Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Eggless Cheese Stuffed Tofu Bread

Do you know i get tofu easily than Paneer, i have to travel atleast 30 minutes to get a pack of paneer. But just by going a walk i can grab a packet of tofu as am living in Chinatown. Obviously i do cook more often with tofu than paneer. Its been a while i baked a bread with silken tofu, yes tofu replaces eggs very well in bread or in cakes. Silken tofu gives a wonderful texture and softness to bread. Either your bread is yeasted or simple flatbread, do try to add some tofu, trust me your bread will be super soft than you can imagine. Whenever i feel like having soft flatbreads, i dont forget to add pureed tofu to my flatbread dough. One of the best way to sneak tofu is definitely adding them this way in most of our dishes just to feed picky eaters at home.

Tofu Cheese Bread, Cheese Stuffed Tofu Bread

Am running this week's blogging marathon is 'Secret Ingredient' as theme, obviously since i used Tofu as secret ingredient for making this cheese stuffed tofu bread, i couldnt stop myself to post for this theme. Adding tofu brings super softness to this simple bread. Stuffed with cheese, this bread makes an excellent evening snacks or to serve along with some chunky sauce for a meal. We just loved munching this soft bread once it came out of the oven. Trust me, this bread vanished very much quickly. If you are planning to bake this bread, make them in big batch else you will definitely regret later.

Tofu Bread with cheese

3cups All purpose flour
1/2cup Warm water
1/2cup Silken Tofu
1tbsp Instant yeast
1/3cup Olive oil
1tbsp Sugar
1tsp Salt
150grams Cream cheese

In a large bowl, take the flour, instant yeast, salt,silken tofu,oil and sugar, add the luke warm water gradually and knead everything as a smooth dough.

Drop the dough  onto a floured surface, knead until smooth and elastic for about 5minutes. Arrange dough in a greased bowl and let it sit in a warm place.

Take a bundt pan or a round pan, greased it. Punch down the dough, divide them into 7-8 balls.

Flat each ball and drop enough cream cheese, bring the edges together and roll them well.

Drop them to the already prepared round pan. Keep in warm place for half an hour.

Cheese Stuffed Tofu Bread

Preheat the oven to 350F.

Keep the pan in the middle of the rack and bake for 25-30minutes until the crust turns golden brown

Once they get baked,keep aside for few minutes.

Remove the bread, pull a bread and enjoy.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing this BM.


Srivalli said... Reply To This Comment

Wow Priya, these buns are awesome and what an ingredient!..must have surely made the buns more soft and delicious!

Jyoti Babel said... Reply To This Comment

Such soft and delicious looking buns!

Gayathri Kumar said... Reply To This Comment

These buns look super soft and the cheese stuffing sounds fantastic.

Jayanthi said... Reply To This Comment

The bread looks super soft like a pillow ..and tofu must have made it interesting .

Preeti said... Reply To This Comment

Looks so perfect and soft buns.. love stuffing.

Mayuri Patel said... Reply To This Comment

The bread looks super super soft. I know tofu is added to cakes to replace the egg but never thought of adding to bread. Whenever I am Montreal, for me too its easier to get tofu, all kinds than paneer.

Srividhya said... Reply To This Comment

Great idea to use Silken tofu as the egg substitute. Love the soft fluffy bread.

veena said... Reply To This Comment

Ahha, What a way to sneak in the secret ingredient. Looks so soft

cookingwithsapana said... Reply To This Comment

Those are super soft looking buns with tofu.

Priya Srinivasan - I Camp in My Kitchen said... Reply To This Comment

wow, looks amazing priya!! great snacking for kids, that too during holidays, where all time i hear is amma i m hungry, bookmarking this to try one of these days!

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