Thursday, May 3, 2018

Alle Belle/Goan Pancakes

Though we finished with our April month's mega blogging marathon, we are back to our usual 3 days of blogging marathon which kick starts from today. And am taking you all to a beautiful Indian region  'Goa' which have its coastal region known as the Konkan. Its is bounded by Maharashtra in North and Karnataka to east and south, and Arabian sea on its western coast.I had an immense chance to visit this coastal region long back during our Indian trip. Goan cuisine is a fabulous cuisine with many delicious dishes which is very much influenced by the Portuguese cuisine. I picked Regional cuisine of a country as theme for this week's blogging marathon, hence am going to post three interesting Goan traditional dishes.

Alle Belle, Goan Shrove Pancakes

Alle Belle is a traditional Goan pancake stuffed with a fabulous coconut and palm jaggery filling. These pancakes are prepared on Shrove tuesday,hence they are also known as Pancake tuesday. Shrove tuesday is the day before the Ash wednesday, the first day of Lent.This Alle belle is a definitely a must try if you love pancakes either for your breakfast or else for your evening snacks. However the coconut-palm jaggery filling is an easiest one which gets ready quickly than you imagine. Apart from preparing the pancake batter and cooking these Goan pancakes are seriously very easy to dish out. If you are looking for a delicious, stuffed pancakes to please anyone at home. Just give a try to this Goan pancakes.

Goan Pancakes, Alle Belle

Recipe Source: Archana
For Batter:
1cup All purpose flour
1 Egg
Milk as per need
A pinch Baking powder
Oil or butter

For Stuffing:
3/4cup Coconut (grated)
1cup Jaggery/palm jaggery
1/2tsp Cardamom powder
1/4cup Water

Take the jaggery, water in a pan, cook in medium flame, until the jaggery gets dissolves.

Add the grated coconut and cook until the mixture turns thick and get off the pan. Add the cardamom powder, give a mix.

Let the filling gets cool completely.

Meanwhile in a bowl, take the flour, salt, egg and baking powder, add enough milk or a mix of milk and water to turn as thick pancake batter.

Goan Pancakes

Grease a skillet with enough butter. Pour enough batter, swirl the pan to spread the batter evenly.

Cook until they gets well cooked. Transfer the pancake to a plate, place enough stuffing.

Roll tightly or wrap the pancake around the stuffing.



Nalini's Kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

One of my kiddos favorite,looks so delicious and wish to have some pancakes.

Varada's Kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

Coconut jaggery filling is a nice twist to regular pancakes. Would make a great on the go snack too. Nice pick

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

This recipe looks very innovative. Will definitely try it out.

Gayathri Kumar said... Reply To This Comment

I love the combination of coconut and jaggery. Stuffing the soft pancakes with it makes it such a drool worthy treat..

Rafeeda AR said... Reply To This Comment

This definitely sounds like our eylanchi, with the only difference being that the filling doesn't have jaggery... I am so tempted looking at those pics, can sit and have all of it at one stretch!

great-secret-of-life said... Reply To This Comment

Delicious pancake.. So tempting

Srivalli said... Reply To This Comment

These pancakes look awesome Priya, I remember Arch's pic and was glued drooling over it..great choice!

Sandhiya said... Reply To This Comment

Alle Belle sounds delicious. It's like fusion between french pancakes and indian kozhukattai :-) I love anything with coconut, so definitely my kind of food. Will give a try soon and the pics are really tempting, Priya.

sushma said... Reply To This Comment

Wow coconut and jaggery is a lovely combination. Soft and delicious pancakes

Harini R said... Reply To This Comment

OMG! this is so tempting Priya. The filling is one of my favorites.

cookwithrenu said... Reply To This Comment

Never heard of this recipe. I loved the filling in the pancake and you have made it very nicely. The soft texture is simply awesome..........

Pavani said... Reply To This Comment

Wow, those Goan pancakes look so soft and lacy. Love that coconut filling - sounds so delicious.

Padmajha said... Reply To This Comment

I too bookmarked this from Archanas blog and yet to make them.With coconut and jaggery, this must have tasted like apiece of heaven!

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