Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Chilly Bean Soup

Soup makes an excellent meal during winter day, i love a quick, simple and easy breezy soup to have for my dinner especially after an hectic day. Obviously my space will have many varieties of soup and i do variety of soups atleast thrice a week. When i picked menu card for this week's blogging marathon, i know i'll be making a soup as my first post of this last week of blogging marathon of this year. Srivalli, the brain child of this monthly blogging marathon suggested couple of online restaurant menu cards and  picked All Menus as my restaurant menu card. I cooked three dishes from this menu card and for my first day i simply dished out this chilly bean soup from the list of SOUPS.

chilly bean soup

This chilly bean soup goes to this week's blogging marathon,Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#47.

1cup Canned baked beans
2cups Tomato puree
1tbsp oil
1/2cup Chopped onions
1cup Chopped capsicum
1/2cup Chopped tomatoes
3tbsp Cream
1tbsp Sugar
1tsp Chilli sauce
salt to taste

Heat the oil in a deep pan, add the onions and sauté on a medium flame for 1 minute.

Add the capsicum, sauté on a medium flame for 1 minute.

Add the tomato puree and boil for 2 to 3 minutes, while stirring occasionally.

Add the tomatoes, baked beans, cream, sugar, chilli sauce and salt , mix well and cook on a medium flame for 2 to 3 minutes, while stirring occasionally.

Serve hot.

Bean soup

1verre de haricots blanc en conserve
2cups purée de tomate
1 cuillère à soupe d'huile de
1/2verre Oignons hachés
1verre Poivron hachés
1/2verre Tomates hachées
3c à soupe crème
1c à soupe de sucre
1c à café Sauce de Chilli

Chauffer l'huile dans une casserole, ajouter les oignons et les faire revenir à feu moyen pendant 1 minute .

Ajouter le poivron , faire revenir à feu moyen pendant 1 minute .

Ajouter la purée de tomate et faire bouillir pendant 2 à 3 minutes , en remuant de temps en temps .

Ajouter les tomates,haricots blancs , crème, le sucre , la sauce de chili et le sel , bien mélanger et cuire à feu moyen pendant 2 à 3 minutes , en remuant de temps en temps .

Servir chaud .


Varada's Kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

Lovely vibrant color. Looks appetizing on this cold winter day.

Priya said... Reply To This Comment

These soup look delicious and so comforting..Merry christmas to you and your family sis

Priya Srinivasan - I Camp in My Kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

A perfect dinner for a chilly evening!!!

Sarita said... Reply To This Comment

Easy and healthy soup.

Rafeeda AR said... Reply To This Comment

it's so chilled out here and this soup is perfect...

Srivalli said... Reply To This Comment

Very nice soup Priya..perfect for the chill weather!

Harini R said... Reply To This Comment

This is my kind of a soup, Priya!

cookingwithsapana said... Reply To This Comment

Perfect looking soup !

Sneha's Recipe said... Reply To This Comment

A perfect soup on a cold winter day, very comforting.

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