
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Spicy Bottlegourd Chutney

Bottlegourd is one of the earliest vegetables cultivated by man, believed to be originated in Africa. Bottle gourd, not very familiar to the western world, is one of the favorite vegetables in Indian Cuisine. It grows in humid weather of India, Sri Lanka and other tropical countries. The bottle gourd is low in fat and cholesterol yet high in dietary fibre. It contains 96% water and 100gm of it contains around 12 Kcal. It is rich in iron and also has vitamins C and B is excellent for light, low-cal diets, as well as for small children, people with digestive problems, diabetics and convalescents. its high water content makes it very cooling. The cooked Bottle Gourd is cooling, calming, diuretic and easy to digest. It is also effective against constipation and other digestive disorders.Ayurveda suggests Bottle gourd juice once daily in the early morning for treating graying Hair.The Bottle Gourd juice is used in treatment of stomach acidity, indigestions and ulcers. A glass of lauki juice with a little salt added to it prevents excessive loss of sodium, quenches thirst & helps in preventing fatigue,excessive loss of sodium, satiating thirst and keeping you refreshed in summer.Here is a simple,spicy chutney with bottlegourd chunks grinded with dry red chillies, grated coconut,urad dal and tamarind, suits prefect with hot idlis,dosas,curd rice and rice porridge...

2cups Bottlegourd chunks
4nos Dry red chillies
1tbsp Urad dal
2tbsp Grated coconut
1no Tamarind (blueberry size)
1/4tsp Mustard seeds
5nos Curryleaves

Heat few drops of oil, fry the urad dal, dry red chillies until golden brown...keep aside..sauté the bottlegourd chunks in the same pan for few minutes,dry roast the grated coconut..take the cooked bottlegourd chinks, roasted coconut,tamarind,fried urad dal,salt and redchillies in a mixie and grind as fine coarse paste..Heat the remaining oil,splutters the mustard seeds,curry leaves and pour over the grounded paste and serve as side dish...


  1. Chutney looks yumm, i love the newlook of you place.

  2. Great info on the Botlle gourd , Priya!BTW I didnot know it originated in Africa..The chutney looks fab!

  3. Wow never heard of bottle gourd chutney before, you are so innovative dear :)

  4. nice idea of making chutney out of bottlegourd.....the new look of your blog is very neat....

  5. That's a good way to eat bottle gourd. The new look, looks great.

  6. The New Look of ur blog looks Fantastic Priya .....Chutney is new to me....

  7. Chutney looks yumm!!! New look rocks!!

  8. Chutney is Fantastic! Really Nice info about Bottlegourd!

  9. This is a healthy and delicious-looking chutney Priya :)

  10. Looks great and love the new layout Priya. Looks awesome!

  11. Thogaiyal with bottlegourd looks inviting. I shall give it a try.

  12. chutney looks sooo yum yum!!,,love to try it out!

  13. nice info. dear bottle gourd chutney looks yummmmmmmm great.

  14. புது டெம்ப்ளேட் அழகா இருக்குப்பா.சுரைக்காய் சட்னி சூப்பர்,இதுவரை அதில் சட்னி செய்ததில்லை.

  15. chutney looks yum,,,never have tried using it...And loved the new look of your blog...just fantastic priya

  16. The new template looks cool priya.. The chutney looks yumm.. I saw a similar recipe in a book.. your look simple.. will give it a try..

  17. chuteny looks yummy!!

    The new look of the blog is also grt!!

  18. Never heard of bottlegourd are so creative..dear :)

  19. your recipe looks nice, but I do not like bottle guard so no comments..


  20. That looks like a healthy chutney Priya. Love your blog's new look.

  21. Wow I love this Almost i too do same way.. Healthy one..

  22. Beautiful template dear, chutney will surely taste yum.

  23. this is very different..and priya..please change ur font color..

  24. Like everyone, i love the new layout no more pink buddy!
    Yummy chutney!

  25. I liked your blog very much. I appreciate for your beautiful presentation and mouth watering picture of spicy chutney. It looks yummy and delicious and I shall try out your lovely recipe.
    You are welcome in my blogs.

  26. Delicious chutney dear! The blog template looks clean and chic priya!:)

  27. this looks like a thogayal... love it. :) got to try it sometime.

  28. Healthy chutney... looks yumm and also your new template.... appropriate for the fall season :)

  29. hi priya,quite different chutney...looks gud. Please accept the awards waiting for you in my blog!!!

  30. Love the new look Priya.Great it is just like all your recipes.Chutney looks great and is new to me


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