Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Recap - 26 Days of A-Z International Flatbreads

Every year we plan earlier to blog for both April and September, as these two months calls for a whole month of blogging marathon. Do you know the brain child of blogging marathon Srivalli of Spicing your Life  plans everything very earlier than you can imagine. Trust me we have already decided for April 2019's theme and we even got a mail regarding for next september theme. See how we guys are addictive to a month of blogging marathon. Planning a month of blogging is definitely a hard task if you are not a home maker. Obviously in my case, i have to plan everything earlier. For the month of September 2018, i started cooking three months back as i have listed out my International flatbreads since a long back. Hence i could finish this month's Mega marathon without any hassels. You might have noticed that i have been posting 26 different flatbreads from different parts of the world during this whole month of September. Though its was not that much easy for some Alphabetic letters, google master helped me a lot and finally i finished 26 days of blogging marathon successfully. Hence am proudly sharing a recap of what i cooked and blogged for the past one month with A to Z International flatbreads as theme.

Coming to the theme for this September's blogging marathon we had three options, one can pick A to Z International flatbreads or A to Z Indian flatbreads or else A to Z Indian breads like dosas,pancakes etc.Obviously i opted for the International flatbreads as i was very much eager to discover different flatbreads from different cuisines around the world. Thank God, i scheduled all my 26 posts quickly once my pictures were ready. Blogging marathon keeps myself and my blog active. Obviously i cant give up blogging marathon for any reason, pre-planning helps a lot in my case and its works awesome for me.

Without any fail, let's check my 26 International flatbreads:

A for Aish Baladi from Egypt

B for Balep Korkum from Tibet

C for Crescentine/Crescentina Modenese from Italy

D for Dhalpuri Roti from Trinidad

Efor Emirati Khameer Bread from United Arab Emirates

F for Ftira from Malta

G for Gourassa from Sudan

H for Hönökaka from Sweden

I for Imeruli Kachapuri/Imeretian Kachapuri from Georgia

J for Jordanian Shrak Bread from Jordan

K for Ka'ak from Lebanon

L for Lefse from Norway

M for Matlou from Algeria

N for Nan-E-Roghani from Afghanistan

O for Obi non from Uzbekistan

P for Peinirli/Peynirli from Greece

Q for Qashqari Patir from Uzbekistan

R for R'ghayef from Morocco

S for Shelpek from Kazakhstan

T for Taftan Naan/Taftoon Bread from Pakistan

U for Umbrian Torta al Testo/Umbrian Flatbread from Italy

V for Virgin Islands Johnny Cake/Fried Johnny Cakes from Virgin Islands

W for Warqi Paratha/Lucknowi Warqi Paratha from India

X for Xaxaba Diphaphatha/Phaphatha from Botswana

Y for Yemeni Malawah/Yemenite Malawach for Yemen

Z for Za'atar Pizza/Man'oosheh from Lebanon

Hope you all enjoyed virtually 26days of A-Z International Flatbreads.


Sowmya :) said... Reply To This Comment

Such a amazing collection of flatbreads from the world over. Have so many of them bookmarked! Got to give them a go asap. Was lovely doing this marathon with you!

Srivalli said... Reply To This Comment

Priya, your AtoZ International flatbreads simply rocked!..what a fantastic collection and each letter was so aptly chosen. Great efforts.

cookwithrenu said... Reply To This Comment

A beautiful collection of International latbreads Priya and I must say you have really worked hard on finding each and getting information about each of them as how it is sourced. All your breads were awesome, but one bread which I liked the most is the one with Q, Qashqari Patir from Uzbekistan. Brilliant.

Mayuri Patel said... Reply To This Comment

Priya a well researched and very informative posts. Love your whole collection of the international flatbreads and have bookmarked so many, just don't know when I'll find the time to make them.

Priya Srinivasan - I Camp in My Kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

Lovely collection of flatbreads across the world Priya!! Kudos to your passion !! Love each and every one of them! Stunning!

Padmajha said... Reply To This Comment

Enjoyed each and every berad in your international flatbread collection Priya! More than the recipes, the amount of time you have spent in researching on the cuisine and culture of the countries speak volumes!Hat's off to your efforts girl! I enjoyed doing this marathon with you Priya.

Sandhya Ramakrishnan said... Reply To This Comment

Priya, you have nailed each and every recipe in this series and you have come up with some very unique flatbread. Loved all your recipes and it was a blast running this marathon with you

code2cook said... Reply To This Comment

Congratulations Priya for completing this BM with all international breads. Found a experienced baker in you during this journey. I bookmarked around 10 baked breads from your blog and determined to try them out. Thanks for leaving lovely words and encouragement on this journey. You have done a great job with all the delicious breads.

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