Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Tree in Brioche / Sapin de Noel

I love Christmas festival, its a festival of gifts here, who will say no to share gifts with others , obviously this festival makes everyone happy. Earlier in India, since i did my schooling in a Catholic school, its quite a tradition to keep the christmas tree, decorations etc at school. So Christmas festival is quite close to my heart. Back home during 80', every 24th december, we used to wait for Santa claus as we get our favourite Dairy milk chocolate as christmas gift on 25th december, earlier i thought Santa do exists, but later we found that  Dad was the one who get chocolates for us saying that Santa disposed the chocolates in our balcony. I cherish those nostalgic moments and never failed to tell the famous Santa's story to my kids once they came to know about the inexistence of Santa.

Xmas tree, Sapin de noel, christmas tree in brioche

As i told earlier, i have been baking nonstop since my xmas vacation started, am baking out atleast two bakes per day as i missed the fun of baking. My readers know very well that am a happy member of few baking events and for this month's challenge of Defi Boulange, created  by Nadia and Manue, a French baking group challenged the members with an incredible Christmas tree in brioche.Its a group where Manue and Nadia shares their beautiful bakes every month and the members of this group should bake their version of the month's challenged bake with their own ingredients. This time i sticked with their original recipe and trust me this Sapin de Noel which means Christmas tree in French will definitely decorate your Christmas dinner table.

Xmas tree, Sapin de noel, christmas tree in brioche

4cups Bread flour
1tbsp Instant yeast
1cup Milk
1/2cup Sugar
75grms Butter
1no Egg yolk
1/2tsp Salt
100 g Chocolate squares
Some candied cherries
Icing sugar

In a saucepan, warm the milk with the butter and let cool. Add the sugar and egg yolk , beat all slightly.

In a large bowl or a food processor, place the flour, salt, instant yeast, milk - butter - sugar - egg mixture.

Knead for 10 minutes until the dough is smooth is flexible.

Form a ball that you put in the bowl . Cover it with a cloth and let it  double in volume 1 hour.

Once the dough has doubled in volume , put it on your lightly floured surface , punch it by pressing.

Make 22 dough pieces of 40 g each, flatten each dough with the palm of your hand , place a square of chocolate of your choice and shape into buns .

Place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper to form a Christmas tree and the last piece of dough , shape it with a more elongated shape

Cover the plate with a clean cloth and let rise 40 minutes.

Preheat oven to 180 °c/350F

Bake 20 to 25 minutes.

Let the tree,cool on a rack and then decorate it with candied cherries for garlands effect and sprinkle with icing sugar for snow effect.

Christmas tree, Sapin de Noel

4verres Farine de blé type 65
1c à soupe Levure instantanée
1 verre de lait
1/2verre de sucre
75grs de beurre
1 jaune d'oeuf
1/2c à café de sel
100 g de carrés de chocolat
Quelques cerises confites
Sucre glace

Dans une casserole, faites tiédir le lait avec le beurre puis laissez refroidir. Ajoutez le sucre et le jaune d'oeuf, battre le tout légèrement.

Dans un robot, mettez la farine, le sel, la levrue instantanée puis le mélange lait-beurre-sucre-oeuf. Pétrir le tout pendant 10 minutes jusqu'à ce que la pâte soit homogène est souple.

Formez une boule que vous remettez dans le saladier. 

Couvrez-la avec un torchon et laissez-la gonfler et doubler de volume 1 heure à l'abri.

Maintenant déposez-la sur votre plan de travail légèrement fariné, dégazez en appuyant dessus.

Faites 22 pâtons de 40 g chacun, aplatir chaque pâton avec la paume de la main, déposez un carré de chocolat de votre choix puis façonnez des petits pains ronds.

Placez-les sur une plaque recouverte de papier sulfurisé de façon à former un sapin et le dernier pâton, façonnez-le avec une forme plus allongée afin de faire le pied de sapin.

Couvrez la plaque avec un torchon propre puis laissez lever 40 minutes.

Préchauffez le four à 180°C.

Cuire 20 à 25 minutes selon votre four, le sapin doit être légèrement doré.

Laissez le sapin refroidir sur une grille puis décorez-le avec les cerises confites pour un effet guirlandes et saupoudrez le tout de sucre glace pour l'effet neige.


1 comment:

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

wow fabulous brioche Christmas tree :) wonderfully done and love those cute Christmassy things around !!

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