Saturday, February 14, 2015

Black Forest Buns

I have planned so many bakes specially for valentine's day but as usual i couldnt bake anything for this V day. However i planned to bake an interesting yeasted buns or breads for this special occasion. I couldnt stop myself to bake this fantastic black forest buns as they suits absolutely prefect for this celebration.This black forest buns are this month's challenge of We Knead to Bake, monthly event by Aparna, My Diverse Kitchen. Black forest buns sounds as much as like the famous Black forest cake which goes for chocolate cake, cherry compote, kirsch and loads of cream, while this buns goes for chocolate cake,cherry compote or strawberry jam.Actually its better to use cherry compote but unfortunately i went for strawberry jam as none at home like cherries in buns.

Black forest buns, cerise topped Black forest buns

This buns are really very easy to make, the method of kneading, rolling out the dough,covering with the filling and then rolling goes as much as like cinnamon rolls. You can simply add some chopped toasted nuts or mini chocolate chips if you love chocolates and nuts. Trust me, this buns are damn delicious and makes an excellent filling breakfast or snacks when served along with a cup of tea or coffee. To make this buns more attractive, i simply sprinkled some chopped cherries before baking and dusted the buns with cocao powder instead of drizzling melted chocolate.

Black forest buns

For dough:
1/2cup Water
1/2cup Milk
50grms Butter
1/4cup Sugar
1no Egg
3/4tsp Salt
1+1/2tsp Instant yeast
3+1/4cups All purpose flour

1/2cup Strawberry Jam
2cups Chocolate sponge cake

Chopped cherries

Take the milk, water in a sauce pan, heat them together but dont boil.

Pour it in a large bowl, add in the butter and sugar, mix well until the sugar and butters gets well mixed and melted. Cool down this mixture to lukewarm. Hot mixture may kill the yeast and curdle the egg, take care to mix the yeast in lukewarm mixture.

Add the egg and yeast to the mixture, whisk for a while, add in a cup of flour and mix well, add the salt and remaining flour and knead everything as a smooth,elastic but not sticky dough.

Arrange the dough in a greased bowl and let it sit in warm place for two hours.

Punch down the dough and roll it as a 18" by 12" rectangle, spread the strawberry jam leaving half inch all around.

Now sprinkle the chocolate cake crumbs over it, roll the dough away from you tightly as a jelly roll.

Cut the roll as 1+ 1/2" wide pieces with sharp knife and place the pieces one by one in a greased round baking tray.

Top it with the chopped cherries.

Cover it loosely and allow to rise for about 1 hour.

Bake at 180 c/350F for 25-30minutes, remove from oven and cool completely.

Dust with icing sugar or melted chocolate else simply with cocao powder.

Black forest buns, cherries topped Black forest buns

Pour la pâte:
1/2verre d'eau
1/2verre de lait
50grammes beurre
1/4verre Sucre
1 Oeuf
3/4cuillére à cafe Sel
1+1/2 cuillère à café de levure instantanée
3 + 1/4verres Farine

1/2verre Confiture de fraise
2verres de gâteau au chocolat
2 à 3 Cerises hachées

Mettez le lait et de l'eau dans une casserole, chauffer les ensemble.

Versez ce mélange dans un grand bol, ajoutez le beurre et le sucre, mélangez-le tout.

Ajoutez l’œuf et la levure au mélange, ajoutez une tasse de farine et bien mélanger.

Ajoutez le sel et le reste de la farine et pétrir le tout pour en faire une pâte lisse et élastique .

Disposez la pâte dans un bol graissé et laisser reposez dans un endroit chaud pendant deux heures.

Dégazez la pâte et roulez la en 18 "par 12" rectangle, tartinez la pâte avec de la confiture de fraises.

Maintenant saupoudrez le gâteau au chocolat émietté sur la confiture, roulez  la pâte.

Coupez le rouleau en 1+ 1/2 " avec un couteau tranchant et placer les morceaux un par un dans un moule rond graissé.

Ajoutez  les cerises hachées par dessus.

Couvrez le moule et laissez lever la pâte dans un endroit chaud pendant environ 1 heure.

Cuire au four à 180 c / 350 F pendant 25-30 minutes, retirez du four et laissez refroidir complètement.

Saupoudrez de sucre glace ou  de poudre de cacao.


Gloria Fernandes said... Reply To This Comment

These rolls look simply amazing

meena said... Reply To This Comment

Beautiful bun Priya.Thanks for the pretty looking treat. Hope u are doing good.

Rafeeda AR said... Reply To This Comment

your buns look amazing akka...

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

lovely sis.wanna try this one said... Reply To This Comment

Absolutely yummy!!! Looks so tempting.

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