
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Eggless Oats,Cranberries N Chocolate Chips Cookies

Eggless Oats, Cranberries N chocolate chips cookies with orange rinds tastes really marvellous also this cookies r extremely easy and they will vanish also very easy..while i started preparing these cookies, i wanted to make cookies just with all purpose flour n oats with dried cranberries, but at last i added few chocolate chips to the dough..they r eggless n also vegan coz i used just canola oil n egg replacer powder..

1cup All purpose flour
1cup Rolled oats
3/4cup Canola oil
1/2cup Sugar
1/2cup Packed brown sugar
3tsp Egg replacer powder +4tbsp Warm water
1/4cup Dry cranberries
1/4cup Chocolate chips
1tsp Vanilla essence
1tsp Ginger powder
1/4cup Orange rinds
1/2tsp Baking soda

Whisk canola oil, sugar, brown sugar, egg replacer powder paste together in a bowl until the sugar get dissolved...meanwhile mix the all purpose flour, oats, baking soda, ginger powder, dry cranberris n chocolate chips together...add the dry ingredients little by little to the oil n sugar paste n turn them as dough, add the orange rinds n vanilla essence n knead again everything well...

Preheat the over at 300F, line a baking sheet in baking tray, make small balls from the dough n place them over the baking sheet, just flat them with fork...leave spaces between each unbaked cookies, bake them for 30 minutes r until they turn brown...

Delicious Cookies with awesome flavours!!!


  1. That's another delicious looking cookie recipe!

  2. Yum YUm...eggless is what I hear everywhere now..ur cookie sound so yummy and healthy with oats and cranberries :)

  3. Priya, these look really yummy! i don't get good egg replacers here, guess I'll add in some egg white instead since am not off eggs.

  4. i can feel the crispiness of the cookies here.. hm crunch crunch...

  5. Cranberries and chocolate sounds like such a fabulous combination!

  6. guess this ur n'th cookie..:) grt gng da..:)

  7. Classic looking cookies Priya..:))


  8. Super nutritious cookies Priya!

  9. looks so crisp and mouthwatering wow taht to with chocolate chips in it mmmmm yummy

  10. Another delicious cookie :) Can i move into your neighbourhood? :D

  11. Some telepathy here Priya. Yesterday I also baked cookies using oats, chocolate chips, dried cranberries and egg replacement powder. Good one. But was it very sweet, because I see you have used 1 cup of sugar in total for 1 cup of flour and 1 cup oats. Just curious!

  12. Thanks alot for this eggless cookies!!!i really liked the ur site-the way of presentation,the way it looks and of course your recipes.


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