
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Onion & Leeks Soup

Its getting really very cold here, i was really not feeling comfortable with this climate..I love soups that too simple soups without too much of veggies and chopping and sauting..I planned to make out french onion soup for our dinner together..but finally i prepared a simple creamy soup with onions and leeks which were laying in fridge..This simple soup hardly needs few minutes and tastes fantastic and prefect for dinner while its cold.The edible portions of the leek are the white onion base and light green stalk. The onion-like layers form around a core. The tender core may be eaten, but if leeks stay for a long, the core becomes woody and very chewy..Leek has a mild onion-like taste, although less bitter than scallion. The taste might be described as a mix of mild onion and cucumber. It has a fresh smell similar to scallion. In its raw state, the vegetable is crunchy and firm.

Leek is typically chopped into slices 5-10mm thick. The slices have a tendency to fall apart, due to the layered structure of the leek..Leeks also contain good amounts of folic acid, calcium, potassium, and vitamin C. Easier to digest than standard onions also leeks have laxative, antiseptic, diuretic, and anti-arthritic properties. Needless to say how healthy, real comforting and prefect soup for winter..

2nos Onions (big & chopped lengthwise)
2nos Leeks (white part &chopped finely)
3cups Vegetable broth
1/4tsp Dry basil leaves
1/4tsp Pepper powder
2tsp Cornflour
1/2cup Water
Cream (as per need)
1tbsp Olive oil

Heat olive oil in a large sauce pan, add the chopped onions, saute until the onions turns transculent, add the chopped leeks and saute until the leeks get half add the vegetable broth, dry basil leaves, pepper powder and salt if needed...cook everything in simmer with lid closed until the veggies get well cooked..meanwhile make a thin white sauce with cornflour and water..Now add this sauce to the cooked veggies and cook until the soup thickens..

Serve this soup with cream..enjoy this delicious soup!!!


  1. perfect comfort food..thats all is needed in the cold winter now...

  2. Yummy.. I love soups. Perfect for Wisconsin weather

  3. Winter blues are horrible- only early mornin and night we do have a little chill weather. Nice warming soup!

  4. Yummy thick soup....i dont like soups,but this one sounds too good becoz of my fav onion and leeks...

  5. perfect for this weather..........nice onion and leeks in soup.

  6. Hey Priya, perfect for this weather!!

  7. Ooh..Yummy Soup..
    bookmarking it for my winter must haves ...

  8. delicious soup priya....tempting pics, dear! different!

  9. This really looks so nice and healthy priya...leeks gives a nice flavour to the soup..nice one

  10. Perfect warm soup for this winter! Today windy here so ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz

  11. Soup looks yum. Perfect for this cool weather:).

  12. Simple and comforting soup for this season.Thanks for sharing Priya dear.

  13. Man I wud do anything to grab the bowl from the screen!! ;)
    Was just looking out of my window and cudnt see what was before me for 10 metres...So foggy and cold.. This soup would comfort me!! Soon... :)

  14. Looks delicious and healthy...

  15. I love leeks but unfortunately we dont get them here :-(
    Soup looks yummy and comforting :-)

  16. Very comforting soup Priya...nice combination of onion and leeks :)

  17. what a yummy soup. Just send this bowl here!!!

  18. Hearty soup.I love leek soups.Again perfect entry

  19. I have been meaning to make soup with leeks but no time really!!Liked your soup!!

  20. leeks are one of the best veggies out there at the moment. This soup looks amazing. Thanks for reminding me I need to cook with them!


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