Friday, October 30, 2015

Hoot Owl Cookies/Halloween Hoot Owl Cookies

An another Halloween special owl cookies, actually after  trying some owl sugar cookies, i was hunting for an another version of owl cookies as my lil one want to carry some cookies for his Halloween party with his friends. Yes you read it right, a group of his classmates are organising a halloween party tomorrow at one of his friend's place. As he is an American boy, he invited all his best and close friends to the halloween party. Hence my lil one asked me fora box of halloween themed cookies specially for this party. Again i googled for this hoot owl cookies and i found a prefect hoot owl cookies here. The original recipe calls for an egg which i completely skipped and also used Nesquik chocolate powder instead of baking chocolate as the original recipe went for.

Owl Cookies, Hoot Owl cookies

Trust me this hoot owl cookies came out extremely awesome and my son is very much excited to carry this cookies to the halloween party tonite and packed everything for him,just left 6 cookies for his brother and sister. However am so happy that finally i could bake something freaky yet some cute owl cookies,without any fail i clicked some pictures to share this recipe with you all. The author of this site says that this recipe originates from a cookie contest happened in 1950's and the winner Natalie Riggin was from the author's home town of Olympia, Washington, obviously its seems that this cookies are baked on annual basis in their family. And this hoot owl cookie recipe is from the Author's mom's recipe collection. Needless to say that you can bake this cookies without any difficulties as these cookies goes for basic usual ingredients.

Hoot Owl Cookies, Eggless Hoot owl cookies

1cup Packed brown sugar
3/4cup Softened butter
1/4cup Milk
1tsp Vanilla extract
2+1/4cup All purpose flour
1tsp Baking powder
1/2tsp Salt
1/2cup Nesquick chocolate powder
Chocolate chips (for eyes)
Whole Cashew nuts (for beak)

Sift the flour with baking powder, baking powder and salt, keep aside.

Beat the sugar and butter until they turns light and fluffy, add in the vanilla extract, beat for few seconds.

Slowly add the flour mixture,milk (as per need) and turn everything as a soft dough.

Divide the dough into two, a medium sized dough and a large sized dough.

Add the nesquick chocolate powder to the medium sized dough and knead again as smooth dough.

Roll the large sized dough as rectangle and meanwhile roll the chocolate dough as a log.

Place the chocolate log into the rolled rectangle and wrap it tighting in a foil, keep in fridge for an hour.

Eggless Hoot owl cookies

Meanwhile prepare a baking tray lined with a baking sheet, preheat the oven to 350F.

Slice the roll and place 2 slices aside touching the baking sheet.

Slight pinch the corners of the slices to form the ears, place a chocolate chips in the center of each slice to form the eyes.

Drop the whole cashew between the slices to form the beak.

Bake for 10-15minutes or until the cookies turns slightly golden brown.


1 comment:

Anupa Joseph (Palaharam) said... Reply To This Comment

Aww they look cute and perfect..happy halloween

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