Monday, November 5, 2018

Mkate Wa Ufuta/Zanzibar Sesame Bread/Vegan Sesame Bread

While i was doing September Mega marathon with International flatbreads as theme, i was totally surprised to see numerous varieties of flatbreads do exists in many cuisines. Obviously my fellow bloggers shared so many tremendous flatbreads and my bookmarking list was overflowing. Hence i couldnt stop myself to dish one among those bookmarked recipes. Here comes the Zanzibar sesame bread which is bookmarked immediately at Gayathri's Space, the simplicity of this bread pulled me to put them in bookmarked recipes. However i love the aroma of roasted sesame seeds in my breads, obviously i immediately want to try this bread. This bread is a fabulous one as coconut milk is used for kneading this bread dough. This bread is definitely a must try and i enjoyed making them. I have to say a big thanks to Gayathri for posting this ultimate bread as everyone at home enjoyed thoroughly.

Mkate Wa Ufuta,Zanzibar Coconut & Sesame Bread

Mkate Wa Ufuta is a Zanzibar flatbread which ressembles quite like our Indian naan, and this bread calls for easy dough preparation, and the dough contains yeast in it. Softy bread with delicious spongy texture along with wonderful flavours trust me this bread is definitely a must try. Serve this bread with some gourmet gravies, you can enjoy your meal without any fuss. If rolled slightly thin, you can also make some delectable wraps with this bread, however we enjoyed having with both honey and nutella. Mkate Wa Ufuta is very much known in Eastern part of Africa and this bread is also known as Ajam Naan or Mkate wa Ajam, and these breads can be freezed very well too. Am running this week's blogging marathon with 'Global Cuisine'. Obviously this Zanzibar sesame bread are going for this week's theme.

Mkate Wa Ufuta, Zanzibar Sesame Flatbread

Recipe Source: Gayathri
2+1/2cups All purpose flour
2tsp Instant yeast
1tsp salt
1/2cup Coconut milk
Sesame seeds for topping

Take the together flour, salt, instant yeast in a bowl, add slightly warmed coconut milk and knead everything as a soft dough.

Knead the dough for few more minutes, until they turns super soft and pliable.

Cover and set aside for an hour or two hours until the dough  double in volume.

Once doubled the volume, punch the dough and divide the dough into 5-6 balls.

Zanzibar Sesame Bread,Mkate Wa Ufuta

Brush the counter top with enough oil and drop a ball on the greased surface.

Pull the dough as thin discs with your fingers until they turns as a round medium sized breads.

Sprinkle the sesame seeds and press them well so that they get stick to the dough.

Heat a tawa and drizzle some oil, drop the rolled bread with sesame seeds down on the tawa.

Cook until the bread turns puffy, golden brown and flip to cook the other side until the bread turns golden brown on both sides.

Serve it hot with your sauces or dips.

Mkate Wa Ufuta, Sesame Zanzibar Bread



code2cook said... Reply To This Comment

this sesame bread actually looking like naan. I am amazed with your collection of bread and flatbreads. this one looks a perfect match with paneer butter masala.

Harini R said... Reply To This Comment

That flatbread looks so sinful and tempting. Loved all your creations this week, Priya.

Gayathri Kumar said... Reply To This Comment

This was one of my fav recipes from that BM Priya. You have made it perfect. I still remember the wonderful aroma that arose while cooking the bread.

Sandhiya said... Reply To This Comment

Sesame bread looks awesome, love the addition of coconut milk, i can imagine how flavorful it is !!! Great Share Priya!!!

Sandhya Ramakrishnan said... Reply To This Comment

I have never yet made a bread with coconut milk in it. I am already imagining the taste of this bread with sesame and coconut flavor. looks so lovely!

Srividhya said... Reply To This Comment

The moment I saw coconut milk I bookmarked. This looks super soft and I am sure it would have tasted great. Awesome

Chef Mireille said... Reply To This Comment

Do you ever watch Migrationology with Mark Wiens - He is a You Tube guy who travels EVERYWHERE and shows you food from around the world - I have recently been watching his videos in Africa especially Tanzania Zanzibar Ethiopia and Kenya. It is so interesting to see how many foods they have which are so similar to Indian food - They all have a version of samosa! I think you would find it interesting also!

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