Sunday, November 30, 2014

Afghani Bolani/Afghani Potato Stuffed Flatbread

I am a person who loves to cook varieties of foods,eventhough sometimes i'll go for routine cooking. Whenever i get a chance to give try to a different dish from the usual one, i wont hesitate a second to make some. If you go through the recipe index, you may notice that i have already cooked and dished out dishes from many International cuisines. Today's post is also from Afghani cuisine, this cuisine resembles quite like Indian cuisine, you can see the influence of Indian cuisine as they use varieties of spices in their cooking. Afghans put lots of time and effects in most of their dishes.Afghans are fond of non vegetarian dishes and they dont use cutlery, they enjoy their food with their right hands with naan, the famous flat bread as scoop.Afghans prefer their food too spicy and hot.Most of their dishes are well known around the world. Their pulaos,kababs,Qormas are quite popular and their cuisine is a blend of the major ethnic groups 'Pashtuns,Tajiks and Uzbeks'.

Afghani Bolani, Stuffed Potato Flatbread
After Australian Damper, for this month's  International Food Challenge ,a monthly event started by  wonderful food blogger Sara,we are landing towards Afghan Cuisine. The host of this month Pavani of Cooks Hideout gave us many beautiful Afghan dishes. Seriously i went mad on seeing all those beautiful dishes from Afghan cuisine. I want to give try to all 6 dishes Pavani picked specially for us. But coz of my busy schedule, i went to this incredibly delicious potato stuffed flat bread aka Afghani Bolani.Bolani can be prepared with different vegetable filling but however today's recipe goes for potato stuffing.

Afghani Bolani, Vegan Afghani Flatbread

Recipe Source: Emu Weaving Life

3+1/2cups  All-purpose flour
1cup Water
1tsp Salt
1tsp Olive oil

2nos Potatoes (cooked)
1/2cup Chopped coriander leaves
1/2cup Chopped scallions (white and green parts)
2 tbsp Olive oil
1+1/2tsp Salt
1tsp Ground black pepper

 Mix flour and salt together, add in water and oil until dough forms a ball.  Knead dough for 10 minutes.

Place dough in lightly oiled bowl, cover with a cloth, and let rest for one hour.

 Mash the potatoes with 2 tbsp olive oil, salt, and pepper until they turns smooth.

 Add in coriander leaves and scallions, continue mashing to combine.

Assembling the bolani:
Take a portion of the dough (about the size of a small apple) and roll it into a smooth ball,dust with  some flour and roll the ball with a rolling pin.

The dough should be as thin as a tortilla and have a 10-12 inch diameter.

 Spread a little more than 1/4 cup of the filling on one half of the dough, leaving about 1/4 inch border around the rim.

Fold the dough in half over the filling and press to seal the edges.

Heat the olive oil in a pan.

Drop the bolani to hot oil, the bolani should sizzles when placed in the pan. Cook the bolani, two at a time, until golden and crispy on both sides.

Drain the excess oil with a paper towel,add more oil to your pan as needed while you cook the rest.

Serve warm.

Afghani Bolani

 Afghani Bolani:

3 + 1 / 2cups farine de blé
1 tasse d'eau
1 c à café de sel
1 c à café d'huile d'olive

2nos Pommes de terre ( cuites )
1 / 2cup  feuilles de coriandre (haché)
1/ 2cup oignons verts hachés ( blanc et parties vertes )
2 c à soupe d' huile d'olive
1 + 1 / 2 c à café de sel
1 c à café Poivre noir du moulin

 Mélanger la farine et le sel , ajouter l'eau et l'huile jusqu'à ce que la pâte forme une boule . Pétrir la pâte pendant 10 minutes .

Placer la pâte dans un bol légèrement huilé , couvrir avec un linge et laisser reposer pendant une heure .

 Écraser les pommes de terre avec 2 cuillères à soupe d'huile d'olive , sel et poivre .

Ajouter les feuilles de coriandres et les oignons verts ,  continuer à melanger.
Montage de la Bolani :
Prendre une partie de la pâte (environ la taille d'une petite pomme ) et rouler en boule.

Rouler la boule avec un rouleau à pâtisserie en cercles.

La pâte doit être fine comme une tortilla avec un diamètre de 10 à 12cm .

Étaler  1/4 tasse de la garniture sur une moitié de la pâte , en laissant le bord de la pâte sans garniture.

Plier la pâte en deux sur la garniture et appuyez sur pour sceller les bords .

Chauffer l'huile d' olive dans une poêle .

Déposez le Bolani à l'huile chaude,

Cuire le Bolani,deux à la fois , jusqu'à ce que doré et croustillant sur ​​les deux côtés .

Égoutter l'excès d'huile avec une serviette en papier, ajouter plus d'huile à votre poêle si besoin pendant que vous cuisinez le reste .

Servir chaud .


Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

This looks fantastic :) Often struggled to make an evenly filled aloo paratha, but the principle of making this bread is easier and ensures uniform distribution also, thanks for sharing :)

Suja Manoj said... Reply To This Comment

Love the filling ,nice recipe

Saras said... Reply To This Comment

Bolani looks too good.. And your pictures tempt me to make it again :)--

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

looks super tempting... u have made it sooo good Priya!!!

great-secret-of-life said... Reply To This Comment

love this bolani.. very interesting stuffed bread

Sona said... Reply To This Comment

these flatbreads look delicious, must try them sometime..

Rafeeda AR said... Reply To This Comment

The Bolani looks so good... and tempting...

Sundari Nathan said... Reply To This Comment

looks super yummy!! love the filling!!

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

nice and new recipe

Hema said... Reply To This Comment

This looks so so yummy, love that filling..

Joanne T Ferguson said... Reply To This Comment

G'day Looks great! Congrats on completing November's IFC challenge too! Pinned Shared!
Cheers! Joanne @ What's On The List

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