
Saturday, September 9, 2017

Asparagus Paruppu Usili/Asparagus Steamed Dal Stir-fry

Asparagus, this vegetable is completely new for me before few years, but blogging world taught me how to make delicious dishes out of this incredible vegetable. Asparagus is a very good source of fiber, folate and vitamins. The most common variety of Asparagus is green but you might have seen two other varieties in Supermarkets. White asparagus is more delicate and difficult to harvest while the purple ones are smaller and fruitier in flavor. However Asparagus is a tasty and versatile vegetable that can be cooked or else enjoyed as raw in salads. Do you know this vegetable is super healthy as much as like Broccoli. Highly packed with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, Asparagus has been used as a medicinal vegetable for many years. Asparagus's nutrition benefits are seriously very impressive because its has no fat and very low in calories. Its also very much rich in proteins, hence this protein rich vegetable can be added in your diet quite often to keep yourself fit.

Asparagus Paruppu Usili

Spring is the best season for fresh asparagus. Crops are harvested from late February to June. Paruppu usili, this excellent protein rich steamed dal stir fry is definitely a fantastic side dish to relish either with South Indian buttermilk based gravy aka Mor Kuzhambu or else with rasam aka Indian spiced soup. Paruppu usili calls either for Toor dal, channadal, moong dal or else a combination of two dals. This dish is one of the popular Tamil brahmin recipe. Usually paruppu usili is prepared with cluster beans, banana blossom, however Asparagus works awesome to make this fantastic protein rich side dish. If you are a follower of my space, you might have noticed that i have been posting protein rich foods as the theme for this month's blogging marathon is Protein rich dishes. Do check the other marathoners space to know what they are cooking for this month's theme.

Asparagus Dal curry, Asparagus Usili

1/4kg Green Asaparagus (chopped)
1/2tsp Mustard seeds
1/2tsp Urad dal
1/2tsp Fennel seeds
Few curry leaves
1no Onion (chopped)
1/4cup Grated coconut
1tbsp Oil

To grind:
1/2cup Toor dal (soaked for an hour)
2nos Dry red chillies
A pinch Asafoetida powder

Grind the soaked toor dal, dry red chillies, asafoetida powder, salt in a mixie jar, blend as bit coarse paste.

Make small balls of the grounded paste and steam cook for 7-8minutes. Remove the cooked dal balls.

Smash them, keep aside.

Heat enough oil in a pan, let splutters the mustard seeds, fennel seeds,urad dal, curry leaves.

Now add the chopped onions and cook until the onions turns transculent.

Asparagus Usili, Asparagus Paruppu usili

Add the chopped asparagus, salt and cook in simmer until the asparagus gets half cooked.

Add in the already prepared smashed cooked dal mixture and cook for few minutes.

Finally add the grated coconut and put off the stove.

Serve hot.
Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM# 80


  1. Priya only you can come up with such innovative recipes , what a excellent fusion . Loved the dish , wish asparagus was easily accessible here .

  2. Have never thought about making usli with asparagus.. Such a classic lunch side dish..

  3. I have never tasted asparagus but love paruppu usli made with any vegetable. This one is so innovative!

  4. I have never used asparagus in my kitchen. Your fusion recipe looks super tempting to start to try cooking with the veggie.

  5. We don't get asparagus here. But as this usili sounds so innovative and looks so inviting I really would love to try it.

  6. That is such a cool combination of asparagus and parupusili. Lovely idea. I have never tried adding coconut to usili...that seems to click together too.

  7. The only time I have used asparagus is to make some Continental dish and I have loved it. This fusion is amazing. Must try it out.

  8. I make asparagus thoran pretty frequently, will try in usili too! Thanks a ton for showing this Priya!

  9. Have never tasted asparagus. but i know paruppu usili is very tasty. So eager to remake this asparagus usli

  10. During my visit to Montreal, I used asparagus for the first time in my cooking. I've tasted it at restaurants but never made it at home. Its such a wonderful veggie to use. I love your recipe and am surely going to try it when I get some asparagus. Never seen purple asparagus.

  11. Wow this is a great idea. Great way to include asparagus in Indian cooking.

  12. Ah wonderful Priya, what a wonderful twist you have here..I have never cooked with asparagus and you have a regular dish here!..too good..

  13. Awesome recipe Priya,i make poriyal with asparagus.Never made usili,kudos to your innovation.

  14. lovey crunch from asparagus there - love paruppu Uslis of any veggie.

  15. I have also planned a paruppu usli recipe for this mega marathon. asparagus paruppu usli should have been very crunchy. Nice idea.


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