Saturday, December 24, 2016

Eggless Funfetti Sugar Cookies

I have been looking for a chance to bake some sugar cookies with colourful sprinkles and finally i baked some few days back. Adding colourful sugar sprinkles to a simple sugar cookie dough turns this eggless cookies more catchy and extremely addictive. You can pack these cookies very well in your kid's snack box or else to pack and carry for a celebration. Not to forget that this dangerously addictive buttery cookies suits prefectly to enjoy during your Christmas party as well. However this cookies are kid's friendly munchies and trust me kids will go crazy if they tastes this super delicious buttery cookies.

Funfetti sugar cookies,sugar cookies

Am running this week's blogging marathon with Kid's delight - Cakes and cookies as theme, obviously these cookies are going to this week's theme. As much as like most of the butter loaded cookies, if conserved properly, these butter cookies stays awesome for more than a week but trust me you wont keep yourself away from these cookies. These dangerously addictive cookies tastes more delicious if you have them along with a cup of hot tea. If you dont have sprinkles, just skip the sprinkles and bake these buttery cookies.

Sugar cookies, Funfetti sugar cookies

3/4cup Butter
1cup Icing Sugar
3tbsp Curd
1tsp Vanilla extract
2+1/2 cups All-purpose flour
1/2tsp Salt
1cup Colour sprinkles

Line up a baking tray with baking sheet and keep aside.

Pre-heat oven to 350F. Sift together flour and salt and keep aside.

Add butter and icing sugar together in the bowl of your electric beater. Beat on medium speed until the mixture becomes creamy.

Add the curd, vanilla extract and beat again until combined.Now add the flour, spirnkles and beat on slow speed until flour gets well mixed.

Eggless funfetti cookies

Do not over beat. Use your hands to bring the dough together. Wrap it and keep in fridge for one hour.

Slice the dough as medium sized cookies and transfer the cookies in a lined baking tray.

Bake the cookies for 10 -15 minutes in middle rack.

Let them cook completely on the tray before you remove the cookies.



vaishali sabnani said... Reply To This Comment

Wow , the cookies look gorgeous, lovely melt in the mouth kinds and so colrful.

Unknown said... Reply To This Comment

Simple and beautiful presentation cookies looks crisp and yumm

Pavani said... Reply To This Comment

Those cookies look amazing. Love the addition of sprinkles -- I'm sure kids will go gaga over them.

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