
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Foolish Bread

I got this foolish bread recipe through British Food which i wanted to try out immediately and prepared making this bread friday, this bread goes for a starter dough which u have to make before a day, this bread turned out super prefect,very much like a bakery bread we get here..This foolish bread turned out dense, slightly chewy with a prefect crust...This bread slices suites awesome to serve along with sounds, ideal for making sandwiches and y not a for a toast..We guys enjoyed having this bread for our breakfast with butter and jam along with a cup of coffee and for snacks with nutella spread..This bread is quite easy to prepare if u have prepared ur starter dough before a day..Also the original recipe says that no one seems to know y this bread is called as Foolish Bread, even i dont care coz we loved this bread, no matter about the name at all na..

Foolish Bread

1+1/2cups White flour
1/2tsp Dry yeast
2/3cup Warm water

2cups White flour
1/2cup Luke warm water
1 +1/4 tsps Dry yeast
2tsp Salt

Place the flour and yeast into a large mixing bowl, add the water, stirring until a wet dough is formed. Cover with a lid and leave overnight...

Next day,place the flour in a large mixing bowl..Add the water and yeast and sprinkle the salt around the edge of the flour.Add the starter dough. Stir well all the ingredients until they turns as little bit sticky dough.

Once the kneading is complete,arrange the dough in greased bowl and cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for one hour .Remove the dough from the bowl and shape into a round, flat disc. Place on a greased baking sheet. Cover with a cloth and leave in a warm, but not hot place for another hour. The dough should have doubled in size.

Preheat the oven to 450F..Once the dough is doubled, take a very sharp knife and lightly slash the surface of the dough two or three times diagonally make sure you only slash the surface, not cutting down into the dough. Bake for 15 minutes. Turn the oven down to 425°F and bake for 25 minutes until the crust turns golden brown. The bread is ready when it sounds hollow when tapped on the base.


  1. This looks beautiful I need the guts to try baking breads. You make it sound so easy. May be I will one day.

  2. Very nice looking loaf Priya. Thanks for the entry.

  3. Bread is looking super good... never tried bread with pre ferment dough.

  4. Awesome...Looks so tempting.,..Thanks for sharing

  5. Well explained and simple one, will surely give a try, Thanks for the recipe

  6. Wow Priya,

    This bread looks perfect.I have a long list to try from your recipes and this joins it.

  7. I was always skeptical abt baking bread... This sounds comfortable and confident...

  8. This is a fabulous looking bread with a very funny name. I like the look of the crispy crust!

  9. Thats a lovely bread and cant avoid the laughter after hearing the name...

  10. aaha- lovely looking bread priya, i agree with archana u do make it sound easy 1 loved the recipe

  11. why is it foolish? it looks delicious to me! ;)

  12. Wow, this bread looks and sounds delicious!

  13. Foolish or not I still want some...hehe.

  14. Hey this sounds so to check it out!

  15. Looks crunchy out and soft inside...

  16. This really looks awesome .. but i have been trying to bake bread but never got success:)

  17. Looks so nice. No one could say that it is home baked..

  18. Name sounds funny, but bread looks so yummy!

  19. I like its name and bread looks great!!

  20. That is a great looking bread dear. Love the name as well :)

  21. Perfect and yummy bread,looks awesome.

  22. Foolish, huh?!! lol. Wonder how it got its name...! Looks crusty and rustic- just the way we love it!

  23. The bread looks awesome although the name of the bread sounds a bit weird :)

  24. I love the name of the bread and it looks so so yumm.

  25. Love the name..:)...came out perfect

  26. I also loved the name.. ur bread loks super good..never had this bread thoug !!

  27. Foolish bread actually looks really good..any idea why it named so?:)

    US Masala

  28. Wow! Got a funny name though. Bread looks perfect and fresh. Sue going to try this.

  29. how coincidental! my bread has been baking!

  30. congrats priya on ur win from healing food: brinjal event ! u deserve it and keep rocking gal !

  31. Hi Priya

    Bread looks to be so perfect and delicious. Mouthwatering preparation.
    Hamaree Rasoi

  32. I have been so desperately looking for a simple bread recipe and finally i found it :) I do however have a question. About the ingredients you said starter and then bread .. didn't understand that part !

  33. Bread looks so yum and easy to prepare.Maybe its a fool proof recipe and hence the name.Just thinking aloud :).

  34. Priya-Such a beautiful perfect bread. I like the starter, I think it really helps make the bread better. Nice and seems like an easy recipe. Would certainly like to try this.

  35. bread looks superb and yummy dear......

  36. would love to try this one never baked one before.

  37. Wow Excellent bread and step-by step pics. Looks great Priya

  38. This is a very simple recipe.And the bread looks perfectly baked..

  39. This is a very simple recipe.And the bread looks perfectly baked..

  40. Perfectly baked bread!!! I wonder too why it is named so...?? Nothing foolish about it...Looks fabulous!!
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  41. Foolish or not, it looks just scrumptious.

  42. the bread looks so good!...i wish i could bake like u!

  43. What a catchy name and the bread looks rustic and perfect.
    You can also send it to my event only cooking with bread.



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