
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Microwave Oats Halwa

If u have sudden visits or u need to prepare quite a delicious also healthy halwa, u should definitely give a try to this microwave oats halwa which hardly needs less than 15 minutes in microwave oven, wat all u need is rolled oats, condensed milk or either milk and sugar, nuts and cardamom powder...I have prepared stove top Oats Halwa quite a long back, again sterday i prepared this microwave oats halwa coz i had a sudden visit from my relatives since its summer vacation..I love oats and i always stock quick cooking oats and rolled oats in my pantry which are really handy and very much versatile...Enjoy the healthy and easy microwave oats halwa, am damn sure that kids will definitely relish this halwa..personally i enjoyed having this halwa and this halwa is one of the best and easiest way to prepare desserts with oats...Am sending this microwave oats halwa to MEC-Protein Rich Foods guest hosted by Ramya , event started by Srivalli...

1cup Rolled oats
1/2cup Condensed milk or 1cup of milk +1/2cup Sugar
1/2cup Water (if u r using condensed milk)
2tsp Ghee
Few chopped nuts
1tsp Cardamom powder

Heat a teaspoon of ghee in microwave safe bowl for a minute in high, add the rolled oats to the hot ghee and cook for 4minutes in high, those rolled oats will get well roasted at this time...add gradually the condensed milk, water, remaining ghee and cardamom powder or milk and sugar with cardamom powder and cook in high for 5 minutes, give a stir and cook again for 3 minutes in high, until the oats get cooked well and while stirring the cooked oats will get off from the bowl, stir well and finally add the chopped nuts..grease a plate and pour the halwa to the greased paste, cut them as any shape as u desire..

Enjoy the delicious oats halwa!


  1. never made halwa out of oats!! simple and easy dear!

  2. gr8 idea!.. looks so delicious..I will definitely try this out...

  3. Wowowowowwwwww.... awesome halwa dear.. new to me.. very delicious and innovative.. lovely click!

  4. Wow very innovative priya,nice recipe :)

  5. Wow Priya...another lovely and innovative sweet from you. I love these halwa with oats...the best part is the cooking time is also less...thanks dear :)

  6. A halwa with oats sounds interesting. Must try this:)

  7. Wow ..healthy and delicious..Will try today.

  8. Too goo Priya... looks so yumm and also healthy... never tried any sweet with oats :)

  9. Oats halwa sounds delicious Priya..and ready in miuntes.thanx for sharing..

  10. Nice one Priya. Looks easy and delicious.

  11. Hey the halwa is a variety for sure..looks yummy.

  12. Super halwa Priya, Delicious!!!

  13. looks lovely priya... sapdnum pola irke.

    i am fine dear.. took a small break.. again might take a break.

  14. Wow!!What a jiffy halwa with very less ingredients and looks delish

  15. interesting recipe with oats, priya :)

  16. hey Priya...It is surprising that I have all the ingredients needed for this recipe! sounds very healthy and tasty....Will let you know how it came out. Thanks.

  17. Hi Priya, this one looks really good and also sounds easy. I got to give this one a try..will let you know

  18. Wow,never imagined it would be this easy.Thanks for the healthy and quick and delicious recipe.

  19. Hi priya,
    M a first timer here!I got lost in ur site....So many yummy recipes.....woow!Im just amazed!!I want to try this out today...will let u know how it went...
    And u have a new follower, That's me. I really loved ur blog.
    I have one suggestion. Could you please categorise the recipe into different categories? I mean like all sweets under one label, vegetable currries in another etc etc. That will be easier to catch up. Becasue u really go plenty and u r so innovative!
    Glad I came across ur blog.

  20. Just tried your recipe and it tastes great!


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