Saturday, January 17, 2015

French King Cake with Walnuts & Chocolate Chips - Galette Des Rois aux Noix

Every year,the first sunday mostly 6th january is consider as Epiphany, a christian feast day. This festival is celebrated in France with a king cake which goes either for brioche dough or pastry sheets with almond cream.Apart from almond cream, some of the king cake goes for apple sauce or for pears and chocolates but now many versions exists even people make king cake with nutella now.But our choice is always a rich frangipane filling which is usually prepared with almond powder, eggs,sugar and butter.Eventhough am bit in late in posting, King cake is still available in stores as few makes this cake upto the end of January. Am running my third week of blogging marathon with fantastic theme,my theme for this week is 1 cuisine 3 dishes. From the list of  International cuisine Srivalli gave us, i picked French cuisine, watelse i'll chose.

French King Cake with walnuts and chocolate chips

Every year i make my own King cake as my kids love this super flaky and absolutely rich cake.
For a change, this time i prepared my king cake with almond-walnut cream and chocolate chips along with a small trinket (a porcelaine figurine). As per tradition,the person who get the trinket while having this cake is the 'king' of the day. Also for this month's  Shhhh Cooking Secretly Challenge an interesting event started by me, i got walnuts and chocolate chips as this month's secret ingredients obviously i simply baked this King cake with walnut -almond cream with chocolate cream, thanks to PJ of Seduce ur Tastebuds who is my pair of this month.Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#48.

Walnut Chocolate chips French King Cake

2nos Puff pastry sheets
1/4cup Almond powder
1/2cup Grounded walnuts
1/4cup Chocolate chips
2nos Eggs
1/2cup Sugar
100grms Butter (room temperature)
1no Egg yolk
1tbsp Milk

Beat the butter, sugar together in a bowl until they turns soft.

Add the eggs one by one and finally add the almond powder,grounded walnuts, and mix everything well,fold in chocolate chips.

Preheat the oven to 400F, line a baking tray with a baking sheet, add the milk to the egg yolk and beat well.

Place a puff pastry sheet,brush the edges of the pastry sheet with the egg-milk mixture.

Transfer the already prepared walnut mixture over the pastry sheet and spread them evenly,dont spread over the brushed egg mixture.

Place the another pastry sheet over and give a press over the edges,so that they get well stick...

Make a small hole in the middle of the pastry sheet and with a knife make some lines over the pastry sheet as ur desire.

Brush now the pastry sheet with the remaining egg-milk mixture and bake in middle rack of the oven for 20minutes or until the crust turns golden brown.

Walnut French King Cake

2 Pate feuilletés
1/4verre Poudre d'amande
1/2verre Poudre de noix
1/4verre Pépites de chocolat
2 oeufs
1/2verre sucre
100gr Beurre ( température ambiante )
1 Jaune d'oeuf
1c à soupe de lait

Battre le beurre et le sucre dans un bol jusqu'à ce que le melange soit doux.  

Ajouter les oeufs,un par un et enfin ajouter la poudre d'amande ,poudre de noix,  mélanger bien et incorporer les pépites de chocolat.

Préchauffer le four à 400F , mettre une plaque de cuisson dans le four , ajouter le lait au jaune d'oeuf et bien battre .

Placez une feuille de pâte feuilletée , badigeonner sur les bords de la pâte avec le mélange oeuf - lait.

Transférer le mélange de noix déjà préparé sur la pâte feuilletée et les répartir uniformément.

Placez la feuille de pâte sur une autre et appuyer sur les bords,de sorte qu'ils se collent bien ...

Faire un petit trou au milieu de la pâte avec un couteau, faire quelques lignes sur la feuille de pâte pour decorer.

Badigeonner la pâte avec le mélange oeuf - lait restant et cuire au four pendant 20 minutes ou jusqu'à ce que la croûte soit bien dorée .


Srividhya said... Reply To This Comment

Amazing cake using pastry sheets.

Shazzy A.K said... Reply To This Comment

Looks pretty amazing. nvr had it before but sure taste great!

vaishali sabnani said... Reply To This Comment

That's new to me..and what a amazing recipe. .I can visualise the texture. .crisp crunchy spongy

Amina Creations said... Reply To This Comment

interesting recipe.. thanks for sharing...

Varada's Kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

Awesome cake! The color, the filling and flaky too everything looks so good.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

flaky and delicious cake!! looks superrrr!!

Rafeeda AR said... Reply To This Comment

this looks really amazing...

Fajeeda said... Reply To This Comment

Thats an awesome cake priya...

Sandhya Ramakrishnan said... Reply To This Comment

You are the master of French cuisine :) Lovely to know about a new Festival and that is one awesome cake!

Lifewithspices said... Reply To This Comment

u find the toughest recipe on earth n u cook aks.. brilliant

Srivalli said... Reply To This Comment

That's so brilliant Priya..very nicely done..and good reading about the history as well..

Padmajha said... Reply To This Comment

Never heard of this but it looks delicious!!! Good one Priya :)

Pavani said... Reply To This Comment

That is such an interesting and delicious French King cake.

Harini R said... Reply To This Comment

Sounds like a very yummy cake. I am sure looking for the figurine will be loads of fun for the kids!

Archana said... Reply To This Comment

Amazingly delicious cake. Wish I could just sink my teeth in this yummy cake.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

A very interesting cake...Awesome colour!!!

Nisha said... Reply To This Comment

Such a delicious bake. The combination is so mouth watering.

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