Sunday, November 16, 2014

Stuffed Chillies with Peanuts & Potato

Stuffed vegetables are my personnal favourite, whenever i get a chance to make i wont hesitate a second to make some. Its been a while i had some stuffed vegetables, and i have been looking for a chance to make some stuffed chillies especially with potatoes. I have been challenged with two incredible ingredients by Sathya Priya of My Kitchen Odyssey for this month's Shhhh Cooking Secretly Challenge started by me few months back.Every month i'll combine a pair with the members, then later we secretly discuss with our pair to exchange two secret ingredients among us, finally we cook with those secret ingredients which we will post on next month between 16-18th during every month. Whoever finished cooking with their secret ingredients shares their picture among the group members befor the revealing date.Obviously we are having loads of fun by guessing the ingredients and have real fun with the members. Also this group brings out the creativity from the members since the two ingredients given by the members will definitely pull you to dish out interesting dishes.

Stuffed Chillies with peanut and potato

Sathya gave me chillies and peanuts as secret ingredients, however the first recipe came to my mind is Hyderabadi mirchi ka salan then somehow i felt like making a different dish and opted for this alluring,spicy and very delicious stuffed chillies aka stuffed peppers. Instead of making a dry stuffing with peanuts, i prepared a quick stuffing with cooked and mashed potatoes along with crushed peanuts, the addition of peanuts makes this stuffing more crunchy and nutty. Take care to remove the seeds from chillies carefully else your stuffed chillies will be more spicy. I used long green chillies, you can make the same stuffed chillies just with bellpeppers. We simply loved this stuffed peppers, thanks to Sathya sis for giving me this interesting ingredients.

stuffed peppers, stuffed chilllies with peanuts

7-8nos Long green chillies
Oil for frying

For stuffing:
1cup Cooked and mashed potatoes
1/2cup Crushed raw peanuts
1no Onion (chopped)
1/2tsp Garam masala powder
Chopped coriander leaves
1tbsp Oil

Slit open the green chillies carefully, remove the seeds and keep aside.

Bring boil water in a pan, add the chillies, keep aside for 5 minutes, strain the water and keep aside.

Heat the oil, cook the chopped onions until they turns transculent.

Add the crushed peanuts, saute for few minutes.

Add the mashed potatoes,coriander leaves, garam masala powder, salt and cook everything for few minutes, put off the stove, keep aside.

Let cool completely.

Stuff the green chillies with the peanuts-potato stuffing.

Heat enough oil for cooking, drop the chillies and fry in simmer until the chillies gets well cooked.

Remove and serve warm.

Stuffed peppers

Piments Farcis:
7-8 Piments verts
Huile pour frire

Pour la farce:
1 tasse de pommes de terre cuites et écrasées
1/2tasse Arachides(broyées)
1 Oignon (émincés)
1/2 c à café Poudre de  Garam masala
Feuilles de coriandre hachées
1 c à soupe d'huile

Ouvrir soigneusement les piments verts, retirer les graines et garder les à côté.

Faire bouillir l'eau dans une casserole, ajouter les piments, laisser dans l'eau pendant 5 minutes, retirer les de l'eau et garder à côté.

Chauffer l'huile, faire revenir les oignons émincés.

Ajouter les arachides écrasées, faire revenir pendant quelques minutes.

Ajouter maintenant les pommes de terre écrasées, les feuilles de coriandre, la poudre de garam masala, le sel dans les arachides et faire revenir le tout pendant quelques minutes.Couper le feu.

Laisser refroidir complètement.

Farcir les piments verts avec la farce.

Chauffer l'huile pour la frire, déposer les piments farcis et les faire frire jusqu'à ce que les piments sont bien cuits.

Retirer et servir chaud.


Mayuri Patel said... Reply To This Comment

lovely recipe. I am going to try it out but with less hot version of chillis.

nayana said... Reply To This Comment

Lovely tangy filling....

Catherine said... Reply To This Comment

Sounds really good to serve as appetizers. Catherine

Ruxana Gafoor said... Reply To This Comment

lovely recipe yummy filling

lubnakarim06 said... Reply To This Comment

Long back when I was at mom's place....before marriage...i made this with paneer as stuffing....these look delsih with potato stuffing.....

Priya said... Reply To This Comment

thats a yummy looking starter sis..looking forward to try .

Janani said... Reply To This Comment

You are loaded with creativity and I love all ur recipes. So inspiring and this chilli is so tempting to make love it.

veena said... Reply To This Comment

Lovely recipe Priya. I am going to try this out with bajji molaga

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