
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Strawberry Cream Tart - Celebrating 10,000 Visitor Hits

Today, was surprised to see that the visitor hits was more than 10, really very happy to see this, within few weeks i came to cross 10,000 visitor hits, no words to say how happy i posting a sweet to celebrate this huge comes the strawberry cream tart, a real feast for our sweet tooth...i love of my favourite fruit..i prepare them usually as milkshakes r as smoothie, tart i never tried them, wanna give a try..they turned out really awesome, they vanished within few minutes, we enjoyed this cream tart with hot coffee for snacks..the tart recipe starts like this...

1no Puff Pastry Sheet
20nos Fresh Strawberries
1cup Rajma r any other dry peas

For Pastry Cream:
1cup Milk
1tsp Vanilla Extract
1/4cup Sugar
2nos Eggs
2tbsp Corn flour
1tbsp Butter
1pinch Salt

Bring the milk to boil.. meawhile beat the egg, sugar, salt n flour together...while whisking add half of the hot milk slowly, this prevents the eggs from curdling n start whisking immediatel..add egg mixture to the remaining hot cook the milk n egg mixture slowly in low flame n whisk it continously until the mixture starts boils...reduce the heat n cook them well until they get well thickened..add the butter n vanilla extract n mix them well...cover the cream with a lid r plate to omit the skin forming..keep aside n let it cool..

Now we need to prepare the pastry sheet..preheat the oven at 350F...arrange the pastry sheet in a tart a aluminum foil inside the pastry sheet n spread the dry peas bake the pastry sheet in oven for 30 minutes, until they turns brown..

This is the tart spread the already cooked pastry cream evenly.. cut the strawberries as small pieces as any shape as u desired n arrange them evenly over the pastry cream...keep them in fridge for atleast one hour, dont disturb them for an hour..

After an hour, they will be prefect to eat, Cut the strawberry cream tart as small pieces n serve them...

Delicious Creamy Strawberry Tart!!!! Kids will love it for the sure!!!

Sending this awesome tart to: Sweet Pies Event By Ivy

on the way to: Satisfy your Sweet tooth by Sudeshna


  1. priya ooh! so many recipes at a time...they all look awesome and delicious

  2. wow priya this one is my choice love the pic

  3. Priya, No words to appreciate, u rock

  4. Priya thanks very much for submitting your recipe. I wish it was strawberry season again. It looks delicious. Congrats for your 10.000 hits and hope you will reach 1.000.000 soon.

  5. wow... fanstic entry.. looks really awesome priya/...

  6. wow Congrats on the 10.000 hits and a very sweet way to celebrate it.

  7. Have something for u yaar! Check it out here

  8. That is a sweet way to celebrate! Love ur tart :)
    BTW: R u from Pondi? I am and I lived in Par too!

  9. good going priya....all the best and luved the recipe

  10. Hi Pavani..thanks dear for sharing ur award n dropping ur comments..

    Thanks Rekhas..thanks a lot..

    Hi Arthima, thanks a lot..

  11. Thanks a lot Ivy..really its so nice of u for wishing more n more hits..thanks for stopping by..

    Thanks Sri for dropping ur coments..

    Hi Rachel its a great pleasure to see u here..thanks for comments..

  12. Thanks Cham..yea am from pondi..glad to see u here..

    Thanks Sangeeth for ur awesome comments..

  13. congrtas on hitting 10,000 visitors .. tart looks very yummy

  14. Congrats on reaching a milestone..Tart looks appetizing!

  15. Your strawberry tart is just beautiful! :)

  16. Wow 10,000 Vists thats an achievement... Every item of this dish is available in the pantry, looks awesome...

  17. How come the strawberries came out so perfectly shaped......

  18. thank u dear priya for ur lovely comments

  19. Wow looks simply awesome. Very easy also. Will try this soon. Nice entry to the event.

  20. Congratulations on hitting the milestone dear.

  21. Thanks Deesha, Divya, Laavanya, Maya, Raaji, Ramya, Kitchen flavours for stopping by n dropping ur kind very glad to see u all here...

  22. Congrata!! Priya, good job.

  23. Congrats on your milestone...the tart looks awesome :)

  24. Thanks a lot Mullai...

    Usha, glad to see ur comments, am happy..


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