
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mixed Beans & Raw Banana Cutlet

Usually i used to soak either a packet of dry beans or few kgs of various varieties of dry beans and i will freeze them to use later while cooking, this is really very handy for me even if i forget to soak channa or any other dry beans for making out any dish...these frozen beans are ready for anytime to help us for cooking..Two months back i have freezed some white channas, rajmas,black-eyed peas, blackbeans,double beans,kala channas,dry green peas, after using for various dishes there were some leftover frozen beans and i mixed everything and pressure cooked them with salt which i planned to temper and have as sundal, but finally my little mind changed as usual and i finished making out some delicious cutlets with raw banana and with some left over breads, have a look at the picture how crisps these cutlets are, yea they tastes marvellous with rice for our lunch and also suits prefect for snacks as my lil one enjoyed having these crispies with ketchup..

2cups Mixed beans (any type & soaked)
1no Raw banana
1no Onion(chopped finely)
1/2tsp Garam masala powder
1/4tsp Turmeric powder
3/4tsp Red chilly powder
3nos Bread slices
2tbsp Coriander leaves (chopped)

Pressure cook the mixed beans with enough salt and water upto 3 hisses, keep aside and let them cool, meanwhile peel the skin of raw banana, cut as large pieces and pressure cook (dont add water to the raw banana pieces but dont forget to add water in the pressure cooker) upto 3 hisses, drain the excess of water from the cooked beans..take the cooked beans and cooked raw banana pieces, mash everything nicely with ur fingers as coarse paste..heat few drops of oil and saute the chopped onions with garam masala powder, turmeric powder,salt and red chilly powder, add this spiced onions to the already mashed paste, soak the bread slices in water and press the soaked bread slices to squeeze out the excess of water with ur palms.. add this smashed bread slices and coriander leaves to the beans-raw banana paste..Mix everything well.

Make out small balls out of the beans-raw banana paste and flatten them with ur palms as any shape as desire...Heat oil for shallow frying and fry on both sides until the cutlets turns golden brown, drain the excess oil with paper towel..

Enjoy with any chutneys or simply with ketchup...


  1. cutlet looks so crispy and yummy, dear!! to have it with tea...perfect evening snack!

  2. Never made cutlets using raw banana,surely sounds good and quiet a nice idea...looks crispy and as usualy it looks yummy too

  3. yummy cutlets.just send me that whole plate.Very innovative dish

  4. wow...........priya cutlet with raw sounds intresting and delicious......sure will try this and let u know the outcome.

  5. I love the idea that you soak the lentils and keep in the freezer,

  6. Nice snack idea..healthy and yummy..

  7. This is a nice crsipy snack...Any kid would love it..A full protien pack..

  8. நல்ல ஐடியா!! கட்லர் ரொம்ப சூப்பராயிருக்கு ப்ரியா...

  9. Droolz! Yummy cutlet! Looks delectable and tempting! Awesome!

  10. looks crisp and yumm dear! the sauce complements the cutlet so well visually too :)

  11. Looks crunchy and delicious....

  12. yummy..a good snack to have..this made me remember to post one of mines..lying in the draft..

  13. crispy yum and protein packed...some green chatni please.

  14. WOwow, super .. Wish to have it rite now ;)

  15. gr8 idea. I used to through the leftover beans which i used to freeze jus like yours. This weekend i will try this for sure..

  16. Same pinch, I too made Cutlet yesterday but with potatoes!
    Nice idea of incorporating raw banana n sure tastes great and is healthy too :)

  17. very nice priya..I love that u hav added raw banana to a cutlet,where people usually dont.

  18. Cutlets are looking nice, Priya. Like the addition of raw banannas, must be delicious..

  19. Droolz! Cutlet is very scrumptious and tempting! These beauties look cute too!

  20. raw banana cutlet is new to me but looks super.

  21. Looks so good, perfect for the winter months.

  22. Fantastic combo. Absolutely new recipe for me.Thanks for this lovely evening snacks.
    Please collect your award from my blog.

  23. Nice crispy cutlets and also healthy. Perfect evening snack with tea :)

  24. Protein rich I guess freezing the soaking beans is excellent idea!

  25. looks very crispy and healthy!! Nice and creative recipe, as usual!!

  26. nice combo Priya! Cutlets look so scrumptious :)

  27. I like vegetable cutlets and used to have them from royal bakery. Earlier I used to visit the bakery daily to have my after luch stomach satisfaction. This has then further moved to a busy schedule and I dont find time to go there.

    The cutlet with banana and mixed beans appears new recipe and yes ofcourse should be delicious.

    I never heard about it before so it shouldbe your discovery. Nice work boss!!!

  28. thats a rare combo..but it looks so yummy..

  29. innovative!
    Looks perfect,crispy and yummy.
    Please accept the awards from my blog, dear.

  30. the cutlets look crispy and nice Priya, I'll enjoy with some hot chilly sauce!!

  31. Never tried this,Innovative,perfect match with tea


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