
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Potato & Paneer Stuffed Yeasted Muffins

Preparing a lunch box for school going kids is definitely a big task for most of the Indian mummies. Thank god, i dont have to prepare lunch box for my kids. Since i want to go through the experience of packing foods for kids, i chosed this week's theme for blogging marathon as Mess free tiffin box. After posting biscottis for a simple snack box and a healthy nutritious sandwich for a lunch box, today am landing to this yeasted muffins.Y i named this beautiful dish as muffins, coz instead of making stuffed buns, i simply went for a muffin tray for making this stuffed beauties, so that you can get a prefect muffin shaped stuffed buns.

I used an eggless, butterless bread dough for making these stuffed yeasted muffins.These yeasted bread muffins stays super spongy even after a day,if you conserve them properly. With a simple salad, this yeasted muffins makes a wonderful lunch box for any ages. I went for potatoes and paneer cubes for the stuffing masala, kids will definitely enjoy the filling and their lunch box.You can definitely see the empty lunch box if you pack this yeasted muffins.Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#34.

3cups All purpose flour
2tsp Active dry yeast
1/2tsp Sugar
1tsp Salt
1/2cup Luke warm water
3tbsp Olive oil

Mix the yeast,sugar and salt in luke warm water and keep aside for 5minutes until the yeast turns foamy.

Take the flour in a large vessel, add gradually the foamy yeast and olive oil, knead everything as smooth and soft dough.

 Arrange the dough in a greased bowl,keep in a warm place for atleast for an hour or let the dough gets doubled their volume..

Mixed veggies & Paneer stuffing:
1cup Potatoes (chopped)
1cup Cubed paneer
1/4tsp Cumin seeds
1tsp Garam masala powder
1no Onion (big & chopped)
2nos Green chillies (chopped)

Heat oil in a pan, let crack the cumin seeds, add immediately the chopped onions,chopped green chillies, saute until the onions turns transculent.

Add immediately the chopped potatoes,saute everything for few minutes,now add the garam masala powder,salt and cook everything in simmer until the potatoes gets well cooked(springle water if needed).

Finally add the cubed paneer,give a quick stir and put off the stove,keep aside and let the masala get cooled completely..

Preheat the oven to 350F,grease the muffin tray and keep aside.

Punch down the dough and make 10-12medium sized balls.

Flatten them with a rolling pin as a small thick disc, place the already prepared masala,over the masala completely with the dough, shape the dough as buns.

Arrange the stuffed buns to the greased muffin tray.

Let it stay for an hour until its rises a bit.

Brush with oil on the top.

Bake in middle rack for 20-25minutes until the crust turns golden brown.

Let it cool in wire rack.



  1. wow thats an interesting savoury stuffed muffins and looks so delicious :) tempting me aks !!

  2. Interesting masala stuffed muffin,looks so yummy

  3. Very interesting and inviting,looks delicious.Wish to have some now..

  4. Very nice them. Superb Priya.

  5. wow..yeasted muffins with savory potato paneer stuffing, sounds too delicious and perfectly done!

  6. Beautiful color of the crust, all time favorite!

  7. Wow..the entire thing has changed for good Priya..It's been long since I came here (anywhere else as well.bit engaged with home stuff)and what new refreshing fell here..Superbly nice priya..Loved it.And the muffin idea fascinates me even more..How I long for one of my favorite filling there..Yum!

  8. Book marked right away even without reading the recipe...they look adorable...yum is the word.

  9. oh these are a beauty!! I call them masala buns!!

  10. These muffins look superb. Simply delicious. Would love to munch on those.

    On-going event: Dish it out: coconut and sugar/salt
    Eat seasonal fruits, fresh

  11. Mmm.... Love the combination of potato and paneer... Wanna finish all the buns....

  12. Very tempting recipe.. nice and elegant capture.. thanks for sharing :)

  13. Stuffed buns always tempt me...these look droolicious.....

  14. definitely a yummy great lunch box.. loved the idea of keeping it in the muffin

  15. WOW!!! Priya looks amazing. Very interesting muffin.

  16. The dish looks so tempting priya..what a lovely idea..enjoyed your series!

  17. looks gr8.. interesting combo of paneer and potato.. :)

  18. wow muffins look incredible aks :) such perfect smooth tops

  19. this looks like a really tempting muffin for a chai time... lovely...

  20. Stuffed buns in muffin avatar look so cute and delicious. Well prepared. Lovely clicks.
    Thanks for sharing.

  21. Priua your bread muffins love so stunning & love that filling. wonderful idea for the tiffen box.

  22. They look so soft and yummy. And a great tasty filling.

  23. awesome akka/...wish to grab it right now

  24. that does look like a great snack to put in the lunch box, love the stuffing

  25. Me too bookmarking this to try!!! they look adorable and kuttu will love them for sure!!! :)

  26. Yummy potato paneer muffins.. Excellent kids snacks box recipe..

  27. these savory muffins are great to have on the go

  28. Hey Priya!
    Came across your blog from foodgawker. Wow! What an extensive library of recipes you've got there!
    Nice to know you. Do check out my blog at
    I am still a novice and have just a few recipeson it :) but would love your feedback

  29. Excellent one, I am packing my son lunch at 6.30Am here. Lucky you! I should try out this one!

  30. Those savory muffins looks so yummy ! Bookmarked ...

  31. Lovely idea to use the muffin pans, they look so cute..

  32. These stuffed buns are my favorite! We buy something similar from Hot Breads and my kids love this!

  33. I woder how you manage all this Priya...Working, taking care of home and kids and then cookng so much of varieties of food!! Hats off to you...

    And btw, the stuffed bread looks yum!

  34. Very tempting Priya . Looks awesome

  35. That potato paneer stuffing sounds awesome. Rolls look perfect.

  36. Lovely buns! Love the stuffing as well..Had a different version of the buns for a snack today!

  37. Perfectly done. Stuffed buns look awesome


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