
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Persimmon Smoothie

Persimmon is a deep orange, waxy fruit which is similar to a tomato in shape. Persimmon is native to China, and was introduced to Japan. The Japanese consider it their national fruit but it is more properly called Oriental rather than Japanese persimmon, since it is not native to Japan. Persimmons which have dark-colored flesh are always sweet and non-astringent and should be eaten before they become too soft. Varieties with light-colored flesh have astringent taste until they soften. The astringent taste is due to the presence of a large amount of tannin, the same substance found in tea. As the fruit ripens and sweetens the tannin disappears. Ripening can take place just as well off the tree as on. It is advisable to remove the skin before eating the flesh..Astringent taste of persimmon can help stops diarrhea, reduces sweating..Persimmons can help prevent cancer because it is high in vitamin A.

When choosing persimmons look for ones that have a deep red color, plump and without blemishes. Avoid ones that are hard if you plan on eating them immediately since the immature persimmon has a bitter taste. Ripeness is usually indicated by softness. Ripe persimmons can be frozen with no loss of taste. I prepared this creamy smoothie with ripen persimmon pulp n yoghurt..

1no Persimmon
1cup Thick yoghurt
1tsp Sugar r honey

Scoop out the pulp from the persimmon...Blend everything together in a blender until they turns creamy...Serve them chilled r with ice cubes...

This creamy smoothie goes to AFAM - Persimmon host by Trupti, Event started by Maheswari ..
                                              Cooking For Kids Event by Sharmi of Neivedyam ...


  1. this is new to me..interesting

  2. Ur pics are delectable...

    thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Hope i have found a frequent guest in you!:)


  3. Inever use this fruit nice color looks yum

  4. I've never seen persimmons here. Hope i find them as i'm too tempted now :)

    Priya, waiting for your version of ridgegourd chutney too.

  5. This one is new to me. Looking great. If i will find persimmon i will surely make this, so tempting.

  6. This is very cool recipe. Looks so good. Love all types of smoothies. YUM!

  7. Thanks for the info on persimmon.I will be looking for it this weekend.Perfect recipe dear.

  8. smoothie looks very delicious Priya. Thanks for sending this recipe for the event.

  9. Never had Persimmons before. I would certainly like to try it.

  10. Interesting recipe..This fruit is new to me..Thank you for letting know.

  11. That would be a great way to eat persimmon.

  12. Hi priya, i love permissons, we call them kaki. i am still scratching my head as to what to make with permisson:)smoothie looks great!

  13. a new one for me. looks lovely though

  14. never tasted persimmon..but looks very nice.

  15. Yet to taste this fruit, smoothy is the good way to try them. Very nice.

  16. This is such a delicious and healthy dessert, I love it. Wish You a Very Happy New Year Dear :)

  17. smoothie with persimmon seems to be a good idea..I have tried only cake wih it..

  18. never tried this,..looks yum,.:-)

  19. Looks good! That was fast, Priya:) Great entry!

  20. Yummmy...!
    Do check my new blog at and leave ur comments.

  21. New to me too! I have not tasted persimmon yet,looks cool!

  22. This fruit is my hubby's we used to have not knowing much facts abt it..Got to knw it all from you.Thanks n the smoothie looks so rich Priya..:)


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