
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Black-eyed Peas N Veggies Salad

Black-eyed peas provide a number of nutrients, are a rich source of fiber and can be used in a number of recipes. For vegetarians, such beans can provide a needed source of iron. No matter how you choose to prepare them, black-eyed peas can be a wonderful supplement to your healthy eating plan.Black-eye peas contain several types of phytochemicals. They are rich in lignans, which may play a role in preventing osteoporosis, heart disease, and certain cancers. The flavonoids in beans may help reduce heart disease and cancer risk. Phytosterols, also in legumes, help reduce blood cholesterol levels. One of the best way to consume this sort of fibre rich legumes is to have as salads with colourful fresh veggies such as bell pepper, lettuce leaves, cucumber, chopped onions, tomato pieces etc...I prepared this simple salad with cooked black-eyed peas and some veggies as salad for our lunch today...I served this salad with basil dressing where i used dry basil leaves instead of fresh basil leaves, u can also try to add fresh basil leaves, this delicious salad goes to MLLA-13th helping  guest hosted by Sunshinemom, event started by Susan...

1cup Black-eyed peas (soaked and cooked in pressure cooker)
1no Onion (chopped)
1no Tomato (chopped)
1/4cup Red bellpepper (chopped)
1/2cup Cucumber (chopped)

Basil Dressing:

1tbsp Dry basil leaves
1/4tsp Sugar
1tbsp Olive oil
1/4tsp Pepper powder
1no Garlic cloves (crushed)

In a medium bowl, combine together the cooked black eyed peas, chopped onion, chopped tomatoes, chopped cucumber pieces, chopped red bell pepper pieces and add all the ingredients from the list for basil dressing..mix everything well and let them side for atleast 1hour...

Serve as salad!


  1. Healthy and colorful the basil dressing too...simple and yummy :)

  2. LOoks yumm and healthy yah.. colorful

  3. Healthy salad Priya... looks yummm :0

  4. Interesting, never used black eyed peas in salad

  5. oh cool! basil dressing should be perfect...good one!

  6. Healthy salad with lovely dressing!

  7. Colorful & healthy salad. Nice one.

  8. nice one priya...and basil dressing is one of my faves!

  9. nice, healthy recipe. i'm into salads these days. will try this soon.

  10. I have a friend who adores black-eyed peas and onions. He would be sure to enjoy this salad. And just perfect for warmer weather too.

  11. very heathy salad & looks good...never tried with black eyed peas.....

  12. hi priya,
    never knew black eyed peas could be used in salads :) looks great and the dressing sounds yummm, neat click

  13. Looks yum!! healthy and nutritious salad!!

  14. Easy..healthy..colorful...

  15. looks yummmm. healthy too.. nice click!!

  16. Very healthy salad,lov blackeyed peas..

  17. Lovely and a healthy one...i love the addition of basil....dressing is jes perfect.

  18. what a healthy salad look so interesting priya.

  19. Healthy salad.I too have made the basil dressing and am loving it.Lovey and perfect


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