Thursday, December 26, 2013

Vegan Challah

Challah, the popular Jewish bread is loaded with eggs and egg yolks, but if i say we can make beautiful challahs as vegan version, its unbelievable rite. Even i was bit skeptical when i saw this Vegan Challah from The Sweet Life, an another incredible bread challenged by Priya R of Cook Like Priya for this month's Home Baker's Challenge, a monthly baking event where we bake varieties of bakes every month.Since december is a month of Christmas celebration, Priya chosed many delicious christmas bakes from all around the world and am happy that finally i can make my favourite challah as vegan version. Seriously until i finished baking this challah am not sure about the texture and the taste,but trust me this vegan challah is just tremendous.

Crust and the texture of this bread came out extremely prefect as much as like the egg loaded challah. This Veganised challah goes for chickpea flour which may sounds weird but seriously the addition of chickpea flour makes this bread interesting and this flour gives the texture and that mild yellowish colour to the texture of this vegan bread. I enjoyed thoroughly baking this Christmas veganished Jewish bread at home and once again thanks to Priya for challenging us this incredible bread.Today is the last thursday of the month and its time to post for Vegan Thursdays, an vegan event running twice a month and this beautiful challah goes to this event too.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Coriander Soya Pulao

One pot meals are always prefect for lunch. Either its a sunday's lunch or a week day's lunch,one pot meal are really easy to get ready and prefect to serve for a get together. Coming to today's coriander soya pulao, this pulao goes for an easy preparation with the aromatic herb aka coriander leaves. To add the nutritional value of this pulao, i simply went for the protein rich soya chunks for making this one pot meal. If you want to make this pulao with meats, just go with lean meats like chicken or else with prawns.

Aromatic coriander soya pulao suits prefectly for a sunday brunch, i served this rice with a simple potato kurma and we just enjoyed thoroughly our lunch. Its 4th sunday of the month and since i belong to a group of friends who blogs on sunday for the event Let's Brunch On Sundays am posting this incredible delicious pulao.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Rendez Vous With A Foodie - Veena of Great Secret Of Life

Good friends are very rare but believe me even this virtual world brings you many wonderful friends,eventhough many people around you may says that never trust this virtual world. Even i was before as though, but slowly i changed that opinion and trust me apart from few, most of the bloggers i crossed in this virtual world are genuine,down to earth and with huge heart. When i started this Rendez vous with a foodie event, a bunch of new bloggers joined their hands immediately with me and this event is running very successfully since ever i started this event.

Every 7th and 20th of the month,am hosting Rendez Vous With A Foodie, an event happening twice a month in my blog,the main motto of this event is to introduce budding bloggers to this immense virtual world.Today is an another special day for me,yep today's host is a wonderful person, before going to know about her, if anyone want to be my guest and if your blog is less than two years please do contact me through Facebook or by a mail with your facebook name to add you in this new adventure.

Veena, her blog speaks a lot about her passion for cooking and blogging.She share many South Indian dishes with stepwise pictures and none will go wrong with her instructions. I have became an ardent fan of her way of cooking with healthy stuffs,traditional foods and wonderful eggless bakes. Seriously if you go through her space, am sure you will definitely fallen in love with her space. Veena, who blogs at Great-secret-of-life eventhough i dont know much about her, slowly i came to know that she is not only a sweet person and a very down to earth human who supports everyone with her constant visits and her encouraging words.Everytime i go to her space, i always amazed to see the varieties of dishes she shares in her space and now am an ardent of her space.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Parangipettai Chicken Biryani/Chicken Biriyani - Parangipettai Special

Biryani,this word itself makes me hungry, we love biryanis not only for the special occasions. Mostly we love to enjoy them for our sunday lunch.When i was searching for a new biryani, i googled for it and i ended at Asiya Akka's Samaithu Asathalam and picked her Parangipettai biryani. Instead of mutton, i went for chicken and followed her recipe prefectly. Seriously this biryani turned out extremely delicious and very flavourful, this Parangipettai briyani goes for a special spice powder which goes for white pepper, poppyseeds, cumin seeds, cardamom, cinnamon stick and cloves.

This spice powder enhances the flavor of this biryani and we seriously enjoyed this beautiful biryani for our sunday's lunch. Thanks to Asiya akka for sharing this flavourful Parangipettai biryani, and learned a new biryani from you.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Eggless American Snowman Cookies

Xmas is around the corner and many of us will be getting ready to have a fabulous xmas and new year party. This time am not at home and happy that am in India to have those celebrations here. However i'll be missing our usual Xmas feast and New year bash with my H and kids.For this month's Home Baker's Challenge, a monthly baking event, Priya R of Cook Like Priya suggested us many wonderful xmas themed bakes from around the World. Her choices of challenges are just amazing and she chosed varieties of cookies, breads and cakes which suits prefectly for the Xmas celebrations.

This baking event,which we started before few months have been successfulling going around with loads of supports from the members of this group,thanks to each and everyone for being a part of this huge success..Xmas celebration table will always have wonderful foods, bakes and desserts, i cant imagine my xmas party without cakes or cookies. Everyone year i'll prepare rich fruits cakes and this time i opted for this snowman cookies from the recipes suggested by Priya. Look at those cute looking snowman cookies, the picture itself speaks a lot na, trust me these cuties are dangerously addictive. My kids gone crazy once they saw these cute cookies, they just enjoyed thoroughly these eggless beauties.Very prefect eggless butter cookies for the Christmas celebration if you dont eat eggs.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Bhindi Pachadi/Okra Raita

Bhindi is also known as Okra or ladys finger, is a protein rich vegetables. Eventhough this sticky vegetable was one of the most hated vegetable by kids earlier, i never forget to get them from Indian stores. Slowly my kids started loving this vegetable, watelse a mom need. I'll prepare atleast a dish with bhindis once a week and this vegetable is must to buy whenever we go to Indian stores.One of my recent favourite,nope my family favourite with this vegetable is this pachadi.

This pachadi tastes fabulous to enjoy with a simple pulao or biryani, i served this nutritious pachadi for our sunday lunch with Ambur Mutton Biriyani.Bored of usual onion raita or simple cucumber raita, make this delicious okra raita/bhindi pachadi and surprise your family members.Its 1st sunday of the month and since i belong to a group of friends who blogs on sunday for the event Let's Brunch On Sundays am posting this healthy pachadi.Sending to my own event Healthy Diet-Vegetarian Side dish guest hosted by Nandoos..

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Rendez Vous With A Foodie - Rafeeda of The Big Sweet Tooth

We might have crossed so many friends in our life, some may stay and some may go but some will never go and they will stay in our heart for ever. This blogging world brought me many friends who later became my virtual sisters and the number of virtual sisters are increasing day by day, but never mind i just adore the support and the love they brings me. Whenever i ask their support, they will definitely shower me with their huge support, thats why i created this event Rendez vous with a Foodie. I know i can trust my co-bloggers aka my virtual sisters to join their hands to make this event and trust me they proved that and this event is a big hit. I have to say big thanks to each and everyone for giving me this support.

If you are my follower,you might have noticed that every 7th and 20th of the month i'll be introducing a newbie blogger to this immense virtual world.My today's guest is known other than Rafeeda of The Big Sweet Tooth, a wonderful person, absolutely a very sweet sister who cares a lot for others. Earlier i thought she might be a homemaker who cooks quite often then later from her posts i came to know that she is a working mom with two adorable kids. I was astonished to see how frequently she blogs and participates in many challenges eventhough she is busy working mom.

Initially, her blog's name attracted me a lot, coz am also having a big sweet tooth. When you saw someone who is having the same taste and same passion for foods obviously you will get attract to them and you may turn curious to know more about them.This is wat happened for me when i crossed Rafeeda's space, happy that she is an adorable person who have a huge heart thus i simply became her ardent fan. Actually I always love her Malabar dishes and obviously i was waiting eagerly for her guest post. Trust me, she didnt disappointed me and send me a wonderful,droolworthy Malabar Biryani. Thanks Rafee Sis, coz of you finally my space have a wonderful Malabar biryani now.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Sprouted Methi & Dal Powder/Mulaivita Vendhaya Paruppu Podi

My followers knows very well that i make quite often sprouts with beans and seeds at home itself. For sprouting we dont need any specific container. A small bottle container and a dark place can make some magic also you need patience for sprouting,coz sprouts may take more than two days while some may take three days to sprout. Recently i prepared few fenugreek sprouts at home, after making some instant pickles and spicy tamarind based gravies aka kaara kuzhambu finally i prepared this incredible dal powder using some leftover fenugreek sprouts and dals.

Actually this is the first time am trying a paruppu podi with sprouted fenugreek seeds,trust me this podi turned out extremely fabulous with a mild tolerable bitterness. Am having twice a week this podi mixed with rice topped with gingelly oil or ghee. Sprouted fenugreeks, we call in tamil as  mulaivita or mulaikattiya vendhayam(முளைவிட்ட வெந்தயம்) tastes less bitter when compared to the fenugreek seeds. Anyhow this bitter better seeds are seriously very healthy and definitely a diabetic friendly dal powder which helps to reduce the sugar level in blood by frequent intake.Today is the first thursday of the month and its time to post for Vegan Thursdays, an vegan event running twice a month and this healthy dal powder goes to this event too.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Prawn Pepper Kuzhambu - A Guest Post by Menaga of Sashiga

Writing a guest post or getting back a guest post is quite common in this immense virtual world, but getting a guest post from a close friend is more than that. Actually Menaga of Sashiga is one of my best buddy i got through this blog world, we get connected through our passion for foods and later i came to know that she is also from Pondicherry my native and for my surprise she lives also near Paris,how wonderful na. Then one fine day, i asked her fone number and started talking with her through fone. From that onwards, the bond between us is just growing on day by day. She never failed to call me and as usual we talk for hours, even everyone at home pulls me for our long conversation we have mutually with each other.

Few days back, i asked Menaga to write a guest post for me, she immediately asked me whether i need anything special, i simply replied to send me a dish that suits prefectly to showcase our native Pondicherry. She said ok and send me within a day her inlaws signature dish.

Coming to to Prawn pepper kuzhambu, we make prawn kuzhambu at home often as we are the great fans of sea foods, but Menaga's prawn pepper kuzhambu was completely different from mine. Seriously cant wait to make this fingerlicking kuzhambu at home. Actually this gravy goes for the famous South Indian tempering spice called vadagam, which is prepared yearly once with a variety of spices with onions. This sun dried tempering spices gives a wonderful flavour to any tamarind based gravy makes them more flavourful, obviously we used to carry them from India everytime during our visit to India. If you want to make a new variety of kuzhambu, you should give a try to this delicious Menaga's Prawn pepper kuzhambu.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Atte Ke Sheera & Moong Dal Kachori

After dishing out some Italian foods, for this month's International Food Challenge ,a monthly event started by two wonderful food bloggers Sara and Shobana, the members of this food challenge group travelling towards Rajasthani cuisine of India.Rajasthani cuisine, the foods from this cuisne are prepared usually with milk, yogurt and buttermilk coz of the scarcity of water of the region of Rajasthan. Most of their foods last for several days coz of their traditional warrior lifestyles and depending upon the availability of the ingredients of this water starved ragion.This cuisine is a splendid array of unique,rich,colourful,spicy dishes and many more delectable sweets. Lentils and legumes like jowar, bajra are used very much in this cuisine and needless to say Gramflour is one of the main ingredient in this cuisine. The traditional Rajasthani dishes with vegetables can be eaten for many days and they dont need refrigeraton coz of the weather condition of this region.

This month's host was Manjula Bharath of Desi Fiesta, since she is from Rajasthani region she challenged the members with many delectable Rajasthani dishes, one among her challenge was her delectable Rajasthani Festive Platter. When i saw the spread i was awestruck, yes the platter she prepared was just mindblowing, can see her efforts and her love for her native. I chosed to cook a Halwa and a Kachori from the dishes she challenged coz of the lack of time coz i'll be in India while this post is up.Thanks Manjula for challenging us with delicious Rajasthani dishes, trust me i enjoyed making and having both halwa and kachori.

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