
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Boterkoek - Dutch Butter Cake

Dutch Cuisine is well known for its simple dishes with many vegetables and little meat. Dutch cuisine means Netherlands cuisine and their foods are not well known as other International cuisines like French,American or Chinese,but there are many Dutch delights which you must try atleast once in your kitchen.Those delicious Dutch foods includes Poffertjes, the small,fluffy pancakes traditionally consumed during fall and winter,Bitterballen the deep fried snack balls typically served with mustard sauce as dipping,Stroopwafels, a delicious chewy cookie,Oliebollen the popular doughnuts,Limburgse Vlaai, a delicious pie with a tasty light crust, Patat the Dutch style french fries etc and the list goes on. I always want to make their utterly delicious super buttery cake ' the famous Boterkoek'. Finally i got a chance to give a try to this incredible bake as this month's  International Food Challenge ,a monthly event started by  wonderful food blogger Sara goes Dutch Cuisine.

Boterkoek,Dutch Butter Cake
Coming to this Super buttery cake, this cake is seriously very easy to make.This cake is traditionally made in a round baking tin and have characteristic lines on the surface which makes this cake top little crispy once baked. However this cake is simple, just put all the ingredients together and bake this cake. You can also half the flour with grounded almonds or dessicated coconut to give a different flavor to this beautiful,fabulous cake.I baked mine in a round pie pan with removable base which helped a lot to remove this cake easily from the tin.

Boterkoek,Dutch cake

Recipe Source: All Recipes
1cup Butter (softened)
1+1/2cups Sugar
2nos Eggs (beaten)
1tbsp Almond extract
2+1/2cups All purpose flour
2tsp Baking pwder
Almond flakes

Preheat the oven to 180C/350F, grease two 8inch round cake pans or pie tins.

Beat the butter and sugar until the mixture turns light and fluffy. Remove two tablespoons of beaten eggs and keep aside.

Add the eggs to the mixture, beat it well.

Sieve the flour and baking powder ,keep aside.

Stir in the almond extract, now add the flur and stir the batter using a spatula, the dough will be stiff.

Press this dough to the prepared pans.

Brush the top with the egg mixture and sprinkle the almond flakes.

Bake the cake for 30minutes or until the top turns golden brown, let it cool.

Cut into wedges and enjoy.

Dutch Butter Cake

250grs de beurre 
1+1/2verre de sucre
2 oeufs (battus )
1c à soupe d'extrait d'amande
2+1/2verre de Farine de blé
2c à café de Levure chimique
Amandes effilées

Préchauffez le four à 180 ° C / 350 ° F,graissez deux moules à gâteaux ronds ou deux moules à tarte .

Battre le beurre et le sucre jusqu'à ce que le mélange devienne léger.

Retirez deux cuillères à soupe des œufs battus pour badigeonner la pâte.

Ajouter les oeufs au mélange, bien battre.

Tamiser la farine et la levure , garder de côté .

Incorporer l'extrait d'amande,ajouter la farine et remuer la pâte à l'aide d'une spatule.

Appuyez  cette pâte dans les moules préparés .

Badigeonner le dessus avec le mélange d'oeuf et saupoudrer les amandes effilées .

Cuire le gâteau pendant 30 minutes ou jusqu'à ce que le dessus soit bien dorée , laissez-le refroidir .

Coupez la gâteau et dégustez.


  1. A very moist and beautiful cake!
    Happy New Year, Priya!

  2. Beautiful cake with tea.
    Happy New Year. xo Catherine

  3. Thats a very rick cake akka. Happy new year to you

  4. such a beautiful cake!!! love it!!

  5. yummy and rich butter cake, looks super delicious.


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