Thursday, July 31, 2014

Eggless Jugu Cake/East African Eggless Peanut Biscotti

Love to experiment with various cuisines, if i have a chance to make a world culinary trip am ready to go immediately without any second thought. Yes am a foodie and am very proud to be. Since i dont have any chance either now or in nearby future i'll make myself happy by preparing dishes from various countries at home itself. My small kitchen is the only place in my home helps me a lot to dish out different dishes whenever i feel like experimenting with new cuisine. You may see already that i have tried many cuisines from all around the world and its been quite a routine for me to make different dishes out from my South Indian roots whenever time permits.Few of my culinary experiements have turned diasters especially when its from African cuisine. This cuisine is not that much familiar for me but East African dishes have an Indian touch and many foods cooked there have similarities with our Indian foods. The main reason behind this is because of Indian immigrants, East Africans eat chappathis, their chicken curry ressembles quite like our Indian chicken curry, they have their pakoras as much as like ours. Obviously whoelse will wait to give a try to this cuisine.

One of my recent trial from East African cuisine is the Eggless Jugu cake, this cake aka biscotti type of baked  biscuits goes for the famous roasted peanuts. Usually Jugu cake is prepared with eggs, since i want to give a try to an eggless version, i replaced the egg with flaxseed meal, this worked wonder. Actually once this eggless jugu cakes gets baked, i wasnt happy to see so many cracks on the top, honestly i was bit anxious. But once well cooled i sliced them carefully as i dont want to crumble the cake, trust me once they were completely cooled, you can slice them either small or medium sized biscottis without any hesitation. Personally i didnt missed the eggs here, peanuts plays the major role in the cake and they are soo addictive, you cant just stop with one. After Thailand, this month's challenge of International Food Challenge ,a monthly event started by  wonderful food blogger Sara,we are landing towards East African Cuisine, the host of this month is Ramya of Lemon Kurry. She suggested couple of East African dishes, i picked this jugu cake from the list and loved it to the core.

Recipe Source: One Life to Eat
1+1/2cup Roasted unsalted peanuts
2+1/2cup All purpose flour
1cup Sugar
1/2tsp Baking powder
1/4tsp Baking soda
2tbsp Flaxseed meal
4tbsp Warm water
100grms Butter (room temperature)
1+1/4cup Milk

Mix the flaxseed meal with warm water,keep aside.

Grind the roasted peanuts as bit coarse mixture.

Take the grounded peanuts, flour,sugar, baking powder,flaxseedmeal mixture, butter,baking soda in a large bowl.

Preheat the oven to 350F.

Mix everything to form a crumble like mixture. Gradually add the milk and make a soft and pliable dough.

Divide the dough into four balls, roll them as medium sized logs, arrange over a baking sheet lined over a baking tray.

Bake for 15-20minutes, let the logs gets cool completely/

Slice it as your desire, conserve them in air tightened box.

Enjoy with your favourite drink.


Joanne T Ferguson said... Reply To This Comment

G'day! This looks delicious Priya! I wish I could come through the screen and try some now!
Cheers! Joanne @ What's On The List

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Wow aks appadiya parcel that box ;-) semma tempting.

Rafeeda AR said... Reply To This Comment

akka, if you don't mind, could you please pass me on that plate??? yum....

Shama Nagarajan said... Reply To This Comment

super cake..

nandoos kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

super tempting cake..

Anu said... Reply To This Comment

Wow Priya.. Looks delicious..:)

Julie said... Reply To This Comment

love to dip it in chai and munch..lovely peanut flavored biscotti :)

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Yummy biscotti sis.parcel plz

great-secret-of-life said... Reply To This Comment

looks so yum! nice tea time snack ..

Gita Jaishankar said... Reply To This Comment

Another baked goodie. I am always amazed by your passion for cooking..The biscotti look so scrumptious :)

Saras said... Reply To This Comment

I too tried this and these are seriously addictive Priya..My kids too enjoyed it..Your jugu is perfect and dragging me to try it again.. Thanks for trying and spreading the word..

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

I like the addition of peanuts to the cake..The eggless version is interesting..

Mayuri Patel said... Reply To This Comment

jugu cake looks delicious, but never heard of it as been a popular dish in East Africa.

meena said... Reply To This Comment

So many bloggers make the same recipe but when I come here Priya I know it will be always perfect.Looks yumm...

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Looks very tempting

Akila said... Reply To This Comment

Yummy biscotti

Fullscoops said... Reply To This Comment

I could have that whole plate! So tempting!

Sona said... Reply To This Comment

Looks delicious and tempting..

Easyfoodsmith said... Reply To This Comment

OMG...these sound fabulous. Pinning these

fimere said... Reply To This Comment

un gâteau délicieux et croquant
bon week-end

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

What all you keep making Priya, how do you manage to finish all these goodies up !! ? :P And you are not even fat !!! .. ohh I am so jealous

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