Monday, January 19, 2015

Vanilla Yule Log Cake with Chocolate Whipped Cream/ Bûche de Noël à la Vanille et Chocolat

Every Christmas its been a tradition at home to make Bûche de noël aka Yule log cake for the celebration. This year we celebrated christmas with my today's post 'Vanilla yule log cake with chocolate whipped cream'. I was eagerly waiting to post this recipe in my space the day i prepared this cake but unfortunately some many things happened during the last week of december and got stumbled with my personnal stuffs. Since i dont want to wait until next december to post this cake, i couldnt resist to write this post for this week's blogging marathon. Personally i felt that eventhough its bit late to post a Christmas cake, am sure this post will be definitely helpful for many of my readers later, in case if they search anything special for the upcoming Christmas.

Vanilla Yule Log Cake with chocolate whipped cream

Bûche de noël is a famous Christmas French cake,they have an important place at everyone's christmas party table. Most of the yule log cake are prepared with vanilla swiss roll and they are filled with any filling depending upon of everyone's tastebuds. Usually i prepare the filling with butter cream but for a change this time i tried my hands with a simple chocolate whipped cream. Not to forget i even baked some French meringue mushrooms to decorate my yule log cake. After tasting this yule log cake, everyone at home approved that this cake is the best. Watelse i need. After king cake and simple french style pan roasted potatoes, this French famous yule log cake goes for this week's blogging marathon as i picked 1 cuisine 3 dishes as theme, hope you all enjoyed my three dishes from the World famous French cuisine.Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#48.

Vanilla Yule Log Cake with chocolate whipped cream

For Cake:
4nos Eggs
1/2cup Sugar
1/4cup Flour
1tsp Vanilla extract
Icing sugar (as per need)

Preheat the oven to 350F.

Separate the eggs whites and egg yolks.

Beat the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl until they turns smooth and pale yellow creamy mixture, add slowly the flour and mix everything well.

Meannwhile beat the egg whites separately with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form, gently fold the egg whites to the already prepared flour mixture and mix everything well.

Pour the mixture in a tray lined with greased baking paper.

Bake for 15minutes and immediately roll the baked cake in a icing sugar dusted towel and let it get cool.

Chocolate Whipped Cream
2cups Whipped cream
3tbsp Cocoa powder
3/4cup Confectioners sugar/icing sugar

Beat the whipped cream with confectioners sugar,cocoa powder until stiff peaks form.

Keep in fridge for atleast an hour before start the  frosting.

Once the cake roll get cooled,with a spatula spread the chocolate whipped cream over the cake roll.

Roll again well  and spread well the remaining frosting over the rolled cake roll.

Slice a long piece of cake roll with two small logs. Check the picture for rolling.

With a fork make some lines over the frosting and arrange in fridge for two or three hours.

While serving the bûche de noël,top it with meringue mushrooms or else with chocolate curls.

Pour le biscuit roulé:
4 oeufs
1/2verre de Sucre
1/4verre de Farine de blé
1c à café d'extrait de vanille
Sucre glace ( selon le besoin )

Préchauffer le four à 350F/180C.

Séparer les blancs d'œufs et les jaunes d'œufs .

Battre les jaunes d' œufs avec le sucre dans un bol jusqu'à ce que le mélange se transforme en créme ajouter lentement la farine et mélanger le tout .

Battre les blancs d'œufs séparément avec une pincée de sel jusqu’à ce que les blancs montent en neige.

Incorporer délicatement les blancs d’œufs au mélange de farine déjà préparé et bien mélanger le tout .

Verser le mélange dans un plaque de cuisson tapissé de papier sulfurisé.

Cuire au four pendant 15 minutes et rouler immédiatement le gâteau cuit sur une serviette saupoudrée de sucre glace et laissez-le refroidir.

Crème fouettée au chocolat
2verres de Crème fouettée
3 c à soupe de Poudre de cacao 
3/4verre de Sucre glace

Fouetter bien la crème fouettée avec le sucre glace, la poudre de cacao.

Gardez au réfrigérateur pendant une heure avant de commencer le glaçage .

Avec une spatule étaler la crème de chocolat sur le gâteau.

Rouler et répandre ainsi le glaçage restant sur ​​le gâteau roulé.

Trancher un long morceau de gâteau roulé ainsi que deux petites morceaux . Vérifiez l'image.

Avec une fourchette faire quelques lignes sur le glaçage.

Mettre la bûche au réfrigérateur pendant deux ou trois heures .

Décorer la bûche avec des meringues ou bien avec des copeaux de chocolat .


vaishali sabnani said... Reply To This Comment

Yule log is such a lovely looks fantastic and beautiful. Very well presented Priya.

Varada's Kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

It is never too late to post such a lovely cake. You have done such a great job.

nandoos kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

yumm.. yumm..

Sandhya Ramakrishnan said... Reply To This Comment

What an awesome job you have done with that yule cake! Looks so good and perfect :)

Rafeeda AR said... Reply To This Comment

looks amazing...

Sherin said... Reply To This Comment

ur cake looks so cute... well done dear

Sangeetha Priya said... Reply To This Comment

Perfect yule log cake with pictorials!!!

Sona said... Reply To This Comment

Beautiful yule log cake.. looks awesome..

Padmajha said... Reply To This Comment

Awesome! Cake looks superb Priya. Nice step by step pics too...

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

OMG!!! yule cake is looking awesome!!! so well presented!!

Gloria Fernandes said... Reply To This Comment

Such a amazing cake.. Looks super yummy

Srivalli said... Reply To This Comment

Priya drooling over your cute looking log! artistically done..I enjoyed your French cuisine so much...wish I had the courage to make them myself!

Suja Ram said... Reply To This Comment

Looks awesome Priya ka. I completely agree that Yule Log Cake is the best of all.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

I made yule log with my daughter for her French assignment this december. We had fun making it together. Yours have come out so well. Jayanthi(

cookingwithsapana said... Reply To This Comment

Yule log cake looks so beautiful and tatsy.

Niloufer Riyaz said... Reply To This Comment

cute and yummy cake.... love the small santas

Pavani said... Reply To This Comment

What a lovely looking Yule cake. Perfectly made Priya.

cookingwithsapana said... Reply To This Comment

Yule log cake looks so beautiful .Very nicely made..

Sarita said... Reply To This Comment

Wow this log cake looks super yummy.

Srividhya said... Reply To This Comment

Amazing decoration. Love the logs..

Sneha's Recipe said... Reply To This Comment

A well frosted cake. Beautiful logs.

Suma Gandlur said... Reply To This Comment

Hope you enjoyed your Christmas with this lovely cake.

Archana said... Reply To This Comment

Wow what a beautiful cake and its never late to post this yummy cake.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Yule log cake looks totally amazing!!!

Harini R said... Reply To This Comment

Lovely cake, Priya. Very nice decoration too!

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