Thursday, November 13, 2014

Five-Strands Braided Challah Bread

Challah bread, i have already tried couple of challah breads but this bread is something i want to make often at home whenever i feel like baking something eggy rich bread.Challah bread, dont need any introduction, this bread can go for upto 12 strands, i have already prepared this 6 strands Braided Challah Bread,this 4 strands Braided challah bread but still i want to make this bread with 5 strands. Finally i baked this super golden crusted 5 strands Braided challah bread for this month's Home Baker's Challenge, a monthly baking event and this baking group is running successfully more than a year.For this month's challenge, we were bit busy with our personnal stuffs obviously i opted for a challenge which made our life easier. This month's challenge is to bake from the challenges already suggested by the hosts during the past months.

Challah bread, 5 strands braided challah bread

I picked challah bread from list of bread suggested by Priya R of Cook Like Priya  as i have already posted Vegan challah bread. This bread suits prefectly for a breakfast and trust me this bread makes a super filling breakfast when served with everyone's favourite chocolate spread.This bread can suits prefect very well even for your dinner table during festivals. I love to bake challah bread during Christmas season, as this bread makes a fabulous bread to have with your meats, salads etc. Eventhough this bread goes for rich ingredients, we love this bread very much. Since Christmas is around the corner, dont forget to give a try to this incredible bread during the festival time.

Challah bread, 5strands challah bread

4cups All purpose flour
2tsp Instant yeast
1/4cup Sugar
1tsp Salt
2nos Large eggs
1/2cup Oil
1cup Water
Black poppyseeds

Egg wash:
1no Egg yolk
1tbsp Water

In a large bowl, combine the eggs,oil and water, stir well.

Mix in the flour,yeast,sugar,salt and knead everything together to form a stiff dough,knead well for few more minutes until the dough turns soft and smooth dough.

Transfer the dough to a greased large bowl and cover it with plastic wrap,let it sit in a warm place until its doubled in size for about 2hours.

Gently press down the dough,reflate it and cover it again, let it sit again for about an another hour.

Take the dough in a lightly floured surface, divide into five large balls.

Now roll them as medium sized ropes.Line them side by side, pinch the pieces together at one end and start braiding.

Watch this video to know how to braid the 5 Stranded Bread

Transfer it to the baking sheet lined over a baking tray, let it sit again in a warm place for half an hour.

Meanwhile mix the egg yolk and water for egg wash.

Preheat the oven to 350F.

Brush generously the rised braided bread with the egg wash,springle the black poppy seeds generously, keep aside for half an hour..

Bake the bread for 40-45minutes or until the crust turns golden brown.

Transfer to a wire rack and cool completely before slicing.

5 strands challah bread

Pain Challah
4tasses Farine de blé type 65
2 cà café levure instantanée
1/4tasse sucre
1 c à café de sel
2 Gros oeufs
1/2tasse de huile végétale
1tasse d'eau tiède
graines de pavot

Pour badigeonner:
1 jaune d'oeuf
1 c à soupe D'eau

Dans un bol, mélanger les œufs,l'huile et l'eau.

Ajouter la farine,levure,sucre, sel et pétrir pour former une pâte ferme, bien pétrir quelques minutes.

Pétrir jusqu'à ce que la pâte se transforme en pâte souple et lisse.

Transférer la pâte dans un grand bol graissé et la couvrir.

Laisser reposer dans un endroit chaud pendant environ deux heures.

Dégazer la  pâte, pétrissez la pendant 5 minutes  et laisser reposer à nouveau pendant environ une demie heure.

Mettre la pâte sur une surface légèrement farinée, diviser en cinq boules.

Maintenant, roulez les en forme de cordes ou façonnez les comme des brins.

Mettre les côte a côte, relier l’extrémité des pièces ensemble et commencer le tressage.

Regardez cette vidéo pour la tressage

Transférer  le tressage sur une plaque de cuisson recouverte de papier sulfurisé, laisser reposer de nouveau dans un endroit chaud pendant une demi-heure.

Pendant ce temps, mélanger le jaune d’œuf  et l'eau.

Préchauffer le four à 350F ou 180c

Badigeonner le pain tressé avec le mélange  à l'œuf, saupoudrez de graines de pavot généreusement.

Laisser reposer une demie heure avant la cuisson.

Cuire le pain pour 40-45minutes  ou jusqu'à ce que la croûte soit bien dorée.

Transférer le à une grille et laisser refroidir avant de trancher.


nandoos kitchen said... Reply To This Comment


Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

See this color ...lovely and perfect

Rumana Rawat said... Reply To This Comment

So beautiful looking bread and I love the perfect color on top..

Angie's Recipes said... Reply To This Comment

Love its deep golden brown colour! It looks gorgeous.

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