
Thursday, October 9, 2008


Yep...i have been tagged by Ramya for 7 facts of meme...This is really a wonderful opportunity for me to speak about me n watever i love to do..i have to say really thanks to Ramya...

a) List the rules on the blog
b) Share 7 facts about you
c) Tag 7 other people at the end of the blog

Fortunately i finished the rules..hehe

1) I Love cooking n creating new recipes with my own knowledge, i dont like to trash anything..i wont allow anyone at home to waste foods very proud to say insert any new stuffs in our dish, i always play with our favourite veggies r non veggies..

2)I have loads n loads of passions for music, my all time favourite musician is Illayaraj, i love all his 80's a die hard fan of Unnikrishnan an awesome Carnatic singer...i love soul soothing songs to relax myself after a long day..

3)My another passion is embroidery, knitting...i would love to learn more n more about them..i started embroidery n knitting when i was too young...i learned them from my mom, who was always my inspiration for wat i am....

4)I love Chocolates, my all time favourite is Dairy milk Chocolate n 5 star...even now whenever i go to Indian shops, i'll be searching for 5star eventhough am living in Paris, am addict to those chocolate bars..

5)My favourite place in my home is Kitchen..I always want to be Queen of my Kitchen...wont let anyone that much easily to interfer while am an energtic person...i dont like to be idle..i'll keep myself always busy...

6)I love friendship...fortunately i have met lovely friends through net, eventhough we never met, they r really supportive to very proud n happy to get a bunch of lovely friends besides me...

7)Last but not Least..Love My Cute Family..
Hoorayyy i finished the second rule!!!!
here we go for the third rule, am gonna tag:
Divya Vikram


  1. Hey dear nice reading your meme...gud to know more abt you :)..and thanks for tagging me..I have done this here

  2. Enjoyed ur Meme Priya.. Glad to know u more

  3. Priya,
    Happy to know about you. I like to keep engaged too and be happy always. Add me to tag list too ;-) Keep going energetic priya, queen of kitchen, music lover, knitting queen, great mom, soleete pogalaame.. i need a big list and your blog will be full..

  4. I love that you hate to waste food, Priya: I tend to feel that way too.
    Good to know more about you. I'll definitely try and do the meme.

  5. Hi,Nice to know about you Priya...I am a great fan of Illaiyaraja too...esp' same 80's!

  6. Thanks ramya..ABhi sure will tag u soon..hehe..thanks abhi love ur comments..

    Thanks Vaishali..would love to know more about u too..

    Hi Malar..glad to see u here.. cool we both have same preference..

  7. Priya, i just added you as a friend in foodbuzz and you have shared some things about you. Perfect timing! :-) and nice to know about u...

  8. Hi Vibaas, thanks for adding n glad to be ur friend..

  9. Love reading your meme..Glad to know u more..
    Thanks for tagging me priya :)I have done this here

  10. Thanks for the tag...have already done it earlier, will post tomm on it


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