
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Eggless Coconut & Cashew Cookies

Dunno why, i just love coconut flavor in cakes,muffins and in breads. Whenever i feel like munching  coconut flavored baked goodies, i dont think twice to bake something coconuty. Few weeks back, i couldnt stop myself baking out some dangerously delicious cookies with both coconut and cashew nuts. Cashew nuts is one among my favourite nuts which i never fail to cook with often. Obviously i combined both coconut and cashew nuts together for baking some cheat version of the popular Good day biscuits. I still remember how delicious those cashew nuts loaded good day biscuits will be. I can never forget the taste of this biscuits as much as like the popular bourbon biscuits. Even now, whenever i go to India, i dont forget to grab a packet of these biscuits. Few biscuits are seriously very close of our hearts na.

Eggless Coconut & Cashew Cookies

If you love cashew nuts in your cookies, then you must definitely give a try to this scrumptious cookies. Though i used dessicated coconut in this cookies, you can still bake this cookies with freshly but roasted grated coconut, however dessicated coconut works awesome in this cookies. A prefect cookies to enjoy with a cup of tea or coffee for a chilled evening snacks. However if you want to skip completely the coconut, you can bake this cookies completely with cashew nuts. Easy to bake, these cookies are just prefect to pack in anyone's snack box. Anyone can enjoy these cookies even for their breakfast instead of a bread toast or cereals. This ultimate cookies are going to be a part of this month's Bake-A-Thon, a baking event which i will be running only on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Cashew & Coconut Cookies, Eggless Cashew cookies

1cup All purpose flour
1/4cup Dessicated coconut
1/4cup Cashew nuts (broken as small pieces)
1/2tsp Baking powder
1/2cup Confectioner's Sugar
1/4tsp Salt
1/2cup Butter
1tsp Vanilla extract
Milk (as per need)

Preheat the oven to 350F..

Mix together the confectioner's sugar,flour,baking powder, dessicated coconut, broken cashewnuts and salt in a large bowl, add gradually the melted butter and vanilla extract.

Now mix everything well,use the milk as per need to form a soft dough.

Make small balls from the soft dough, flatten them slightly.

Eggless Cashew Coconut Cookies

Place them over a baking sheet lined over a baking tray with enough space in between.

Make criss cross impressions with a fork gently.

Bake them for 12-15minutes until the edges turns golden brown.

Let them cool completely and enjoy with a cup of tea.

Eggless Cashew & Coconut Cookies


 Check out the other bloggers doing this Bake-a-thon


  1. I have never tried biscuits with cashews , almonds yes ! I am loving these biscuits , they are so tempting and look so crunchy . Wish I could pick them from the screen !

  2. We too love goodday cookies and they are regular in our home with tea time. Your version cashew cookies must be really good and they look very inviting.

  3. Two of my favorite ingredients in that cookie and so beautifully presented. I guarantee you you won't get that platter back empty... thank God I can't pick it up... hehe...

  4. bakery style stuff ! Semma irukku, priya ! can imagine the flavours in that cookie !

  5. As I can see your love for coconut, it's tempting me to try. These coconut and cashew cookies are lovely

  6. Those cookies look so buttery and fantastic!..very nice and so love coconut.

  7. This is so perfect.. Im so tempted to try this out!!

  8. Irresistible cookies,looks so buttery with the coconut flavor.

  9. Cookies are so tempting, perfectly baked and crunchy!!! Loved these buttery cookies!!

  10. Good day biscuits are our fav too. With a cup of coffee, these biscuits will taste so fantastic.

  11. Oh my those cookies look fabulous priya, perfectly shaped and a lovely snack with evening tea. The aroma of nutty coconut must be amazing in the cookies, delciious bake!

  12. Your cookies look exactly like Good-day biscuits Priya. I love the cashew flavor in these - will have to try them out.

  13. I remember those cookies with cashews. I loved those. Your version looks just like them. Cashew and coconut - awesome combo.

  14. they look so pretty and love the coconut in them though I would probably omit the cashews :)

  15. These cookies remind me of the Good Day Cashew Biscuits that we get in India. These are so nicely baked and I am sure coconut must have added a nutty flavor to these!!

  16. This reminds me of the gooday cashew biscuits. These look so buttery and delicious, Super recipe Priya

  17. Oh who will say no to these cute and delicious cookies. Perfectly baked and looks so buttery. Feel like grabbing some from the plate.

  18. Yum they are. Such a nice texture. Somehow I have never baked a cookie with coconut, as I do not like coconut much, but will definitely try for my son, as he loves them in bakes.

  19. Oh my! These cookies look so good. Let me note the ingredients. I'm going to try today itself....delicious


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