
Friday, January 30, 2009

Chettinad Karuvepillai (Curryleaves) Karakuzhambu

I love having chettinad dishes very much, here comes one more dish another authentic gravy from chettinad, i came across this gravy here, i did few changes with this gravy, they turned out really awesome.. we enjoyed having this delicious curryleaves kuzhambu with fried papads..needless to say how delicious they r!!..the original recipe was made by sauting the curry leaves, while sauting they may lose certain important vitamins, its better to use fresh curryleaves also i used shallots instead of usual onions...Curryleaves r very good for hair n usually helps for stopping hair falling, its has been recommended to take daily the few curryleaves which can help to reduce hair falling.

1cup Tamarind juice
20nos Shallots
1no Tomato chopped
5nos Garlic cloves
1/2tsp Mustard seeds
1/2tsp Cumin seeds
2tbsp Gingelly oil

To Grind:
7nos Red chillies
1tbsp Toor dal
1tsp Black peppercorns
1tsp Cumin seeds
1tbsp Dessicated coconut
1tbsp Raw rice
3/4cup Fresh Curry leaves
1tbsp Coriander seeds

Dry roast all the ingredients from the list 'To Grind' one by one slowly except the curry leaves...grind all the roasted spices with curry leaves into fine paste...keep aside..

Heat the gingelly oil in a kadai, add the mustard seeds n cumin seeds n let them splutters,saute  the shallots, chopped tomatoes n garlic together until the oil get separates..add the tamarind juice to the kadai with enough salt, once they starts boiling add the grounded paste to it, cover the kadai with lid n keep in simmer n cook until the oil separates from the gravy also the gravy turns thicks..

Delicious Karuvepillai Karakuzhambu is ready, enjoy with hot steaming rice with fried papads!!!!


  1. I also love Karuvepillai Kuzhambu. My mother makes it often. And also it stays good for some days in the fridge. It is also a very healthy kuzhambu.

  2. hummm one one of my fav kuzhambu mmmmm mouthwatering ican not waite going to make it now for lunch

  3. am drooling over here...send me that bowl...

  4. I am game for any Chettinad recipe, this one with tamarind makes me want to try it evenmore.
    Looks awesome and I am bet tastes awesome too.

  5. YUMMY YUMMY! I have come to LOVE Kara Kolumbu, looks so tasty. good one! :)

  6. Love karivepillai kuzhambu...lucky you! You get curry leaves there.

  7. It looks like millagu kuzhambu, I love karakuzhambu and papad! Looks divine Priya!

  8. Karuveppilai kozumabu with rice and appalam, such a wonderful combination, nice pictures Priya :)

  9. I'm a big fan of karuvepillai kuzhambu - it must've made for a tasty meal. Will try your recipe sometime.

  10. What a lovely recipe! I love the use of curry leaves. The only curry leaves i could find were dried ones, but I'm surprised tat they aren#t veen half as bad as i thought they would be. After cooking the food actuallly tastes of them.
    Lovely preparation.
    One thing I was wondering, did you really use 20 shallots or is it just a typo? thanks!

  11. Wish i could have this curry with rice, it looks so yumm. I have never had them, would love to taste it.

  12. Awesome combo with Dosa..also they r gud for hair..:)

  13. This is very very good for health.This is also my fathers favourite.I cn imagine the aroma that wafted in your house.Lovely

  14. I make it similarly - minus shallots and coconut. I am going to try this version. With coconut, it must be really yummy.

  15. Hmm reminded me of my Mom's Karuvepallai Kuzhambu:) She adds alot of black pepper which i used to hate.Yours look so inviting and surely this is one healthy dish!

  16. I love this..Every saturday or Sunday, there will be pathiya samaiyal at my home, either one weekend this dish will be dere..Yours looks awesome..Slightly different from mine..NExt time try panren.

  17. just need bowl of hot rice nd ur kuzhambu..hevently

  18. lovely recipe! Wish i could have this curry with rice,Yum Priya:)

  19. Oh my gosh! You have me drooling for this kozhambu! I have a bunch of curry leaves, I'll be making this asap!

  20. This is new to me Priya..and I'm sure my husband and me would love it.. I've bookmarked it.. shall make it soon...

    Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog..

  21. Priya, Thanks a lot for this recipe ...Came out so well recipe for this winter...Thanks once again...

  22. check this out looks like yours


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