
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oatmeal Banana Bread

I forget almost having idlies, dosais r any other indian breakfast in morning, once i came here...Bread played a important role in our breakfast menu almost everyday...i love to prepare myself bread with my choice of ingredients.. i want to prepare bread with oatmeal as they r rich in fibres n vitamins..then thought of preparing also with bananas, here comes my baking experience with oatmeal n banana...

1cup Rolled Oats
2cup All purpose flour
1cup Packed Brown sugar
1stick Butter( room temperature)
2nos Eggs
1/4cup Milk
2nos Ripe bananas(mashed)
1/2tsp Baking soda
1/2tsp Baking powder
1pinch Salt

Mix flour, oats,baking powder, baking soda, sugar n salt..keep aside...beat butter, sugar n eggs together until they turns creamy n add the mashed ripe bananas to the cream also the milk..Preheat the overn at 350F..

Add now the already prepared flour to the cream n mix everything well with the spatula..grease the loaf pan..pour the mixture to the mould..arrange the loaf pan in the middle track n bake upto 1 hour n 10 minutes...or insert a wooden pick in center , if it comes out clean, the bread is done...

Cool 10 minutes n remove from the pan..Cool completely before loafing the bread...


  1. Wow looks soft and moist. Healthy and tasty too. Hats off to u for all the recipes.

  2. mmm..Priya Amazing..Very nice bread..u r a very good baker...

  3. Bread looks sooooo soft ,healthy and moist

  4. super looks to try it..soonnnnnnn :) congrats too...

  5. looks awesome. I have been wanting to try this.. will do it sometime.. now that you have yummy pics too :)

  6. Delicious! I've never added oats to my banana bread. I'll definitely try it soon.

  7. Looks moist n perfect.Do u grind the oats and add it to the flour or add it directly?

  8. Looks nice and perfect....that's a sure healthy bread with oats and brown sugar..

  9. Thanks KF, Arthi, Sireesha for ur kind comments..

    Hi divya, rekhas thanks a lot..

    Hi Pallavi, thanks n waiting for ur version..

    Pam thanks a lot...thats cool try it soon..

    Hi Divya..i added them directly, can also grind coarsely..

    Thanks Priti for ur coments...

  10. something waiting for u at my blog ..

  11. looks yum. i haven't baked a single bread yet :-(

  12. Hi Vanamala thanks a lot..

    Thanks sri for sharing ur award with me..

    Vibaas,glad to see ur comments..

  13. I'm not an expert at baking for sure but would love to bake this one myself. Yummy!

  14. This is something new. I have made banana breads before but never used oats.

  15. Bananas and oats are such a wonderful combination. In fact, just today I was thinking of making some banana-oat scones because I've got many overripe bananas hanging out in my pantry.


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