crazy if you serve this mug cake to them. Yes this single serving mug cake makes an excellent guilt free snack to indulge without any fuss. Mocha mug cake was in my to do list since a long, but everytime i plan a mug cake i end up always either with a brownie or with a chocolate mug cake. Since i havent posted my version of eggless, butterless mocha cake i prepared this mug cake recently to satisfy my younger one's sweet tooth. This mocha cake is very easy to make with usual ingredients. Instant coffee granules is the most wanted ingredient for making this mocha mug cake.

Baking Items,
Blogging Marathon,
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Eggless Vanilla Mug Cake with Milk Chocolate
Nothing can beat a simple,quick and easy breezy vanilla cake though i love chocolate cake. Last weekend we had a family get together and everything went well, had loads of funs, enjoyed some gossips and obviously lots of foods and cakes. Back home, we seriously want to go under diet, yes we had loads of foods and had almost 2kgs of sugar in form of cakes, desserts and icecreams. Had couple of salads and soups just for two days, the third day everyone at home started complaining that they need something sweet to satisfy their sweet tooth, hence i just prepared this quick single serving mug cake just to satisfy them. Yes this cake is quite enough to make them happy as everyone had their limited share of this cake, a spoon per person. A prefect way to maintain our diet rite.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Eggless Oatmeal Nutella Mug Cake
While am writing the word 'Nutella' itself my mouth is watering, love this spread, though its not recommandable to have this spread often. I bought them rarely that too when i plan to make some crepes at home. Kids just love this spread with crepes, however having this spread once a while will definitely makes you happy. I love mug cakes, they are really very easy to do as these mug cakes goes for microwave cooking. Just with one or two minutes depending upon your microwave oven power you can dish out mug cakes very much quickly. Whenever we feel like having some quick desserts especially a single serving cakes i'll definitely go for mug cakes.

Baking Items,
Blogging Marathon,
Home Bakers Challenge,
Monday, October 19, 2015
Eggless Oats Snack Cake
Oats are my favourite wholegrains, they are super versatile and you can just dish out many delicious dishes out of this fibre rich grains. After two different wholegrains based dishes, my today's post goes for an eggless, flavourful and definitely a healthy snack cake. Yes this cake is a prefect snack time cake to enjoy with fruit juices or simply to have along with a cup of coffee or tea. This eggless oats based snack cake goes for a simple and a very easy preparation, actually this cake is a kind of one bowl cake. Just add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, transfer it to a square baking mould and bake it, thats all. How easy na. Trust me, this cake gets ready really very quick, if you have all the ingredients with you, this cake is seriously very easy to prepare and bake.

Baking Items,
Blogging Marathon,
Eggless Baking,
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Chocolate Kodo Millet Pudding
I love adding millets in our diet atleast twice or once a week and am keeping it as a routine. Recently one of my Fb friend shared a link about the health benefits of the millets while an another friend shared how its not healthy to include the millets daily in our diet. However anything with moderation is good for health rite, obviously i dont want to go inside a debate. Adding millets in our diet is definitely an interesting one,which will limit the intake of rice. As always i couldnt kept myself getting few bags of organic millets from India and i have couple of millets at home to cook with. As i told earlier, my life is getting very much busy, am trying to keep posting atleast three dishes every week in my space though its quite hard to cook and click with my hectic schedule. Somehow being this much busy is very thrilling too and am loving it.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Vegan Banana Oats Bars with Chocolate Chips
I cant imagine my pantry without wholegrains, i will always have rolled oats, millets and brown rice in my pantry. If you are my follower, you may know very well that i love to bake and cook with oats very much. Oats, this incredible wholegrain is very much rich in fibre are already known to help remove cholesterol from the digestive system that would otherwise end up in the bloodstream.A steaming bowl of fresh cooked oatmeal is the perfect way to start off your day, especially if you are trying to prevent or are currently dealing with heart disease or diabetes. Oatmeal’s low glycemic index is beneficial when it comes to reducing the risk of diabetes. This helps the stomach empty its contents slowly, which affects blood sugar levels and has a positive effect on our insulin sensitivity. Obviously Oats have loads of nutritional benefits and dont forget to add them in your menu quite often.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Caramelized Onion Pudding
Wiki says that Pudding is a kind of food that can be either a dessert or a savory dish. The word pudding is believed to come from the French boudin, originally from the Latin botellus, meaning "small sausage", referring to encased meats used in Medieval European puddings. The main ingredients to make pudding are butter, flour, cereal, eggs, which makes a solid mass. These puddings are baked, steamed or boiled. Depending on its ingredients, such a pudding may be served as a part of the main course or as a dessert.Boiled or steamed pudding was a common main course aboard ships in the Royal Navy during the 18th and 19th centuries.

Baking Items,
Blogging Marathon,
Sunday, October 11, 2015
20 Minutes Apple Turnovers
As per Wikipedia,A turnover is a type of pastry made by placing a filling on a piece of dough, folding the dough over, and sealing it. Turnovers can be sweet or savory and are often made as a sort of portable meal or dessert, similar to a sandwich. They can be eaten as a breakfast or a dessert.It is common for sweet turnovers to have a fruit filling and be made with a shortcrust pastry or puff pastry dough; savory turnovers generally contain meat and/or vegetables and can be made with any sort of dough, though a kneaded yeast dough seems to be the most common in Western cuisines. They are usually baked, but may be fried.

Baking Items,
Blogging Marathon,
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Spanish Roasted Potato Salad
Salads or soups makes a super filling evening dinner and i love salads very much. Obviously twice a week, i never fail to make salads. One of my recent favourite aka our family favourite is this Spanish Roasted Potato Salad. Anything with potatoes goes directly to your favourite food list, today's recipe goes for oven roasting potatoes. This salad goes for baby potatoes and trust me everyone at home went crazy once they saw this incredible salad. I picked this irresistible Spanish roasted potato salad from Food 52 contest. This salad ressembles almost like the famous Spanish patatas bravas. Usually Patatas bravas are often served as a tapa in bars. It typically consists of white potatoes that have been cut into irregular shapes of about 2 centimeters, then fried in oil and served warm with a sauce such as a spicy tomato sauce or an aioli. This dish is commonly served in restaurants and bars throughout Spain

Baking Items,
Blogging Marathon,
Monday, October 5, 2015
Oladi - Russian Pancakes
After the deep fried yeasted flat bread from Hungary, my today's post goes to Russia, yes today am sharing Oladi, an incredible Russian Pancakes. These cute mini pancakes makes an excellent breakfast and they are seriously very easy to make with easy ingredients. Trust me this Oladi is definitely a fabulous breakfast pancakes to kick start a day. Oladi is prepared with buttermilk/Soured milk/Kefir-fermented milk.Kefir gives a distinguishing taste to oladi, but it probably can be replaced with buttermilk in case you are having troubles finding kefir.Kefir,this fermented milk is quite difficult to find out for me, so i made this fluffy mini pancakes with buttermilk, though you can also go for soured milk. By the way, soured milk is prepared by adding lemon juice or vinegar to milk.

Blogging Marathon,
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Lángos - Hungarian Flat Bread
Wikipedia says that Lángos, is a Hungarian food speciality, a deep fried flat bread also a street food is simply made of a dough with flour, yeast, salt and water. It is also traditionally made in Vojvodina, Serbia, where it was introduced by the local Hungarians. Lángos is a dough made of water or milk and flour, with a dash of sugar and salt and fried in oil. Adding sour cream, yoghurt or mashed potatoes to the dough is optional, in the latter case it is called potato lángos.It is eaten fresh and warm, topped with sour cream and grated cheese,ham, or sausages, or most frequently, without toppings, just rubbed with garlic or garlic butter, or doused with garlic water. Other ingredients and accompaniments can be mushroom, quark cheese, eggplant, cabbage, kefir, omelet, and a confectioner's sugar or jam.

Blogging Marathon,
Street foods
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Socca - Gluten Free French Chickpeas Pancakes
Socca is a thin, unleavened crepes or pancakes made from chickpea flour. Known in Italy as farinata or cecina, this chickpea pancake was founded in Genoa and became a popular food of the Ligurian Sea coast, from Nice to Pisa. Socca is really very easy to make - simply a mixture of chickpea flour, water, olive oil, and salt and spices makes this pancakes. Socca can be cooked in broiler or in open oven until crisp and charred.Though my version goes for pan frying which makes excellent socca as well. Socca is quite popular all around the world; depending on where you are in the world,you may serve it more olive oil, salt, pepper, cumin, harissa, or even jam.

Blogging Marathon,
gluten free
Friday, October 2, 2015
Recap - 26days of Buffet on Table
Life is getting very busy, recently i joined a part time job and i have less leisure time than before, somehow i dont want to keep myself away from Blogging. Have to say a big thanks to Srivalli, the brain child of blogging marathon. Personally without blogging marathon and the encouraging comments given by the co marathoners and bloggers am sure i cant feed my blog baby.Obviously am trying to cook or bake for my blog during weekends, however i dont bother to keep myself busy even during weekend.
Indian States:
6)Mong Khetchir - Kashmiri Special
7)Moongadi/Mogar Roti - Rajasthani Special
8)Ooty Varki.Varkey - Tamilnadu Special
If you are a reader or a follower of my blog, you might have noticed that am running a month of blogging for the whole month of september. We marathoners run a month of blogging twice a year that too during the month of April and September. This whole month blogging have specific theme and this time's theme was Buffet on Table. So we served different dishes with different theme for each week. We kick started the first week with Combo meals, the second week with Indian states, third week with Breakfast from countries, fourth week with Condiments and the fifth week with Blogger's choice. Seriously i started cooking for first week of this blogging marathon two months back and scheduled the first week immediately as i travelled to India. Yes long blogging marathon asks for some early planning, thank god everything went on prefectly and am so happy to finish the whole month blogging marathon without any hassle.Eventhough some of my posts are very easy, am happy with it, by the way not to forget few fellow bloggers for their tremendous breathtaking Thalis. Wish i could make thalis atleast for the next one.
Since writing a Recap is a must after a month's blogging, here we go for this month's recap..
Combo Meals:
Indian States:
6)Mong Khetchir - Kashmiri Special
7)Moongadi/Mogar Roti - Rajasthani Special
8)Ooty Varki.Varkey - Tamilnadu Special
Condiments from Countries:
Breakfast from Countries:
Blogger's Choice: Chaat/Street Foods
Hope you all enjoyed virtually 26days of Buffet on table, dont forget to bookmark and start cooking.
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