Sunday, December 7, 2014

Mixed Vegetable Wreath

Christmas is nearing very fast and the festive mood is already everywhere here. Last year i missed all these festive moods and this year i dont want to miss anything for any reason. In two weeks, we will be in christmas holidays and we have already started our programme for this christmas holidays eventhough the weather is terrific here, after all its winter here. Its getting dark already at 4pm and this dull climate makes us super lazy. Suddenly today i felt like baking a spicy bread and started preparing the dough earlier in the morning to finish my bread before the daylight goes on. Thank god, everything went well and i clicked few before its becomes dark. Today's recipe is definitely a favourite for savory lovers, this wreath is  this week's challenge of Fond Bites-Bake Along a weekly event by Subhashini, she suggested this edible flower for this week.Every week we get to know about the week's challenge on sunday and the members of this group should bake and share either in their blog or with the group members before the next sunday.

Spicy vegetable wreath bread

I missed few challenges since few weeks coz of my super busy schedule, but however i dont want to miss the chance to make this savoury wreath for any reason. The original recipe went for chicken,i prepared mine with mixed vegetable filling. We had this savoury spicy wreath for our evening snacks,trust me this wreath is quite filling and definitely delicious.

Mixed vegetable wreath bread

For wreath dough:
4cups All purpose flour
2tsp Instant yeast
1tbsp Sugar
3tbsp Olive oil
1tsp Salt
1+1/4cup Luke Warm water

In a bowl mix the flour,yeast, sugar,olive oil and salt, add the luke warm water into the flour and knead the dough.

Dough should be smooth not wet. Knead the dough for 10 minutes.

Now drizzle the dough with olive oil and transfer it into a bowl and cover it with the cling film.

Let the dough rest at a warm place  until it doubles in size or for two hours.

The dough is ready for use.

For filling:
2cups Mixed vegetables
2nos Onion (chopped)
1tsp Red chilly powder
1tsp Tomato ketchup
1tsp Garam masala powder
1/2tsp Cumin seeds
2tbsp Oil
chopped coriander leaves

Heat oil, let crack the cumin seeds, add the onions and cook until they turns transculent.

Now add the vegetables, cook with salt for few minutes.

Add the red chilly powder, garam masala powder, cook everything in simmer. Sprinkle some water and cook for a while.

Add the ketchup and cook until the vegetables gets well cooked.

Finally add the chopped coriander leaves,put off the stove.

For Assembling:
Flour for dusting
Egg yolk (for brushing)
Oil (for brushing)
Black poppy seeds (optional)

Divide the dough into two equal balls,dust the balls with enough flour.

Roll them as round disc with a rolling pin.Cut it as 8wedges.

Transfer to a baking sheet and arrange them  overlapping on the broader end and the narrow end facing outside as shown in the picture. Roll the second ball of the dough as same as the first ball, arrange the wedges towards the centre.

Spread the filling evenly around the overlapping part of both wedges.Now fold the narrow end of the wedge facing outwards over the filling and turn it inside, handle gently and stretch it to cover up the filling.

Continue doing with the remaining wedges facing outwards,now fold the narrow end of the wedges facing towards the center over the filling to cover up completely and do the same process with the remaining wedges.

Cover it with a damp cloth, keep aside for 15minutes for second proving.

Preheat the oven to 350F.

Brush the wreath with the egg yolk and bake for 20-25minutes. Once the wreath gets well baked, brush it generously with oil.

Enjoy warm.

Spicy mixed vegetable wreath

Pour la pâte:
4tasses Farine de blé type 55
2 cuillères à café de levure instantanée
1 cuillère à soupe de sucre
3 cuillére à soupe de L'huile d'olive
1 cuillère à café de sel
1 + 1 / 4tasses l' eau tiède

Dans un bol, mélanger la farine , la levure , le sucre , l'huile d'olive et le sel , ajouter l'eau tiède et pétrir la pâte .

Pétrir la pâte pendant 10 minutes.La pâte doit être bien lisse.

Maintenant badigeonner la pâte avec de l'huile d'olive et le transférer dans un bol et couvrir avec un film alimentaire .

Laissez reposer la pâte dans un endroit chaud jusqu'à ce qu'elle double de taille.

La pâte est prête.

Pour la garniture :
2tasses de Légumes mixtes
2 oignon ( haché )
1 cuillère à café Poudre de piment
1 cuillère à café ketchup
1 cuillère à café  Poudre de garam masala
1 / 2 cuillères à café de graines de cumin
2 cuillères à soupe d'huile
feuilles de coriandre hachées

Chauffer l'huile , laisser frire les graines de cumin , ajouter les oignons et cuire.

Maintenant, ajoutez les légumes, faire cuire avec du sel pendant quelques minutes.

Ajouter la poudre de piment rouge,le garam masala et faire mijoter le tout. Ajouter un peu d'eau et cuire pendant quelque minutes.

Ajoutez le ketchup et cuire jusqu'à ce que les légumes soient bien cuits .

Enfin, ajoutez les feuilles de coriandre hachées.

Laisser refroidir le tout.

Pour le montage :
Farine pour saupoudrer
Le jaune d'oeuf ( pour badigeonner)
Huile ( pour badigeonner)
Graines de pavot  (facultatif )

Diviser la pâte en deux boules égales, fariner les boules.

Rouler une boule en cercle rond avec le rouleau à pâtisserie.

Avec un couteau, couper le en 8 triangles.

Transférer les triangles sur une plaque de cuisson et superposer les,comme indiqué dans l'image .

Rouler la deuxième boule comme la première boule, placer les triangles comme dans l'image ci dessus.

Répartissez la garniture uniformément autour de la zone de chevauchement des deux triangles.

Maintenant plier l'extrémité du triangle autour de la garniture comme l'indique l'image.

Recouvrez la couronne avec un chiffon humide,laisser de côté pendant 15 minutes.

Préchauffer le four à 350F/180C

Badigeonner la couronne avec du jaune d’œuf et cuire au four pendant 20-25 minutes.

Une fois la couronne cuite,badigeonner généreusement d'huile .

Servir chaud.


Angie's Recipes said... Reply To This Comment

A very pretty and festive wreath, Priya.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

:-), amazing. loved the technique of creating the wreath!

great-secret-of-life said... Reply To This Comment

very tempting Wreath.. Perfect for this festive season

Jo said... Reply To This Comment

That's a beautifully done wreath! Looks amazing!!

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

That looks so perfect for the season!!! helpful stepwise clicks...

Lifewithspices said... Reply To This Comment

awesome n perfect aks..

Rafeeda AR said... Reply To This Comment

love the savory wreath... looks perfect...

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Love it...

VCMouli said... Reply To This Comment

You have a lovely blog Priya.
I am very amazed to see that you also blog in langue Francais.How do you manage to write so well?
C'est vraiment admirable.
Bonne chance et bon courage pour votre blog!

Sundari Nathan said... Reply To This Comment

lovely spicy wreath!! looks perfect and tempting!

Lincyscookart said... Reply To This Comment

Perfectly made wreath for christmas. Love the shape and taste of this savoury bread.

Vanamala Hebbar said... Reply To This Comment

very nice..

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