Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Finnish Munkki/Finnish Doughnuts

Finnish doughnuts, is well known as Munkki, the speciality of these deep fried beauties are: they are simply flavoured with cardamom.The munkki are eaten any time of the year, but specially during and around on Vappu which means the 1st day of May month.In Finland, they have a special oil thats sounds like lard but as much as like butter t fry this yeasted doughnuts but however some fry these doughnuts in oil. The dough of munkki is very similar to pulla’s one but instead of baked, they are fried. Finnish doughnuts can find also shaped as a ball but the traditional one looks like ring,once fried these doughnuts gets well coated with sugar and cinnamon powder.If using bread machine, you can make the doughnut's dough easily, since i prepared the dough with bread machine, the dough came out extremely prefect.

Finnish munkki, Finnish Doughnuts

Am running my third week of blogging marathon from today and this week's theme is Doughnuts, Valli asked to check this link to pick anything from the list from A-I. Finnish doughnuts caught immediately my attention and i simply got hooked to this Finnish munkkis as they are very easy to make. Finnish Munkkis came out prefect and we couldnt stop munching them, when rolled with sugar and cinnamon powder these doughnuts tastes absolutely incredible and my kids went crazy on seeing these prefectly fried golden doughnuts.Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#47.

Finnish Munkki, Finnish Doughnuts

2cups Flour
1cup Milk
1/2cup Sugar
60 g butter
1no Egg
1tsp Instant yeast
1tsp Cardamom powder
1/2tsp Salt
Oil for frying
Sugar and cinnamon powder (for coating)

Beat the egg.

Mix the lukewarm milk with the egg, sugar, salt and cardamom.

Take the flour and yeast in a bowl and mix well, add gradually the butter.

Knead until the dough turns soft.

Place it in a greased bowl, cover with a towel and leave to prove until it doubles its size.

Knead again for a while.

Divide the dough to make bigger balls and open a hole in the middle of each ball with your fingers. Cover them with a towel and let it prove for 30 minutes.

Heat oil fr deep frying pan or a pot , deep fry the munkki in small batches.

Place the fried munkkis on a plate prepared with paper towels.

Take the sugar in a bowl with a teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

Drop the munkki into this mix when they are still hot and toss them well to get coated completely.

Continue the same process with the remaining dough.

Enjoy with a cup of tea or coffee.

Finnish Munkkis:
2tasses Farine de blé
1tasse de Lait
1/2tasses Sucre
60 g Beurre
1 oeuf
1c à café Levure instantanée
1c à café Poudre de cardamome
1/2 c à café Sel
Huile pour la friture
Sucre et de cannelle en poudre

Battre l'œuf .

Mélanger le lait tiède avec l'oeuf , le sucre , le sel et la cardamome .

Prendre la farine et la levure dans un bol et mélanger , ajouter petit à petit le beurre .

Pétrir la pate jusqu'à ce que la pâte soit moelleuse.

Placez-le dans un bol graissé , couvrir avec une serviette et laisser lever jusqu'à ce la pâte double de volume .

Pétrir à nouveau.

Divisez la pâte et faire un trou au milieu de chaque boule avec vos doigts . Couvrez-les avec une serviette et laissez-les pendant 30 minutes .

Chauffer l'huile, frire les donuts.

Placez les munkkis  frits sur une plaque préparée avec des serviettes en papier .

Prenez le sucre dans un bol avec une cuillère à café de cannelle en poudre .

Déposez le munkki chaud dans ce mélange.

Continuer  avec le reste de la pâte .

Manger avec une tasse de thé ou de café .


Catherine said... Reply To This Comment

oh my!! these certainly look delicious!!! Love one for breakfast.
xo Catherine

Rafeeda AR said... Reply To This Comment

These doughnuts look just so good... I wish I could grab that whole plate...

Jo said... Reply To This Comment lovely does that doughnuts looks. YUM

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

omg such perfectly made doughnut no one can resist :) so perfectly made !!

Srivalli said... Reply To This Comment

Priya, you got them done so well..I wanted to pick this up but wanted baked ones..quite a tough theme for me..:)

cookingwithsapana said... Reply To This Comment

Finnish doughnuts looks so delicious a d the cardamom flavor must be awesome.

Kalyani said... Reply To This Comment

Donuts r my weakness and m trying to cut them
Down ..

This version is tempting .. Do u know if we cud bake these Priya ??

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Love these beauties :) My kids favourite too, she will finish off the whole plate in minutes :)

cookbookjaleela said... Reply To This Comment

what a beautiful picture,
kalakkungka jet priya

Varada's Kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

They have a beautiful golden brown color and the sugar on the top makes it awesome!

Vanamala Hebbar said... Reply To This Comment

OMG so cute..bookmarked..looks delicious

Sneha's Recipe said... Reply To This Comment

These doughnuts look so delectable. Wish I could have one.

Harini R said... Reply To This Comment

These look cute n sinful, Priya!

vaishali sabnani said... Reply To This Comment

You get me drooling at these donuts..they look delicious and melt in the mouth kinds.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

I tried today but the batter is not stiff I mean it's runny is the amount of flour is correct?

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