Sunday, October 25, 2015

Eggless Vanilla Mug Cake with Milk Chocolate

Nothing can beat a simple,quick and easy breezy vanilla cake though i love chocolate cake. Last weekend we had a family get together and everything went well, had loads of funs, enjoyed some gossips and obviously lots of foods and cakes. Back home, we seriously want to go under diet, yes we had loads of foods and had almost 2kgs of sugar in form of cakes, desserts and icecreams. Had couple of salads and soups just for two days, the third day everyone at home started complaining that they need something sweet to satisfy their sweet tooth, hence i just prepared this quick single serving mug cake just to satisfy them. Yes this cake is quite enough to make them happy as everyone had their limited share of this cake, a spoon per person. A prefect way to maintain our diet rite.

Eggless Vanilla Cake with milk chocolate

Am a sucker of dark chocolate but everyone at home are ardent fans of milk chocolates, needless to say my store room will always have both dark and milk chocolates. Actually i planned for a molten lava cake but somehow my plan for molten lava cake turned as this vanilla mug cake with a surprise melted chocolate. However this easy mug cake is definitely simple to make, quick to dish out and delicious to enjoy. This mug cake is eggless, butterless and goes for this week's blogging marathon, as am running this week's blogging marathon with Mug treats as theme.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#57.

Vanilla mug microwave cake with milk chocolate

4tbsp All purpose flour
4tbsp Milk
1tbsp Oil
1/2tsp Vanilla essence
3tbsp Yogurt
4tbsp Sugar
1/2tsp Baking powder
1/4tsp Baking soda
Milk Chocolate Chunks

Mix the milk, oil, yogurt,vanilla essence in a mug, add in the sugar and mix everything well for few minutes.

Add the flour, baking powder, baking soda and mix everything for few minutes.

Now drop milk chocolate chunks in the middle of the cake batter.

Cook in microwave oven for 2 minutes.

Remove the mug and enjoy warm.

Vanilla mug cake with milk chocolate


Sowmya :) said... Reply To This Comment

Just the title of your recipe had me drooling and then I saw the pic and now it's so gonna make some today (and not share with anyone)

Sandhya Hariharan said... Reply To This Comment

The mug cakes are in my list to try.. One mug Cake. Be it the Oat meal or the Vanilla cake.
I am unable to comment on ur Oat meal mug cake. The moment i click on comment, it is throwing an error.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Yummy treat

Pavani said... Reply To This Comment

OMG what a tempting and inviting looking mug cake. Love that chocolate melting in the center.

cookingwithsapana said... Reply To This Comment

Mug cake looks irresistible.Bookmarked to try soon.

Varada's Kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

I love that surprise inside. It makes the mug cake so special.

Sandhya Ramakrishnan said... Reply To This Comment

What a lovely treat in the middle of the cake. My family is split in 2 when it comes to chocolate. Myself and my older one loves milk chocolate whereas my lo and husband loves darker ones...This is a must try for me :)

Harini R said... Reply To This Comment

The chocolate in there looks so inviting. I am ready to dig in, Priya!

Sneha's Recipe said... Reply To This Comment

Irresistible mug cake.

Chef Mireille said... Reply To This Comment

you make even a mug cake look rich and decadent

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